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What is the best way to defend yourself from toxic environment?

crimsonPenguin7073 July 14th

I wonder what is the best way to defend yourself from others toxic behaviour?

How not to let negative and toxic behaviour (criticism, bullying, gasligthing, belittling, ignoring etc..) to affect on you and your mood?

If you are sensitive person and tend to ruminate what others have said and done to you? Is there somekind of special trick to forget it and keep your peace in mind no matter how toxic environment there is?

Omar1985 July 15th

I’m not sure if it’s possible to forget. I believe we need to remember who wronged us to protect ourselves.

What is not OK, is to let rumination consume you. You just have to think of a solution and then go on with your life.

  • People who ignore just ask them why. There might be a misunderstanding. If there’s no reason then there’s nothing to worry about, people change.
  • People who gaslight are basically liars. Stay away from liars.
  • People who belittle you, just laugh it them. You know who you are.
  • People who try to bully you, respond to them if you can, and have fun while you’re doing it. If you can’t, let them know that picking on a smaller guy/girl is a cowardly move. Or ask for help.
  • Criticism is good, even if it’s negative. You know more about the person who’s criticizing you.


Awesome post Omar1985, i loved this perspective on criticism: 

  • Criticism is good, even if it’s negative. You know more about the person who’s criticizing you.  👏 👏 
Omar1985 July 17th



I would like to add that the receiving end of criticism should never be females or young males; they deserve better.



That's sweet of you! 


akunknown July 16th


- Stand up for yourself. 

- Walk away from them

- Go stand outside for fresh air or go somewhere like for a walk or something 

- Create boundaries and set them as clearly as you can. And don’t be afraid to let them know that boundary violations are disrespectful and unacceptable and if they’re violated at any time there will be consequences for that. Consequences like you won’t interact with them, be around them, things like that. 

- Distance yourself from them - move out, move to a different section of the house preferably one that keeps you as far away from them as possible, if you need to go somewhere like the kitchen to get something or go to the living room and you hear them then just be patient and wait because they won’t be there forever and when they’re finally gone then it’s your turn to spend as much time as you want wherever since it’s your house too as much as it is theirs even if that’s not acknowledged. If you wanna leave but you have to pass by a certain part of the house that they’re in, just be patient for the perfect opportunity to silently sneak away and when it comes go go go! Or get out an alternate way if there is one. 

- Talk to a therapist about this. Don’t hide anything from them and be completely honest with them about everything so they know best how to respond to what you say and how to help you. 

- Block them from your mind by doing things you like or use music to listen to I mean who doesn’t like music after all right???

These are the tips that have helped me with toxic people. I hope they will help anyone else dealing with toxic people too ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Zeraphim July 17th

I'm in a toxic situation myself, with little options for escape, and struggling with this very topic. Thank you for asking this and thank you to everyone replying for your helpful insight. <3

BlueDarkAurora July 17th

@Zeraphim I hope you soon find a way to distance yourself from the toxic situation. I'll keep you in my thoughts<3 it's never easy to deal with such negativity when you can't get away but don't let it bring you down, hurtful actions or words of others are a reflection of them and not of the person you are. Keep holding on, it will get better soon <3

NotAllHere713 July 24th


I am also in a toxic situation that there is little escape from. I also know that I will not begin to heal until the situation changes. Every day I lose another part of me. 

Zeraphim July 24th

@NotAllHere713 At least we know we're not alone in our experiences. If you're comfortable with hugs, 🫂. If not, a kind wave to you 👋

Anna14743 July 17th

I believe you have to know that it's okay for people to not like you and this environment does not equal to your entire world. If they are rude then you should just ignore them, but if they a mean or bullying you then you must take some action. You can talk to them about how uncomfortable you are and if they are still doing find someone that can help. Don't let others put you down, they have no right to judge you. Focus on yourself, make yourself happy and become a better you. 

Good luck, hope you all the best.

akunknown July 24th


For some people it may take some time while others may know immediately but once you know who’s doing what and how they’re doing it you can walk away and stay away from the toxic people. 

So that’s my advice - stay away from them and don’t be anywhere near them bc if you are that’ll allow them the chance to be toxic to you. 

There’s toxic people in my life that I live with but while I can’t always avoid them even though I want to because I live with them I’ve still done a great job staying away from them as much as I have. 

Staying busy will help you stay away from them if you can’t stay away from them because it’s difficult. 

If staying away from them isn’t enough and sometimes it’s not, then completely cut them off from your life, which includes but is not limited to: block them on your devices, no more communication or interaction or anything else with them. 

CrescentSkylar August 4th


I walk away once I detect toxicity around me