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Academy Central Support Thread! Go to thread for academy questions
by Hope
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3 days ago
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. It is common to have questions regarding your academy program journey. It can be challenging to wait for a response so to provide speedy support, we have decided to have this one central thread where all academy trainees/interns can ask questions related to their academy journey. Here is how to get support! Respond to this thread with your question(s) and the program you are enrolled in. Remember, more information is better than less information. Provide context where needed so you can get speedy answers. Who can respond to the questions? Academy mentors, graduates, and even trainees if they are sure of the answer! Feel free to support each other and provide tips! Make sure to keep an eye on your notifications so you can check the thread for answers. You can expect an answer within 24-30 hours. This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team, find out more information about the programs here []
Academy Programs for listeners (2024)
by Hope
Last post
July 19th
...See more Hi everyone! This post provides the latest information on academy programs. Every once in a while we will renew our posts to ensure the information is up to date and you can be sure that you are getting the most updated information. The 7 Cups Academy is a tuition-free institution that trains members, listeners, and researchers to develop skills and better care for our community. These are professional skills that are of great use even outside 7 Cups. We believe in practice-driven learning and all of our courses have in-field experience at the core. This post is dedicated to providing listeners with the information they need on opportunities available to them within 7 Cups Academy. The 7 Cups Academy has had 1600+ graduates.  How is 7 Cups Academy different from training guides or other educational material available at 7 Cups? The academy programs target specific skills like leadership, content development, etc. Trainees not only get theoretical knowledge of the subject but also spend time practicing the skills under our practicum opportunities. That is not all, one of the challenging parts of learning something new is that it can be an isolating experience and at times you may feel like the motivation is fading. At 7 Cups Academy, we understand your support needs. We have mentors who check in with you regularly to help you navigate the set of requirements and to offer support and encouragement. Additionally, we believe in a student-led approach. Feedback from our trainees results in constant improvements to the program’s coursework and structure. An example of this is our launch of group check-ins where academy trainees can connect with fellow trainees and share experiences. Why choose 7 Cups Academy? * All of our programs are completely free * 1-1 mentor support to help you graduate * You choose your program duration and can seek extensions * Our programs focus on hands-on practical training * The programs offer training in sought-after professional skills * You will be provided with a certificate and a badge upon successful completion * You will train among a group of like-minded individuals who you can learn from * It is a great way to work towards a 7 Cups role. Academy graduates gain relevant experience that makes them good candidates for 7 Cups roles within that focus. * All graduates (from any of the academy programs) can request a letter of recommendation * We provide 7 Cups work verifications, references for school/university/work applications * Not only will we provide you with valuable training, but we can also verify your work experience if needed. Listeners can sign up for the following programs! Please note the key content learned can vary based on the electives you choose. 1. 7 Cups Internship Program The 7 Cups internship program provides participants with the unique experience of giving back to those in need while gaining in-field experience. Even if you are not from the mental health field, it allows you to gain professional experience by working through a structured program, improving listening, communication, time management, and many other skills. “Participating in the 7cups Internship Program was a valuable experience for me. The experience, knowledge, and skills I've gained in the program helped me excel in my professional, academic, and even personal life. As an intern, I worked on developing communication skills, active listening, and empathy, all valuable skills for employers.” - kindFish9215 (7 Cups Internship Graduate)  "7Cups internship was a great start to my 7Cups Academy programs. It was an amazing experience as I got to take challenging chats and learned a lot from them. The best part about the 7 Cups Internship is that it is easier than you think. The only thing required is to manage all your tasks appropriately. With this internship, I learned how to be more organized, the importance of time management and I became more responsible." - lyricalAngel70 (7 Cups Internship Graduate) What does the Internship Program