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Anxiety changes personality

Staryskies03 July 6th

Hello everyone,

I have had anxiety from as long as I remember. I learnt that the hard way. Many a times things feel too much and I become overwhelmed. I've started putting boundaries (which is something hard to so) and sometimes that comes off rude to people. As simple as saying no to plans to people because I'm generally mentally exhausted and things feel overwhelming with too many people around. Whereas I feel safe when I'm by myself. Now I don't feel like explaining to anyone and just let people think whatever they want. Anybody else has navigated through similar experiences?

ASilentObserver July 22nd

@Staryskies03 I am glad you are learning how to set boundaries, which can be challenging but also necessary for well-being. How do you feel about setting these boundaries?

Staryskies03 OP July 22nd

Sometimes I feel like I'm in better grip of my emotions and feel good after doing so, other times my head just spirals with the fact that I have offended anybody. But at the end, when things become a too much, I have to remind myself that at the end it's me that matters. And no one else is going to fight these battles.

AMusicalTone July 24th

@Staryskies03 I am also like this, I can’t make spontaneous decisions and plans even with my friends. I need to know in advance so that I can plan out when will I wake up, what I will wear, what time will I leave the house, what time I will come back. It requires too much effort and is mentally exhausting but fortunately I have friends who understand this, respect my boundaries. If you encounter people who don’t understand how tough it is for you then it’s better that you don’t have them in your life. Good friends will always respect your boundaries, having said this try to go out with people you are absolutely at ease in every once in a while just so your social battery is okay. Try socialising even if its just 5 mins talk at class, workplace etc.

Frank3235 July 24th

I have nervous flashes sometimes for no reason, and when I do they feel terrible. I feel all sweaty and stressed and I get knots in my stomach. I’m worried that even though I do take supplements, it won’t go away! And what’s worse, my parents don’t understand because they’ve never had this problem in their lives. I feel like I’m not normal when these flashes happen so please, can someone help me?

Staryskies03 OP August 3rd

I realised as soon as I stopped giving the power of permanencey to any health issue my body was healing. Everything is possible to heal. Just hang in there and have faith. Do the best you can. Try to pick up something which is sports related as those tend to give temporary relief and over time helps you get a better grip on your emotions. And if things feel too much just come here and talk to people. Talking it out again takes away the power as opposed to the case when you are just thinking it in your head :)

cyanFarm6377 July 28th

@Staryskies03 YOU ARE NOT ALONE MAN !

Lenei August 2nd

I'm going through the same thing