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Academy Central Support Thread! Go to thread for academy questions

Hope July 20th, 2022

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. It is common to have questions regarding your academy program journey. It can be challenging to wait for a response so to provide speedy support, we have decided to have this one central thread where all academy trainees/interns can ask questions related to their academy journey.

Here is how to get support!

Respond to this thread with your question(s) and the program you are enrolled in. Remember, more information is better than less information. Provide context where needed so you can get speedy answers.

Who can respond to the questions?

Academy mentors, graduates, and even trainees if they are sure of the answer! Feel free to support each other and provide tips!


Make sure to keep an eye on your notifications so you can check the thread for answers. You can expect an answer within 24-30 hours.

This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team, find out more information about the programs here

GoldenNest2727 September 4th, 2022


There isn't a link or anything like that to click on. Just hit the reply button and say you accept. Thank you for joining the Academy program. I hope you have a wonderful experience! Please post again if I haven't answered your question, or you have another one to ask.

yourbuddy30 September 5th, 2022

@Hope Do we have to count our people helped chats or the chats section in our profile? If it is the chat section, should we minus the listener-listener chats?

Can you please let me know my GLDD end date.

Hope OP September 6th, 2022


It depends on the program you are in!

In GLDD, you will count only the member or listener group chats based on which track you opted for. You will subtract your initial Listener group chats (You had 1 at the start) from your existing group chats and divide the number by two.

Your end date is 09/26/2022

yourbuddy30 September 6th, 2022

@Hope Thank you!!

glisteningnlistening September 6th, 2022


Hi everyone! I am currently an intern in the student track and I have a question about electives. I'd like to eventually have a new position for honors as well as to continue to be active in the community once my internship is up. I'm really liking the idea of being a healthy habits/sharing circle host or a discussion leader. But I guess I'm wondering what the differences are between these roles and if there's somewhere I can get some more information on what each role entails. Also, as far as electives go... I'm trying to figure out what requirements I could fulfill- specifically numbers 1 through 4 on the student track 2022 requirements/electives sheet. I guess the key bit I'm unsure of is if doing those roles could help me work towards having more chats in either "listener chatrooms" or "member group chat room/chat support rooms" Also, I was wondering if there's any difference between electives 2 and 3? I see one is for 500 and one is for 1000 messages... but one is listed as "member group chat rooms" and the other is "member group support chat rooms"... Does this mean it has to be in the one titled support specifically? Thanks so much to anyone who responds :)

Hope OP September 7th, 2022


Hi! I am not sure if healthy habits is active at the moment. Sharing circle hosts lead sharing circles based on which sharing circle still needs a host. Discussion leader can host guided discussions on a variety of topics. You can contact asilentobserver for information on group roles.

As for electives, 1 and 2 seems doable for you if you like participating in group rooms. 3 and 4 can be a stretch if you find it challenging to get these chats. It all depends on how much group participation you are comfortable with and how much time you have left. For context at the moment you have at least 50 messages in listener and 50 in member groups.

As far as the role relation to group participation go, it is the other way around. The electives may help you get the role as you need group experience for most group roles. Leading pop-ups is a good way to get group experience.

Member group chat and support rooms mean the same thing. As long as participation is in a room that members can acces, it will count.

glisteningnlistening September 7th, 2022


Ok, thank you. That's really helpful :)

BlueDaisyZ September 6th, 2022


Hi! I just finished my community intern track, the end date was 9/5/2022. Are there any forms I need to submit to show that I finished the track? Thank you so much for your help! :D

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 6th, 2022

Hey @BlueDaisyZ, congrats on making it through. Yes, there's the final eval form I think that one needs to submit, before internship end date. You may have received it in your intern kit in the mail. Or can ofcourse reach out to an intern mentor for the same.❤

GoldenNest2727 September 6th, 2022


Hello! You can find the final evaluation form for the Community Track right here. Congrats on completing the 7 Cups internship. 🏆

HavenonEarth September 9th, 2022


Um, I'm never made a forum post before, how can I post one? I'm so confused and 7Cups is difficult to navigate to return to posts you've already interacted in besides for notifications. 😞

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 9th, 2022


Hey Haven, it can certainly be hard to navigate around the forumland, I think even with these posts you make, you're getting somewhere hehe, so that's good. We can ofcourse ask for more support where needed, glad you mentioned it here.