offer? * Further, develop active listening and communication skills * Build therapeutic relationships with users/members of the site. * Create a personal profile page that highlights your interests and future career goals. * Learn from other veteran listeners in the community. * Two tracks to choose from based on your availability * Key content learned in the program: * Extend listening support to groups and forums * Tools and techniques for mastering time management * Gained specialization in at least different chat topics of intern’s choice * Components of community building * Peer Core Competencies * Applying learned knowledge in 1-1 member listening sessions The program is best suited for: * Users who are interested in the field of psychology * Users who wish to complete a program where the core focus in listening in a 1-1 setting * Users who wish to have a basic understanding of a variety of topics * Users who are new to the academy and unsure which program best suits their interests. * Users who are completing their degree/school-related practicum * Users who are active as listeners but would like to have more structure and accountability Requirements to join * Have an active listener account 📢Please apply here [] 2. Content Development and Marketing Program (CDM Program) The program will aid your understanding of best writing practices essential to creating content that relates to and contributes to awareness and support of topics that fall in the mental health industry. It will not only enhance your communication and writing skills but also provide a chance to research and generate ideas and publish finalized articles and content at 7 Cups. Moreover, it will allow you to understand an aspect of SEO-based writing applications as well as effective social media marketing strategies that help boost and enhance the valued content you will produce. "Completing the program was a game-changer! You learn rapidly and get to use your new skills on your assignments right away. This course is a must for mastering social media marketing! I had great support from other 7 Cups listeners. I could not recommend this course enough!" - babyangel (Content Development and Marketing Program Graduate)  "This program allowed me to get a great base knowledge of content developing and marketing in social media. I really appreciated the support shown by my mentors and loved the creative projects. So honoured and grateful for the opportunity to go through this learning experience." - broadfemmelovelive (Content Development and Marketing Program Graduate)  What does the CDM Program offer? * In-depth content and marketing development guide/lessons * Hands-On Activities * Mentor Feedback * Expert Support * Practical Experience leading to on-site publication  * Usage of graphics — Creator Portfolio building on-site Key content learned in the program: * How to promote content using social media * Social media graphic tips * Social media outreach and support * Writing best practices * SEO and ranking tips such as Google’s EAT factors * Headlining and subheadlining content * Effective writer biography writing * Content auditing and review The program is best suited for: * Users interested in starting freelance opportunities for content or graphic creation * Users interested in joining Content domain roles at 7 Cups * Users interested in marketing their own business/content. * Users interested in learning about effective mental health research and social media conversations. * Psychology students with a passion for research and writing. * Anyone interested in breaking mental health stigma through research, writing, and social media usage. Requirements to Join! Be a Listener for 2 weeks and have at least 10 1-on-1 Chats 📢Please apply here! [] 3. Leadership Development Program (LDP Program) The program is designed to help you become a strong leader. It includes both theoretical and practical components and is spread over 6-8 weeks. It takes a personal approach and starts with helping you identify and build upon your natural gifts and strengths. There is a learning-by-doing practical component where you practice what you learn by serving in a community domain alongside other leaders in either the engagement or quality programs. "It truly changed my outlook on what really makes up a leader. From identifying my strengths and aptitudes to conflict-resolutions, I was able to learn more about myself in so many ways. I didn't just learn how to be a leader, but also a more ethical and courteous person." - Nerdtastic01 "I am a listener and leader on the site,  it has been one amazing experience to serve in the roles. LDP has been an enriching experience in exploring my leadership aptitude as well as honing my leadership skills . Overall a great experience,  with wonderful mentors ready to support us anytime during the whole program." - Sunisshiningandsoareyou  What does the LDP offer? * In-depth learning of personal strengths and weaknesses and how they impact your leadership skill * Focused content on cultural diversity * In-depth study of building and maintaining thriving communities as a leader * In-depth look into foundational leadership principles * Introduction to leadership on 7 Cups and the opportunity to acquire