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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

Badbadbadbad September 19th, 2015


Badbadbadbad September 19th, 2015

im new here, to all this.. i don't really think i deserve this since im supposed to be healthy but people scare me. im always afraid.. my mom says im normal so i am but..

i dont have a diagnosis since im healthy but people scare me and im always scared and my mind is a loud and scary place and my mom has Bipolar disorder and she left us. she's with someone else now and im strong but im very very afraid.

Briana98 September 20th, 2015

I may have already posted here, but I figured I'd might as well do so again!

So hi everyone! I'm Briana, I'm 17 and a listener here. I've got social anxiety and I'm bipolar. I just wanted to let you all know that you're absolutely awesome and you can do this. Anxiety in any form makes life a lot harder, but it can also make you a lot more tough. I'll probably lurk around here from time to time and try to cheer people up c: Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! <3

Tinydancr September 20th, 2015

Hey everyone! ! =)

So I'm 30 and have been dealing with social anxiety disorder since I was 13. Every day is a struggle. I believe strongly in strengths based inventions and making people see the good in them. I blush a deep red when in front if others but I love to be around people so it's truly difficult. My job has helped me big time this year. I am wondering what others have tried. What works? I am interested in meeting new people. So hope to hear your thoughts! =)

theEagles September 21st, 2015

hi im sophie, im 16 and from canada. i think i have some sort of anxiety but im too scared to tell anyone in my life about it so i dont know if im just using that term loosely. i dont know what else to say so there. hey everyone

TranquilSkye30 September 22nd, 2015

@theEagles Hey Sophie! Welcome to the community. I hope you can find the tools you need here. Feel free to check out our Anxiety self-help guide, and the Anxiety Support Chat room for some extra support!

lightGrapefruit5241 September 22nd, 2015

Hey :) I'm Cassi. I've struggled with emetaphobia (fear of vomiting) for almost over 10 years :( I also have a generalized anxiety disorder, which just started to make its appearance in recent years. I've also dealt with slight OCD and a bit of depression from time to time. I get panic attacks pretty frequently, especially during certain times of the month. I haven't seen anybody else with my phobia on this website (yet), but I'm really hoping I can talk to some people who understand what that phobia is like-or just talking to people in general!

I decided to use alternative medicine to try to fix my anxiety, because I don't really want to be hooked on medication. But lately I've been re-considering a lot. :( Anxiety is such a tough thing to go through, and even harder to understand. I feel like you can't understand it unless you've had it! Ok, Sorry for the essay XD

AWorkofArtifice September 23rd, 2015

Hello! I also have struggles that fluctuate within the month. I am usually most tense and have the worst panic attacks during ovulation or my period(as if we needed periods to be any more dehabilitating). I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I hope you have a good rest of the day.

lightGrapefruit5241 September 24th, 2015

Aw, thanks for sharing! Great to know that somebody knows what it's like. Good luck! <3

AWorkofArtifice September 23rd, 2015

Good Morning,

My name is Rebecca. I suffer from GAD as well as panic attacks. I am doing well in my career, have a great mentor, and recently married to the most wonderful and supportive man in the world. You would think I would be happy and content but I struggle to remain positive. My thoughts continuously play the highlight real of my embarrassing moments and mistakes. Even if I have had a 99.999% successful day I will remember the one thing that went wrong. I struggle to find friends as I am a very tenacious young woman that is usually regarded as a "bitch" by others. I'm really not a bitch and it hurts to feel so alone.

shyHuman3051 September 24th, 2015

Hi all. I suffer with anxiety and infrequent panic attacks. I have always been shy and have found it hard to cope in social situations, especially the lead up to them. Lately my panic attacks have been more regular and seem to happen more at night time. Im not really sure why this is. I always feel very tense and find it very hard to completely relax. I suffered post natal depression after my second and third child, untreated as I was too embarrassed to tell anyone how I was feeling. It has pretty much disappeared now, but I still feel down every now and then. Glad I found this place as I just find it hard to talk to anyone about it all.

garnet2019 September 25th, 2015

Hey! I deal with ADD, post traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety. I have a hard time talking to people, mostly because I fear rejection or making someone angry. I am in my first year of college and am in the marching band playing flute/piccolo.

Tumb13weed September 25th, 2015

Hi there. I used to suffer from panic attacks fueled by what I believe was separation anxiety, quite recently. They've stopped; the anxiety hasn't, however. I've been a listener here for about a month now, with a strong preference for cases of anxiety. This site has helped me a lot.

Clouder September 28th, 2015

Hi, @Tumb13weed. I'm glad to hear the site has helped you. You're clearly doing a great job as a listener here. I hope you continue to find the site helpful :)

ciph0r September 26th, 2015

Hello! I'm Ciph0r and I've come back to 7cups to get on a proper path to recovery. I'm currently dealing OCD (Pure O) and GAD. ;w; It'll be nice to meet people who can relate to me? I dunno. I don't really know how to introduce myself, lmao sorry.

