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Porn addiction

Hobzz December 11th, 2023

After my first breakup I consume porn a little more than usual. To the extent that I got addicted and my recent girlfriend didn't liked that and also didn't respected that I was struggling with mental health.

So yeah had a bad breakup too...

Jenna December 13th, 2023


I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time. Breakups can be challenging, and, understandably, people cope with them in various ways. Communication is key in any relationship, and being open with your partner about your struggles and feelings is important. If your recent girlfriend didn't understand or respect your mental health challenges, it could indicate a lack of understanding or communication in the relationship.

In what other ways has this addiction affected your life?

Hobzz OP December 13th, 2023

Definitely relationship wise cause I understand her side too..

Even after doing so much for me, when she got to know about my addiction...She must have felt "not good enough" and I was already sensing earlier some days that she might be getting tired of the relationship.

But yeah I lean towards porn mostly when I need emotional support not physical. So might be a sign that I inclined towards porn beacause there was lack of emotional support and understanding. Which.. was there.

But I didn't ment her to feel that way.. i just wanted to be honest with her and don't hide stuff.. cause if she got to know more later.. the more she have felt betrayed that "oh so it's been for soo long time" and yeah when someone got to know the other stuff your partner have been hiding from you.. we kinda doubt all of their things.. atleast for once. And I didn't wanted it to go to that extent. So I spoke the truth... And yeah..

Here I am.

Jenna December 13th, 2023


It takes a lot of courage to be honest about personal struggles, and it's commendable that you chose to share your feelings with your partner. Acknowledging and addressing an addiction is an important step towards healing and growth. Understandably, you didn't want to hide things from her and risk the feeling of betrayal later on. Relationships are complex, and it's common for individuals to seek various forms of comfort or coping mechanisms when they feel a lack of emotional support. While it's natural for your partner to have her own emotions and reactions to this revelation, it's essential to continue the conversation and explore ways to strengthen your emotional connection. Everyone makes mistakes, and growth often comes from learning and working together through difficult times. Open communication, empathy, and a willingness to address underlying issues can contribute to building a stronger and more resilient connection with your partner.

Do you feel this addiction is something that would be difficult to break from and what things would help with emotional support?

Hobzz OP December 13th, 2023

Yeah my addiction is actually hard to break cause I've brought up into an environment and live in such that it gives me a lot of stress plus no emotional support. Whether at home or outside it. Like no emotional support from relationship was a big factor. And yeah I discovered I used to do a form of masturbation ever since I was young. Maybe between 8 to 12, I don't remember correctly. But yeah I used to do it even before I found out that oh this is a type of masturbation and what masturbation is. So yeah.. i did it a lot since childhood whenever I was stressed cause even if I didn't knew what it was...

It just felt really good and relaxing at a certain point. That is what I knew as a kid.

I'm actually sharing this thing for the first time in my life. No body knows this part of my story.

Jenna December 14th, 2023


Thank you for opening up and sharing such a personal part of your life. It takes a lot of courage to discuss these things, and it's an important step in understanding and addressing the challenges you're facing.

It sounds like your coping mechanism developed at a young age as a response to stress and a lack of emotional support. It's not uncommon for people to develop such strategies as a way to navigate difficult emotions and situations. The fact that you're recognizing and acknowledging it is a significant first step towards making positive changes.

Remember, you don't have to face this alone, and there are resources and people available to assist you on your journey toward healing and well-being. If you would like me to share some with you I would be happy to.

Hobzz OP December 15th, 2023

Thanks you :)

infiniteSpace65 December 14th, 2023


Hi! I just want to say I can relate to your issues with pornography consumption and (relationship) issues. I had a breakup as well a few years ago mostly due to my excess use and due to all the effects from that.

This is not easy to break if you get your emotional shot from it. But hold on friend, you have just done a great step to write about it. Again I can relate on that as for me it is the same case. 

Hobzz OP December 15th, 2023

Yeah it's hard but.. gotta keep fighting.

That's how ✨LOIF✨ is..

Thanks :)