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Today is a new day

BeautifulCurse July 1st

Sooo everyone, wish me (and my hubs) good luck. We both struggle with addiction with all the things lol. Today is day 1. Again. It’s been almost a year since a day 1. I really need it. My marriage (to my soul mate, I swear) is hanging by a thread. It's one of the last important things I have left and I won’t let addiction snip that thread. Send positive vibes!

JustCory88 July 1st

@BeautifulCurse congratulations. Remember to give yourself some grace because if you get caught up on not being perfect you will set a bar that's unreachable. Sometimes the trick is to go smaller with the goal they say one day at a time but at times it takes one hour at a time, one minute at a time. That's what worked for me anyways. I was addicted to opiates for 5 years and that's what it took because I have a habit at looking at the finish line even if I'm at the starting line and the finish line would look overwhelming and unreachable so smaller increments let me have little victories which motivated me to keep going to the finish line it's been a little over 5 years clean now. You got this

BeautifulCurse OP July 1st

Very good, all of it. I’m distracting myself with online shopping 😆

JustCory88 July 1st

@BeautifulCurse hey whatever it takes. You know why you like shopping because it gives you the same dopamine hit that you get from whatever you're addiction is. It's just the reward center in your brain associating that with a positive. Be careful though could easily become another addiction 

BeautifulCurse OP July 1st

I know I know. Whatever my addiction is ha. Like I said, all things. I don’t even play the lottery because I know better. Since I generally hate shopping though, this will be fine. I’m just spending all day putting stuff in my cart and then back out. 😬😆🙄🤔

JustCory88 July 1st

@BeautifulCurse 🤣 its funny you say that with the cart comment I do that as well

BeautifulCurse OP July 1st

Literally. I’ve been working on this same cart since Saturday. I really hate wasting money and I really hate being disappointed—and shopping is those two together, in my experience.

JustCory88 July 1st

@BeautifulCurse I get that. For me idk why but I just feel guilty buying myself anything 

BeautifulCurse OP July 1st

Same. Hence the full shopping cart.

JustCory88 July 1st

@BeautifulCurse what's your tattoo say

BeautifulCurse OP July 2nd

It says “beautiful curse,” and the green (mental health awareness) heart with smile/frown face symbolizes bipolar disorder. 🙃

BeautifulCurse OP July 2nd

It says “beautiful curse,” like the mind of a person with BP disorder. The green heart with smile/frown face symbolizes both BP and mental health awareness.

JustCory88 July 2nd

Oh that's cool

BeautifulCurse OP July 2nd

Thanks it’s new 🙃

BeautifulCurse OP July 2nd

On another note, I can’t decide if I should buy everything in my cart, none of it, or something in the middle. I ordeeed last night then cancelled. 😬

BeautifulCurse OP July 5th

Cory guess what happened with my shopping?

BeautifulCurse OP July 22nd

Okay, I was wrong. Starting again tomorrow. Finally ready y’all.