Clouder September 28th, 2015

Hey @ciph0r, welcome to the Anxiety Support Community. OCD and GAD can be very challenging to deal with, so it's great that you've come here for support. I hope you can click with some of the people you meet here. Our Anxiety Support group chat might be a good place to start. Best of luck on your path!

Clwood6683 September 26th, 2015


so I've suffered with anxiety for as long as can remember... I have no trigger and it's not specialised to one part of life... I hate the school run as I fear everyone's looking and judging...

I hate shopping for fear of dropping something... But the part I hate most of all is the overthinking when it comes to my relationship, I'm with my best friend... We've been friends for 14 years... Together for the first 2 of those and the last 1.... (We both split due to been young and dumb)

well now it's bad, I'm 8 weeks pregnant and my anxiety is messing this up for me! He goes to visit his son in Finland and all I can think is he's seeing his ex and cheating on me...However I trust him fully and know he would never but it's like something takes over and I'm sat there watching myself send such horrid and hurtful messages.... This is the second time it's happened and he can't take no more.. (I only acknowledged the anxiety this time)

how do I make it stop and help him understand... I'm not ready to give up on us and I know he isn't either, he wants this he just can't see passed the anxiety...

So please anyone... Help. I can't do this anymore. I feel so down and worthless.

Thanks for reading x

Clouder September 28th, 2015

Hi @Clwood6683, welcome to 7 Cups of Tea. Sorry to hear you're going through such a rough time at the moment. You might find it helpful to check out our Browse Listeners page, where you can select someone to talk to 1-on-1. If you like, you can search for listeners who specialise in supporting people with anxiety by using the category menu. Pregnancy can be challenging at the best of times. You don't have to deal with this alone :)

littleTown1503 September 28th, 2015

Hi all. I suffer with anxiety, mostly triggered by social situations. I have this fear that everyone is judging me. I go through ups and downs with it. I have good weeks and bad weeks. When Im feeling anxious, I can't be myself around people because I worry I may say something "stupid". When I have an anxiety attack, I burn up, start sweating and I can't think straight (as though I don't know what I want to say), sometimes I actually get up and walk away mid conversation because im freaking out, and then it makes my anxiety 10 times worse because I feel like I've embarrassed myself in front of everyone because I'm a stuttering, blushing mess. This started when I was 22. I am now 27. My doctor prescribed me propranolol to take as when I need it, because I'm only anxious in certain situations. But I really want to overcome this myself, rather than relying on medication. I know deep down that I have no reason to feel anxious or afraid of talking to people, but it's so hard to get my brain to realise that when it goes into panic mode.

SinkingShips September 28th, 2015


I have severe anxiety that doesn't have a trigger, but it's there pretty constantly anyway, and it's scary for me most of the time. I don't really know how to help it or what I can do, so I feel like I'm just really lost at the moment.

AimeeJayne01 September 28th, 2015

Hello, my name is Aimee. I am 22 and i am new here. I have generalized anxiety disorder, and also suffer from panic attacks, OCD, and depression. My anxiety is ever present, and i am supposed to be on medication for it..but don't take it. I am mostly on this site for depression but i thought i would check out the anxiety side as well.

heartsNcupcakes September 30th, 2015

@AimeeJayne01 Im so sorry to hear that you've been suffering, Aimee. You're absolutely not alone. Ive suffered from all of the same disorders and here I am! All the rooms are pretty supportive but feel free to check out the Anxiety Support Room, we hold discussions on anxiety and theres tons of people you can relate to and theyre wonderful! Also dont be afraid to connect to a listener 1-on-1 about your anxiety. We're always here for you <3

Typewriter September 29th, 2015

Hi there (: I'm currently in my last year of secondary school as head prefect with so many extracurricular commitments I feel like I'm struggling to keep my head above water. I used to have a couple of panic attacks a month, but those slowed down a few months ago. I've been diagnosed with POTS (heart condition) and Fibromayalga. I don't have set triggers, with the exception of certain scifi films (Like World War Z - gave me nightmares for months) which I struggle with because my Dad loves these films and he doesn't understand why I won't watch them. I've also been diagnosed with GAD.

I joined 7 Cups of Tea a few months back but got so busy I forgot to use it. Back again, I'm here hoping to find support as I try to get through the rest of this year and start university next year. Thanks for reading (:

heartsNcupcakes September 29th, 2015

Hai @Typewriter, thank you for sharing your story with us. Im sorry that you're going through such a rough time. However, welcome back to 7 Cups of Tea and I sincerely hope you do find the support you're looking for here as many others have. Feel free to browse the available listeners section for a 1-on-1 session or come hang in the anxiety chat room from time to time if youre up for it!

