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*possible tw* 4 years no alcohol

jonghyunnie August 15th

hi everyone! i’m a listener on here and today is my fourth year sober from alcohol, and i’m happy to be here! and if you ever need someone to listen to you about addiction, please feel free to message me anytime. it really does get easier as time goes, but we all need support sometimes.

SummerKay2024 August 15th


Love this post.

Congratulations on ur sobriety 🎉


jonghyunnie OP August 15th

@SummerKay2024 thank you so so much. i really appreciate it. <3 

SummerKay2024 August 15th


I have been sober from drugs and alcohol now 16 months.. I know the journey is not easy. 

So proud of ur sobriety and courage to share and want to be a listening ear for others. 


jonghyunnie OP August 15th

@SummerKay2024 please know the listening also goes out to you, and that i care about recovery deeply, and you can of course message at any time, and i'll answer.

Gettingbettertoday August 15th



I will be 5 years for me come December. The only benefit I have gained from it is I am no longer dying physically from it. 

The medicine the doctors give me don't manage the pain as well. 

jonghyunnie OP August 15th

@Gettingbettertoday hello, and thankyou. i'd just like to let you know you can message me any time to talk about things and let it out if you would ever like. 

Gettingbettertoday August 15th


Alcohol is no longer a problem. On a good day, on a bad day I have no desire to drink. 

I am personally baffled why people relapse after long periods of sobriety. I guess some of us can't stop killing ourselves. 

akunknown August 15th


Wow! Big congratulations to you on 4 years on living a sober and alcohol free life! I’ve never ever been an alcoholic, never even touched any of it! But I know how difficult it is to live without it being in your life - people don’t think you’re “with it”, “hip”, or cool to be around, have less friends than those who are into it, and many other downsides. At least that’s how my non drinking life experience has been thus far. 

Besides that, everyone’s an addict bc we are all addicted to something. Whether that specific something or those specific somethings are good or bad is a different topic. However being addicted to something can make that something even if it’s good for you bad for you bc being addicted to it can mean you may overdo whatever that is and too much of anything isn’t good for you or so that’s what has been said all these years I’ve existed 😂😂😂

jonghyunnie OP August 15th

@akunknown this is a very kind message, and thankyou for taking the time to say so! i'm so glad to be getting responses from people in the community as well. it can be hard socially, but in time we learn our own tips and tricks! though, i agree, anything can become bad! it's true, your mental space can be taken up quickly. recovery is an amazing thing. 

akunknown August 15th


Not to toot my own horn but I respect myself for never drinking, smoking or doing drugs as well as people who realize how bad any or all of these things are and not only realized they need to stop and become sober which are both accomplishments in itself but also staying sober for however long they’ve been. 

But I also wanna point out I don’t hate or have anything negative against anyone who does any of this. My mom and stepdad used to smoke when I was younger. My 3 siblings and many if not all of their friends drink but as far as their friends go I feel closer to few of them that I feel I’ve bonded or am in the process of bonding with than my own family. It’s their life. If they wanna drink more power to them. Long as respect me for not drinking and not forcing me or anything else into drinking then no problem at all between any of them and me :)

fairmindedBranch9231 August 17th


jonghyunnie OP August 17th

@fairmindedBranch9231 thankyou!