♡ Here is a great thread for anyone wanting to try dipping their feet in forums- Get To Know Our Forums Masterpost

♡ Tips for Creating and finding our own content in the forums!

♡ If you remember the sub community, a particular thread was in, that you interacted with, you can do a manual search too, (it's rather tedious though lol), or try finding the thread via search bar here, and similar results show up (also tedious but works at times).

♡ Going forward, to find forums you've previously interacted with again, you can "subscribe" to the threads, the subscribed threads will then show up under My Forum Threads < Subscribed Threads tab, in the drop down menu available when you click on your profile picture in the browser.

(Text in blue is clickable)

Feel free to ask if there's any other questions or anything else you need help with, forum related. ❤

Hope OP September 9th, 2022


Please refer to Sunishining's comprehensive answer. These questions you are posting here are counted as forum posts! Response to a forum post is a forum post!

You had 32 when you started. You are currently at 50. So in your Internship you have 18 posts so far

happypomeranian September 9th, 2022


My Quality Listening Program starts on September 12. I have 3 questions:

1) Can we change/shorten the duration of the program? Also, what if we don't finish the requirements in time?

2) The practicum says 3 hours of chats a week, where 2 1-on-1 chats count as an hour. Are "chats" the same ones on our profile? And I remember hearing something like each chat is 25 messages sent?

3) How often do members actually want to set up the support plan? Because usually the members I've talked with so far are one time sessions, maybe with a few minor follow-ups afterwards.

Thanks in advance!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 11th, 2022

Hey @happypomeranian, glad you're enrolled in QLP.

1. If for some personal reasons you're needing more time to complete the course, you can ask for an extension, yes. @Hope or a QLP mentor can assist how.

2. 1 chat=30 messages in 1-1 chat, and chats are same as shown profile, yes. To know more about calculation of the chat hours, you can refer this post.

3. Not quite sure about this one, however, We do come across all kinds of members, some who would like a support plan over a continued period, others may not as much. Perhaps you can explain them the benefits of a support plan, and express your interest in supporting long-term. There's also some members looking for long term support here, if you wanna reach out to any that you find comfortable supporting (topics and otherwise).

I'm sure QLP mentors may have more insights for you. Feel free to reach out to them, with any doubts or questions as well.

I hope this helps!<3

happypomeranian September 11th, 2022



HopePeaceLove3377 September 11th, 2022

How to know my chat hours at the start and end of the program?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 11th, 2022

Hey @HopePeaceLove3377, you can find the chat count on your profile page stats,, if you don't remember starting chat hours and estimated chat hours needed the end of your internship, you can reach out to an intern mentor here (clickable) and they'll assist you.

HopePeaceLove3377 September 11th, 2022

Thank you so much

JuneTrips September 12th, 2022


Heya heya guys! I hope you're doing well :) I'm in a little bit of crisis and need some help aha

So, I just finished my community building courses, and when I submit my final form I realised that I would need to wait around 10 days for my badge to process. However, my internship ends before that. Would I be able to get an extension? I feel really bad about this as I've already gotten a previous extension due to everything being hectic when I was moving to a different country, but would really appreciate it if this was possible!

GoldenNest2727 September 12th, 2022


Are you on the Student Track or the Community Track? I can link the form for you. It's possible to request more than one extension if necessary/for some reasons. You can explain the situation on the form.

GoldenNest2727 September 12th, 2022


I just realized that it's the same form for both Tracks. Some of the requirements are listed on the form. You might not need another extension. It didn't take as long as I expected to receive the Community Builder badge after completing the work. Congratulations on getting this far! You're on your way to graduation!

JuneTrips September 12th, 2022


Thank you so much for linking the form! I've submitted it and fingers crossed that it gets approved!

HavenonEarth September 13th, 2022

I got a reminder to fill out the internship trial form just before 2 weeks had passed. Will there also be a notification for the monthly Google form? I am trying to keep track of how much time has passed, but I just want to double check that this is the case after 4 months too.

