Weekly Prompt #37: This is your Worry Jar
Hello all and welcome back to another discussion,
Last week, we discussed: How has anxiety affected your overall sense of self-worth or confidence? Thank you to all who participated and shared your thoughts with us. I appreciate you all. I hope all who may read it find it relatable too. If anyone hasn't shared yet, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you.
This week's prompt: Add your worry to this Worry Jar! Here's how:
Whenever an anxious thought pops up, write it and share it here with us. This thread will act as a jar. At the end of the week/month, take a look at the worries. Do they seem as scary anymore? Share with us
I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences!
I'm worried it's too late to stop corruption and the worst of humanity from gaining power and destroying everyone they deem outsider, inferior, insubordinate, or unworthy of life. I fear that the planet will continue to be exploited and its life-giving systems will be dysregulated beyond what will allow continued human survival.
I'm worried continuing austerity will cause the destruction of all public services upon which I and many others require to survive, and that they will be replaced with privatized versions inaccessible to most people, especially marginalized and oppressed peoples, leading to their early and untimely deaths.
@ASilentObserver hi obs - I've filled out the form. Thank you for your post - loving the emoji!!
@ASilentObserver thank you so much for your wonderful contributions - you are a delight to the community! 😊
Hi... new here... having a really bad week actually this is week two. I had a fight with my husband and it was my fault. I said some stupid things and regret it he was become emotionally distant. I know I hurt him and made him mad 😭 I wish I could go back and take it all back. Now I am so anxious its hard to eat I am scared he is going to leave me I love him so much and dont want to spend life without him. Help!
@ASilentObserver Sometimes I feel anxious about future , my parents death or my career thoughts like that .
@BlueCrystalSoul I understand you have some worries weighing on your mind. Feeling anxious about big things like that can take its toll. What's going through your mind when these thoughts come up?
I feel scared, can't imagine if they die and leave me alone in this life, I can't take any more grief, losing them would break me.
I worry that I will fall behind in school right as it's about to end and the workload increases. I worry about my exams, as I've had issues with freezing up and being too anxious to think properly in the middle of them. I worry that I won't be able to live up to the (already relatively low) expectations I have set up for myself (academically). I worry that I will have to sit through the stiff silence in my math class after my teacher tells a really terrible joke.
@ASilentObserver I'm worried about my stress and anxiety. I stress out so much that sometimes I get actual physical symptoms and it becomes difficult for me to differentiate whether it is caused by stress or an actual underlying problem that I should seek medical attention for. It's frustrating and scary. In the past, I've had heart palpitations, chest pain, and now for the past week it's been a migraine that lasted for a couple of days. It feels scary because it feels serious in the moment, but often doctors dismiss it as stress and they were right the previous times. I'm just scared to seek medical attention again over this migraine, them saying it's stress again, and then paying a hefty bill because I cannot afford medical care. I hate being the person who "cries wolf" when nothing "serious" happens to me. But it feels urgent, it feels life threatening all the time whenever I experience chronic stress symptoms and then my anxiety makes it worse and last longer. I don't know what to do. It's such a terrible thing to have because then if something is actually happening to you that's serious, your family will tell you it's just stress again and if you don't get care, it'll be too late. I don't know what to do. I've tried journaling, watching videos, coloring, to calm down, and my migraine has subsided for the most part, if not completely. But I still can't sleep properly and I am still thinking about going to a primary care provider to make sure I am okay. This just sucks, I've been ranting this whole time. I just want to be okay. I wish I didn't have these experiences.
I have nervous flashes sometimes for no reason, and when I do they feel terrible. I feel all sweaty and stressed and I get knots in my stomach. I’m worried that even though I do take supplements, it won’t go away! And what’s worse, my parents don’t understand because they’ve never had this problem in their lives. I feel like I’m not normal when these flashes happen so please, can someone help me?