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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

Clouder August 21st, 2015

@hopeanchor Hi, Christie. I like your username. Like an anchor, hope can keep us from being swept away by life's struggles... and it sounds like you've had more than your fair share. Staring down the barrel of another major depressive episode must be really disheartening and stressful, especially when, as you say, you can't afford it at this time in your life. Please know that we're all here for you. You can always talk to someone here at 7 Cups of Tea!

determinedPenguin5212 August 22nd, 2015

Generalized anxiety here... For about 5 years trembling, shortness of breath, weakness.

Lorena27 August 24th, 2015

Welcome Penguin <3 :) Sorry to hear you're struggling, but you're not alone, especially on 7 cups!

determinedPenguin5212 August 25th, 2015

Thanks, Lorena.

heyitsbri August 23rd, 2015

Hi everyone!! My names Brittany. I found this site yesterday and it has already been a godsend. I'm struggling with anxiety and depression. I finally got the courage to see a doctor about it and he was a total jerk. I was feeling really lost and alone but being here helps. I've never really been able to talk to anyone about how I'm feeling but here I feel like maybe I can.

Lorena27 August 24th, 2015

Hey Brittany! I'm so glad you found 7 cups! I think this would've been very helpful for me when I first started dealing with having social anxiety. I'm sorry your doctor was a jerk and that you haven't been able to talk to anyone about it, but you're in a wonderful and supportive community here at 7 cups and will hopefully feel comfortable enough to open up about what you're going through here with our listeners in 1-on-1's or even group chats. Welcome! :) <3

ivoryJar9524 August 25th, 2015

Hello everyone, my name is Jen and although I haven't yet been officially diagnosed with an Anxiety disorder yet I have been professionally told I have high levels of it and since then it seems to get worse. I came looking for help online because I feel too vulnerable and terrified talking to my family about it. That's when I found this website. I've spoken to a listener and now I feel this is a place and I can truly open up about my fears without falling into a such a panic.

TranquilSkye30 August 25th, 2015

@ivoryJar9524 Hey, Jen! Welcome to 7 cups of tea! This is definitely a place where you can open up and share your feelings, you'll find that it's a very supportive community here!

ivoryJar9524 August 25th, 2015

@TranquilSkye30 Thank you for the warm welcome, I feel relieved to have found this site.

forever15 August 25th, 2015

hello , my name is Kodi , i am 15 and have very bad anxiety...also MDD , my disorders make life very difficult for me and id just like to have some input on how you guys cope with your anxiety , it gets to where i can destroy relationships in seconds..

Lorena27 August 25th, 2015

Hey Kodi! Welcome to 7 Cups! :)

One thing that has helped me a lot is mindfulness, which entails focusing on living more in the moment and being non-judgemental and accepting of your thoughts/emotions/experiences. There are different ways to practice it. I usually practice mindfulness meditation that involves focusing on your breath and bringing your mind back to breath when you notice your mind trailing off with a patient and non-judgemental attitude.

Also reminding myself that I am not my thoughts and emotions helps me distance myself from them, and makes anxiety more manageable.

Practicing acceptance in general has also been very helpful. I noticed I resisted anxious thoughts in the past, scurrying to find something to feel better, but I learned that if you become aware of anxious thoughts/feelings and try to just be with them, that it will be more manageable, and usually diminish its toxic hold on you. This is why I love the quote "Whatever you accept completely, you go beyond" by Eckhart Tolle.

determinedPenguin5212 August 25th, 2015

Thank you for the good advice.

LookAliveSunshine13 August 25th, 2015

Hi. I have anxiety and it sucks because i can barely function in public anymore. My dad says it takes practice, but it just gets worse. I break into hives, cry, and have some kind of attack whenever i panic. I'm trying to get a job too! It's so frustrating.

determinedPenguin5212 August 25th, 2015

Looking for a job is extremely stressful. We are in it together!