Wishing you the best!

independentJar3699 September 29th, 2015

Hi everyone! I'd rather not share my name, for personal reasons, but you can call me S! I'm a sophomore in high school. I have never been professionally diagnosed because my parents are against psychology, but I have struggled with anxiety since I was a kid. I have a few different areas of issue and I'm pretty open about them when in an anonymous setting. :) It's great to meet all of you and I hope to make many posts in the future! -S

Cipherisms September 29th, 2015

Hi all, so I'll leave my real name out just because I don't feel like sharing it now, but it's not a big secret so if anyone wants to know that's fine.

Anyways, I've been struggling a lot lately. I have Graves' and hip problems. Graves' causes a majority of my problems- depression, anxiety, high heart rate, and loss of weight. Also, it makes me pass out at inappropriate times. Major stressor, amirite? My hips also chronically hurt, and I often need to take breaks from walking and sometimes have to lean on people for support. All this makes me feel terribly alone nowadays. I came here hoping to possibly gain some people I can rely on for any type of support, or even just someone to empathize with.

determinedPenguin5212 October 2nd, 2015

That seems so difficult. All the physical and mental issues happening at the same time. We are here to talk. The chats are awesome as are the listeners.

PrincessSarah September 29th, 2015

Hi. I am sarah and ive been suffering from anxiety and depression for a long time. Im on medication to control the panic attacks but i am still struggling from a very difficult childhood and i just need somewhere to get support and vent. Hopefully i am in the right place. Thank you for reading and listening x

heartsNcupcakes October 5th, 2015

@PrincessSarah going at it alone is extremely difficult so we're so glad to have you as a part of our community. Feel free to set up a chat with me in the near future if you ever want to vent and are looking for that kind of support of be more than happy to give it to you <3

Ttree September 29th, 2015

Hi, I've never spoken to anyone about my anxiety. I don't know why it's there and I don't want anyone to know. Sometimes I think too much, about calling someone on the phone or which subjects to study and then I'm terrified and my heart pounds like crazy.

I thought hearing from other people would make it a little more bearable.

MyaAmore September 29th, 2015

I have an issue with phone calls also. I don't know why but thinking about getting on the phone with someone makes my heart pound and makes me want to physically run away. I start to think what if they think I sound funny on the phone or what if I don't have anything interesting enough to talk about. I have even ended relationships completely because of constant insisting to call them on the phone.

Ttree September 29th, 2015

It frustrates me when people don't understand how terrifying it can be, so thank you.

My family sometimes get angry when I don't answer my mobile, but there a times when I just can't do it.

MyaAmore September 29th, 2015

No, thank you Ttree. I thought I was alone in this issue and didn't know there was anyone out there like me. Have you ever thought about why getting on the phone makes you anxious?

huggerofcats March 26th, 2016

@Ttree I get the same problem with phones calls, causing me to have to think about making them several days in advance before actually calling. I guess it's to prepare my mind. Otherwise, I find it physically impossible (or it feels that way) to make a phone call or talk to someone on the phone. My brain just shuts down. People don't seem to understand, so it's really nice to find other people who have problems with phone calls!

cassieturtle19 September 30th, 2015

Hello everyone I am cassie and I am not a turtle (little joke I like to make)

I suffer from ptsd and severe anxiety. I am open to try new things in terms of managing my anxiety because you never know what will work. If you have any reccomendations or anything that I could try I am 100% open and would love to hear it thank you

bathbombcrazy100903 October 2nd, 2015

I'm new as well, I'm sorry I cant be much help to you though. One girl that I talked to suggested two things that really helped me.

1. Free writing

write down what might be causing your stress, no punctuation, no capitals, it doesnt even have to make sense. When your done, tear it up.

2. Breathing

search for breathing techniques on wikihow or ask a parent.

TulipsAndFlies October 3rd, 2015

Ill make sure to try this, thanks alot xx smiley

wut661 October 3rd, 2015


I am new here also. I have social anxiety as well as depression. As a result, I rarely leave the house except for work. And I do not have any friends, although I do have a supportive husband. But I am trying to make some changes now, as I have been dealing with this for about 15 years, and I feel like it's about time to move forward. In the past, I have been too afraid to write in forums, so this is scary, but I feel like it's a big step for me.


starsailing October 3rd, 2015

hi :) im star. im very new here, i came here because of my generalized anxiety disorder and because it affcted me to the point where i couldnt speak to anyone without feeling cold inside, or if i dont do rituals ill go straight into a panic attack. i thought a community of people could help me make it a lesser force :)

creativeMaple33 October 3rd, 2015

Hi, I'm Morgan. I know I have anxiety.. Although I don't know which category officially I would say I have generalized anxiety. I just want people to understand that I'm not shy or quiet I just can't do certain things because of anxiety.