a leadership role before graduation from the program. Key content learned in the program * Gaining self-awareness through personality tests (Myers & Briggs, The Big 5 and the Enneagram) * In-depth knowledge of building and maintaining communities * Supporting fellow trainees * Components of personal leadership * Study of Foundational Leadership Principles * Lessons on cultural diversity * Obtaining a leadership role The program is best suited for * Users interested in improving their self-awareness * Users interested in understanding the dynamics of thriving communities * Users interested in learning how to become great leaders * Users interested in service leadership * Users interested in joining leadership roles at 7 Cups * Users looking to expand their knowledge of diversity and cultural acceptance * Users who are already active in the community but wish to contribute more in a leadership role * Users looking to advance in their leadership roles on or outside 7 Cups Requirements to join! * Verified Listener [] If you are not a verified listener, you can still enroll in LDP as long as you have submitted the application form AND you meet the requirements to become a verified listener. 📢Please apply here [] 4. Quality Listening Program The Quality Listening Program Program is a comprehensive study of active listening components ranging from a refresher on basics to extensive training in advanced active listening components that can help trainees develop a more proactive listening approach by working with the members to create and implement support plans. "The Quality Listening Program enhanced my active listening skills, offering a chance to make a positive impact while improving myself. It prioritized practical experience over theory while also providing necessary theoretical coursework for effective practical experiences." - ABrightBlueHeart "The program helped me in ways I couldnt imagine at first. The program gave me directions, it helped me find pieces of puzzles of how to be a better listener and support my members and community. The Member Support Guide is honestly really underrated! I used that as a blueprint, but I wrote a lot of my own to make it personalized to me." - GuiOakes What does the QLP offer? * In-depth study of active listening components * Choice of topic focus in active listening * Utilizing best practices guide to improve listening quality * Testing personal areas of improvement in active listening * Applying learned knowledge in 1-1 chat sessions * Becoming a master active listener Key content learned in the program * Creating support plans with members * Applying visualization techniques in chat settings * Supporting long-term members in accordance with member needs * Components of quality in active listening * Quality programs available at 7 Cups * Completing 5 listener quizzes on general participation in the community, safety, handling different chat scenarios, and being inclusive as a listener. The program is best suited for: * Users who are interested in the field of psychology * Users who wish to complete a program where the core focus in listening in a 1-1 setting * Users who wish to specialize in active listening * Users who wish to pursue quality leadership roles Requirements to Join * 20 1-1 Chats (each chat is 30 messages exchanged between a member and a listening in private messages) * Read the best practices support guide [] 📢Please apply here [] Our Onboarding Practices Please note that we do weekly onboarding every Monday. Applicants must apply at least 5 days before their desired start date. There are limited seats available for each academy program’s weekly batches and we onboard applicants on a first come first serve basis after checking for requirements to join the programs. If eligible, you will get the acceptance email 2-3 days before your desired start date. If you change your username after applying or at any point during the program, you need to inform the program lead to remain in the program. You can find them here.  [] If you are sent the acceptance email, please remember to respond before the start date mentioned, otherwise your application will be unsuccessful. Our academy graduates' advice to the people who wish to become a part of 7 Cups Academy: * “It is always good to gain new knowledge. Trust yourself and dare to move forward on your own path because you are capable of it.”- Mankka * “7 Cups Academy has great programs with amazing mentors who have designed them in such a fashion that you can complete them conveniently without hassle. These programs are not only free but they add great value to your resume and professional field through their learning and practical lessons. It's a worth-grabbing deal, just go for it!” - lyricalAngel70 * “Don’t be afraid to dive deeper into the material. All of the Academy programs are designed to elicit critical thinking skills and exploration, so the key to getting the most out of these programs is to open your mind and swim gradually into the deeper waters of the concepts.” - Nerdtastic01 * “Use your mentor/mentors made available to you. Ask any questions you need too” - womerz * “Take your time, its self paced for a reason 💙 Relax and just read the instructions thoroughly. Also try to create some time management methods, the deadlines provided will reassure that you have more than enough time to complete all graduation requirements” - SirenOfSerenity * “Go through all the documents and lists of requirements and make sure you understand what you need to do early on.” - MagnificentSunrise