LookAliveSunshine13 August 25th, 2015

Thank you, love.

oliveMap1883 August 25th, 2015

I have trouble with anxiety as well. It is embarrassing . I have to move and can't function in public as well. Your dad's right it takes time practicing. Telling it that I acknowledge it and except it as a feeling of the human kind. Telling it I know you and I'm okay you can leave on

Clouder September 4th, 2015

Hi @oliveMap1883,

Welcome to our anxiety support forum. Acknowledgement and acceptance is a great attitude to have towards you're anxiety. You're right, it's all part of being human. I hope you're finding the support you're after here at 7 Cups of Tea :)

Rey90 August 25th, 2015


My name is Rey. I wrote a very brief message summarizing my life or lack thereof and managed to lose it like everything else in my life.

So... Ya. The big crowds that I used to once thrive in can make me feel dizzy and sick. I cannot handle more than 2 strangers at a time. I'm generally anxious as I have only failed constantly in the last few years and I feel like there is no way the future would be any better. I have just gone onto the adult zone. My friends are getting married, settled, working and there's me, messed up in the head and unable to move forward.

And, did I mention after insane tuition fees, and super tough courses I now have no job.

determinedPenguin5212 August 25th, 2015

So sorry. I have also "failed" as well. Lost my job. Few friends. But dreaming that it will get better is keeping me going. I think it will also be better for you, too.

Rey90 August 25th, 2015

Thanks smiley I hope it gets better for you too. I like your username. Very positive smiley

determinedPenguin5212 August 25th, 2015

You too. You are the king! (Or ruler)

Pheonix99 August 25th, 2015

Hello, my name is Laura and I suffer from severe anxiety, insomnia, and depression. I am open to any advice that may have helped some of you. I feel like I am barely maintaining. I will also do my best to help y'all with anything you may need help with as well.

heartsNcupcakes August 25th, 2015

@Pheonix99 First off I'd love to welcome you to the 7 Cups Community. I assure you you will find tons of resources to help you cope or learn a think or two about your social anxiety and depression. Theres a ton of listeners here to support you. If you ever need a chat feel free to schedule one with me or any listener you'd like. Theres also the Anxiety Support Chatroom which has great support and regular discussions on different topics of anxiety. <3 I truly am sorry for all your troubles and I hope you find everything you're looking for here.

Pheonix99 August 25th, 2015

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words!

heartsNcupcakes August 25th, 2015

@Pheonix99 - Anytime, hun! And dont forget to give the self help guides a once over or two. Theyre honestly life savers.

dansugar99 August 25th, 2015

That's my personal link. Here for anybody. Love you guys. Stay strong

doggybaby77 August 25th, 2015

Hello Everyone I have had an anxious day and have finally decided to talk to others who deal with the same kinda stuff , I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and its very stressful sometimes

Clouder September 4th, 2015

Hey there, @doggybaby77. I hope you've had some easier days since you posted here. It's great that you've chosen to talk to others about your anxiety! I think the free-floating anxiety of GAD is often misunderstood, but there're people here facing similar issues, so we have some idea of the challenges you're tackling. I hope you find 7 Cups of Tea helpful :)

forever15 August 25th, 2015

could anyone suggest some things that i could to to possibly help my anxiety . like activities

heartsNcupcakes August 25th, 2015

@forever15 my best suggestion to you is to browse the Anxiety forums, theres bound to be tons of helpful tips running through the forums. I also sometimes post suggestions on my page if you'd like to follow. You can join the Anxiety Support Chatroom where we have regular discussions on anxiety, coping methods, tips, support, etc. <3 Happy exploring.

Clouder August 29th, 2015

Great question, @forever15! Perhaps you could check out our anxiety self help guide here at 7 Cups of Tea. Completing the guide will also help you along your growth pathway. Good luck!

abbbyp August 29th, 2015

hi im abigail. im new to this site... i am interested in learning more and hopefully i will get some help. i have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety a few months ago and ever since then i have been a mess.

