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I have anxiety , depression and overthinking

quickwittedHouse8347 August 30th

Hello there ! I’m Mandy. I am an undergraduate student who’s going through a tough time. I’d like help from people who have gone through periods of depression , anxiety and had an issue of overthinking.

It all impacts my life a lot. I’m always out of focus in the day time and I make stupid childish mistakes like dropping something or saying something I regret. At night I lay on my bed for hours and I got to sleep early but I hardly get any. I routinely wake up around 2:00-3:00 in the morning and sometimes have panic attacks. I have depressive episodes at least once a month for a week or so.

I tr to eat healthy, i have walks on the treadmill and sometimes runs. I feel good at that moment but after I fall right into depression. I have 2-3 friends and I spend time with them daily. When I’m with them I’m happy and content. I am in a relationship as well but I’m afraid I’m too clingy and overthinking.

i would like some help from any of you. Thank you.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

You sound soooo much like me! Depression, anxiety, overthinking… I’m a big ball of mess XD I’d love to talk to you <3

quickwittedHouse8347 OP September 3rd

Ohh let’s talk hehe :)

quickwittedHouse8347 OP September 8th


Im slowly and steadily taking control over my mind. I learned in the past few weeks that I needed to change the way of my thinking and that I need to learn to live by myself with controlling episodes of anxiety and depression.

as of recent I have started reading about mental and emotional wellness, along with spiritual guidance books. I have been getting more sunlight and I’ve learned to ignore my phone, which has been the reason of most of my depressive episodes. Movement of my body and controlling my stress eating is slowly but surely getting done. Which I think is an overall improvement.

Im happy about me taking charge rather than the situation taking charge of me. :)

reliablebunny23 September 8th


Hey., I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through anxiety, depression and overthinking. I think I have anxiety and depression too, but I haven't been professionally diagnosed, so, not sure. But I relate so much to the overthinking part. I understand that it is very tough to go through! 

I'm so proud of you for being so strong and for taking charge of the situation! You're taking really positive steps. 💓 

Keep going, You can overcome these challenges. ❤️
quickwittedHouse8347 OP September 8th

Thank you so much for your nice words @reliablebunny23 !!!

It means a lot to me to hear that my changes are appreciated.

If you’re up for it , I suggest you do go to a mental health professional and ask for help. It will help better understand yourself. Of course , the first few days, weeks even months will be hard but I found it easier to address it headstrong rather than going through my depressive episodes or panic attacks or constant overthinking. Wish you luck!

Thank you for being a ray of sunshine ☀️!!!

reliablebunny23 September 8th


You're welcome 💓

I wish to get diagnosed too, but I unfortunately can't, because I can't tell my parents about this, they do not believe in mental health and stuff, & they won't take me to a professional.

Also, I am scared to go to a professional too. I don't think I'd be able to open up or say anything infront of them, I'd keep most of my feelings to myself.

toughIdea219 September 8th

@quickwittedHouse8347  your situation sounds like mine, except I am not in a relationship. I have an exam tomorrow and am not feeling enough to study.

reliablebunny23 September 8th


Hey there.

I don't have exams near, but I will have them in a few months, and I have a huge syllabus pending, I'm too finding it hard to study.

For me what makes it hard to study is procrastination & laziness

(or maybe I have executive dysfunction)

because this doesn't feel like just laziness. 


What's making it hard for you to study? 

quickwittedHouse8347 OP September 8th

i understand what you are going through. I failed many exams and even the same exam many times because of my depression and anxiety issues.

I know since you have exams tomorrow, there’s nothing much you can do now. All I have to say is that , you can take an exam again if you fail. But if you force yourself too hard you might not recover. In the long run, your mental health is a priority over academic validation.

Either ways I’ll tell you to face the exams rather than postponing it because I have done that once, didn’t sit well for me since then I got panic attacks in the mornings after.

I’ll be proud of you whatever you choose to do. Hang on tight, thinks will get better 🫶🏾

sunnyoranges September 9th

I’ve been told recently writing, thank you notes and like on or something to help you I’m not be depressed and be thankful for the people that help you and care for you