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Porn Addiction Growth Path Update! 💚

HealingFox210 January 27th, 2022

Hello Everyone! I’m @HealingFox210 and I want you all to know that I have created a growth path for Porn Addiction, hopefully it will help in our battles and keep us on track. 💚☺️

You can access the Growth Path by clicking here!

Growth Path consists of following steps to help us keep on track:

  • It helps by understanding our addiction, acknowledging its existence, how it affects our lives, breaking the myths and providing information which is backed by experience and not just psuedo science. ☺️
  • It explains terminologies associated to this addiction, the mechanisms which will help us in fighting this addiction and giving a perspective into experiences you might face, triggers which might tempt us and how to avoid them and fight them off in our battle.
  • It also has a constant motivation loop which will be of great use when our brain are clouded with the thoughts of relapsing, this alongside our community where one can come and talk whenever they get such thoughts will provide a constant support to everyone battling with this addiction.
  • It will improve more and more with time and engagement and will be a great step towards freeing us from this addiction. I hence, invite you all to join the growth path and join me in the journey to fight this addiction! ☺️💚
  • Path is a member only path, its kept that ways because it doesn’t include any listener training aspects, and so you’re free to join it using your member accounts.


I personally believe if we all come together and spread awareness in regards to this addiction and how serious it has impacted people’s lives, it will definitely help many of the people on this site who are yet to be aware of this Sub - forum, so spread this path to everyone you see struggling with this addiction or come across during a listening session or see someone on groups struggling with this, I think more people’s active engagement can really help this Sub - forum and will definitely be a great initiative on our personal level to take back the control from this addiction!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 27th, 2022

Hey @HealingFox210, I so appreciate your time and efforts in raising awareness and enabling support to people struggling with porn addiction! Thankyou for highlighting what to expect in this growth path, can already tell, it's a super helpful one! Great job! ❤

HealingFox210 OP January 27th, 2022

Thank you so much for acknowledging this, its really a big thing for me to get responses here, since it's my very first forum thread on something I really believe passionately, and want to spread awareness about! Its my pleasure to contribute to this community ☺️💚

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 27th, 2022

@HealingFox210 aw yay, even more happy to share this moment with you then! Double *high fives* ❤

HealingFox210 OP January 27th, 2022

Double Hifi! 💚☺️🙌

amiableFig7651 September 30th, 2022

Thanx for this , I so need this cause I am trying to let go of it. I am having Withdrawal symptoms, I just want to fap, even though i am not watching porn, cause i was doing it for so long. Glad I have a community of like minded people.

dtanushree October 4th, 2022


All the best! We are here for you. Thank you so much for being here 😊❤️


jim62 May 9th, 2023

@HealingFox210 THANK you for this thread!!