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Academy Round 18: Which show would you binge-watch for the rest of your life?

User Profile: Melss27
Melss27 2 days ago

Hey everyone! How are you doing? Are you ready for our round of academy polls? This week's poll theme is Pop Culture Favourites! Hope you enjoy it!💗 

Please answer before Friday so that they get counted! You can still take part afterward, it just won't be counted in the final poll results once they are posted. Please select only 1 option, choose the most relevant one!

Which show would you binge-watch for the rest of your life?

  1. How I met your mother
  2. The Office
  3. Game of thrones 
  4. Something else? Let’s hear it!

🔦Join the rest of the polls here. 

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D. Friends 


2 replies
User Profile: CaringEzra
CaringEzra 2 days ago


I love friends too~! D Friends 

User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes 2 days ago

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou saaame D Friends 

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4 Law & Order: SVU, Criminal Minds, NCIS, etc. Â