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I want to release my sexual thoughts by writing sex stories, is it okay?

amiableFig7651 May 27th, 2023

I feel I keep living with my fantasies which I ma not going to work on, but I feel guilty for even having such thoughts. How could I? I blame myself too much. I feel like if I express these desires in a sex story, I maybe able to let them out of my system. What do you think? Will it work or it's a bad idea?

7motivation May 27th, 2023


Some say it can help to focus first
on understanding the root cause.

It’s like the old saying:

“You can’t fix something until you know what’s broken”.

Once you know what is "broken",
then you can work on it and resolve it.

GoingWithGrace May 27th, 2023


I couldn't give an answer but I would say you need to explore the motives a bit more. Helpful, unhelpful, healthy, unhealthy, safe, harmful, reasons, excuses, outcomes, intentions, purpose, etc.