I'm glad to say I have already completed 7 out of my 10 chosen electives, as well as all mandatory requirements even prior to commencing this internship. Thank you so much for your continued help. 😊

GoldenNest2727 September 13th, 2022


Hey, Haven! Earlier, I believe you said that you're on the Student Track, so I'm just going to link you to the monthly eval form. Bookmark the form and set a reminder on your calendar, and you'll be all set. I think that official reminders only go out for the big things, but I'm not 100% sure of that answer. You could ask a mentor, but it's also something that is easily done by setting your own reminder. Congratulations on having so many electives completed! Thank you for being an intern. You guys help keep the place running. 😊

HavenonEarth September 20th, 2022


I actually don't have a mentor specifically for this program, so I'm pretty much leading myself here for the most that alright? I don't recall it being mandatory. I also initially typed down that I wanted a structured format for this internship, but as it turns out, I'm more flexible about it. Is that fine?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 20th, 2022

Hey @HavenonEarth, yes definitely is okay to lead yourself around, having a mentor is never mandatory, but it certainly helps to have someone to goto who can answer about program specific questions. The different mentors assigned to different programs in the 7 cups academy can always assist us better, with useful insights and helpful links to navigate the course etc easily, therefore recommended.❤

I think the mails are a good way to keep track of the forms, when I was enrolled, I also set alarms lol to not forget about the weekly reports, forms etc timely hehe! Would that help you as well?

hopefulSmiles6137 September 13th, 2022

Hello, I got the invitation mail to join the academy orientation sessions, as I did apply to be an intern on 7 cups. But it seems that as I didn't get my trainee bagde I can't access to that room. When will I get the trainee badge?

Hope OP September 14th, 2022


Hi Hope! Trainees/Interns are assigned their program-specific badge on their start date. I believe you should have the badge now. Apologues for the delay.

hopefulSmiles6137 September 13th, 2022

Thanks ◉ ‿ ◉

yourbuddy30 September 20th, 2022

@Hope Hello, do i have to fill out a form in order to graduate from GLDD. If so, can you please send me the link for it?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 20th, 2022

Hey @yourbuddy30, yes there's a last step form to fill, after you've met all the requirements to graduate, and are nearing your program's end date, so you can be awarded the graduate badge. You can submit it Here.❤

yourbuddy30 September 20th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank youu!

HavenonEarth September 20th, 2022

Hi, I've heard that I would basically be able to achieve Honours for this internship towards the end - what with having successfully become a room supporter in some group chats, among other prerequisites I have already accomplished.

Do I have to do something special in particular (like filling out a form of some kind) in order to guarantee Honours will be granted, or is it automatic after already fulfilling just the one requirement to qualify as an Honours graduate?

Hope OP September 20th, 2022


Hi Haven, you only need to let us know that you have qualified for honors in your final evaluation form at the end of the program. In that form, we ask if you have completed an Honors requirement. Nothing else needs to be filled

HavenonEarth September 20th, 2022


Oh, just in the final evaluation form, got it. Hmm...does that mean I will get triple Honours? 😂

Coincidentally, I completed Active Listening 1 some years ago, became a room supporter roughly a month ago and the community building course is one of my 10 electives, hahaha.

I only had to do one, but look at me, about to fulfil all 3 of them! 😋

My former supervisor for my Honours dissertation back in uni' said I'm an overachiever. Maybe I am...just a little bit... 😳

Hope OP September 20th, 2022


That is good but I am afraid just the one honors!

yourbuddy30 September 20th, 2022

@Hope I am a part of GLDD and listener track and it says I need a group leadership role. I applied to be a peer supporter, but I haven't got a confirmation yet on that. I am a listener check-in. Can I use that as a leadership role, or should I wait for the peer supporter badge?

Hope OP September 20th, 2022


Hi! That is not a requirement but a recommendation. I have updated the GLDD list to reflect that more clearly. You can submit the last step form

yourbuddy30 September 20th, 2022

@Hope Thank you Hope