Clouder September 4th, 2015

Hi @abbbyp, welcome to 7 Cups of Tea. Anxiety and depression often come as a package deal, so you're certainly not alone here. If you're interested in learning more, you might like to check out our depression and anxiety self help guides. Group chats are also a great way to connect with people facing similar issues and to learn from one another. We're all in this together :)

lightGrapefruit5241 September 4th, 2015

Hi! I'm Cass. I've struggled with anxiety and emetophobia for almost 12 years (I'm 16). I really hope everyone is doing well! :)

Clouder September 4th, 2015

Hi Cass,

12 years is a long time to be struggling! Fighting for so long shows that you're a really strong person. In addition to our anxiety support forum, you might like to check out our phobias forum. There're a lot of supportive teens and trained adults here if you want to chat 1-on-1 as well. Best of luck on your pathway :)


hardworkingAcai2042 September 5th, 2015

hello, my name is ann and I suffer from severe anxiety (with this also comes severe depression as most days is a struggle to function normally. I have also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia (chronic pain).

I've struggled with anxiety and depression since I was a child. It took me until my mid 20s to know what this was overtaking my life and was not diagnosed until just the past few years once I hit 30. With that struggle, Currently, I am in a not so great relationship, and really I am trying to learn to not live in Fear. I have begun to realize I've alienated myself from all my old friends, my family, and even them I can't really talk to, I mean, I made my own bed, I have to lay on it.

Sometimes it helps just to get one's story out there in this vast internet, I know God works in mysterious ways and with finding this sight and continuing to be drawn back to, perhaps this is where I'm meant to be.

I hope this all doesn't sound too childish. Thanks for reading.

heartsNcupcakes September 5th, 2015


Thank you for sharing your story with us, Acai. I dont find it childish at all. I believe venting the way you aree being brave enough to share your story here with tons of others suffering with similar afflictions is a very healthy outlet. Im sorry that your suffering is so bad right now and I sincerely hope we can give you the support you need to get back on your feet again. Also, remember that the time it takes for you to recover and learn to cope with this isnt necessarily the time youve dealt with your anxiety and depression. I believe you can make it through this. Youve made it through 100% of your worst days.

God does work in mysterious ways and sometimes you just need a friendly hand. Thats what we're here for. That being said welcome to 7 Cups of tea, dear.

justanothersmiletohideatear September 5th, 2015

Obviously I'm new here, a little background history I was diagnosed with severe depression at age five PTSD at nine. I learnt at a early age you can't trust many ppl, so with that being said I want to add that I am a very private quiet person. I don't talk about my past or my struggles so this would be the first time. I'm not going to lie that's actually really scary for me. But here recently I can see myself getting worse everyday. I feel isolated, suffocated. I've been here before... Last year, and had it not been for my guardian angel I wouldn't be here today. So I think that's why here. Looking for ways to help me deal with nervous breakdowns and panic attacks and especially maybe some advice on how to deal with my sadness. I don't deal with it I suppress it or turn it into anger...I'm just really at breaking point and honestly just trying to find a fight to lead me out of this darkness....

heartsNcupcakes September 5th, 2015

@justanothersmiletohideatear Welcome back and very sorry that its under this circumstance that youre here, in any case we're glad to have you. Sounds like you have a lot of repressed feelings. I am sincerely sorry that you find it difficult to be able to trust people. I understand how difficult it can be to open up so I just want to thank you for doing so in any way. That takes a lot of strength and its a great step in the right direction. Keep hanging in there. Youve made it through this once and you can do it again! We're here for you if you need anything.

justanothersmiletohideatear September 5th, 2015

@heartsNcupcakes: thank you. (: I'm just trying to find ways to cope... I honestly don't think I have ever truly been happy, and to be honest.. I'm not sure I would want to be I think if I was ever happy legit happy I would live in constant fear of losing the happiness...does that sound bad?! I just wish I could find different ways to cope...