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Caring Father with a Heavy Heart

Anxexmil November 11th, 2023

I'm a father of a 19 year old daughter. I love her so much and want the very best for her. It seems the more I let go the heavier my heart gets. I'm trying hard to let go of the things she does that I may not approve of. I feel I need to be more carefree or the anxiety will cause my mental status to worsen.

LifeisbeautifulbutGodiswonderful November 11th, 2023


Is it something that would make her future broken?

Anxexmil OP November 11th, 2023

@LifeisbeautifulbutGodiswonderful I would say most likely not, but my mindset tells me yes.

Jem7Cups November 11th, 2023

@Anxexmil It's truly touching to hear about the deep love you have for your daughter. It's natural to feel a mix of emotions as our children grow up and make their own choices. 

Letting go can be challenging, but it's a sign of your strength and love. Remember, it's okay to care deeply while finding a balance that protects your own mental well-being. Seeking support, whether through friends, family, or a professional, can be really beneficial during this transition. Your journey of adjusting and caring is a testament to your dedication as a father ❤️