7 Cups Academy LinkedIn Endorsements/Recommendations
by Hope
Last post
March 28th
...See more All 7 Cups academy graduates are eligible to request a LinkedIn endorsement and/or recommendation. Criteria for endorsement: We will endorse up to 3 skills for each program (in case you have graduated from multiple programs). The skills need to be relevant to the program you completed. Relevant Skills you can enlist for each of the academy programs. You are welcome to enlist more/others as long as they are relevant. 7 Cups Internship ✦ Active Listening ✦ Time management ✦ Communication Leadership Development Program ✦ Leadership ✦ Time management ✦ Cultural Awareness ✦ Communication Content Development and Marketing ✦ Web content writing ✦ Digital Marketing ✦ Creative writing Quality Listening Program ✦ Active Listening ✦ Communication ✦ Time management You must have listed the skills before you submit the request for them to be endorsed. We offer skills endorsement and recommendations for all academy programs even if they are no longer available. If you completed the Building Community Program or the Group Support Program, you are also eligible.  LinkedIn Recommendations In order to receive LinkedIn recommendations. Please make sure you have enlisted your program under work experience. Note - At the time of requesting an endorsement, you must be active on 7 Cups (either as a listener or in a leadership role). Additionally, you must have no behavior reports for at least the last 3 months. If you are eligible for the program then please submit the following form. The processing is done within a week. Open form here [] Please note that we reserve the right to remove our recommendation/verification if we find out any guideline violation in the recent past or if you violate our community guidelines in future. ------------------------- 📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team.  * Programs for Members [] * Programs for Listeners [] * Academy Courses for Members and Listeners [] Last updated on Sep 16, 2024
Presenting Weekly Polls! Week 1
by Hope
Last post
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are well. To switch things up, I will be posting 1 poll per week in all acad sub-coms and at the end of the week the poll will be wrapped up to highlight what the most popular opinion is.  The fun part about these polls is that you will comment your chosen option and feel free to have a friendly/light hearted chat with each other in the thread. I will try to add a mix of topics so everyone gets a chance to participate.  Because I am posting this of course coffee will be mentioned Our first-ever poll What is the best form of drinking coffee?  a. Cold as ice! b. Hot as lava Comment below the option you stand by! Share the post with any coffee lovers. 
Weekly Poll, Week 5: Which of these learning styles suits you the best?
by Hope
Last post
...See more Hi everyone! I am here to share the weekly poll with you. I will try to put them out every week.  Reminder: The poll closes on Friday. Get your answers in before Friday. You can still take part afterward, it just won't be counted in the final poll results once they are posted. Please select only 1 option, choose the most relevant one!  Which of these learning styles suits you the best? a) Visual (I need to see it!) b) Auditory (Talk me through it!) c) Kinesthetic (Let me try it!) d) Reading/Writing (Give me notes!) ------------------------- 📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team.  * Programs for Members [] * Programs for Listeners []
Weekly Academy Polls Master post: Week 5
by Hope
Last post
September 9th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. I try to post a new poll every week in all acad program sub-coms. The polls usually  go live in the start of the week and close on Friday! If you wish to be tagged in the master post so you can choose which poll to participate in every week (or do in all, up to you). You can sign up for the taglist! These are the polls for this week! Hurry up and participate before they close. All blue text is hyperlinked! Click to answer the questions you wish to in the thread you click on.  * Which of these learning styles suits you the best? [] * What’s your biggest distraction when studying? [] (Listener Only) * How do you tackle procrastination? [] * What is the best way to celebrate a team's success? [] * What’s your go-to self-care routine to avoid burnout? [] (Listener Only) Please note two of the polls are listener-only as the are based in a sub-com that only listeners can access.  📢Join the tag list here to be tagged in the weekly masterposts!  [] ------------------------- 📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team.  * Programs for Members [] * Programs for Listeners []
Weekly Poll, Week 4: How Do You Prefer to Take Notes? (Poll Closed)
by Hope
Last post
September 3rd
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. This is week 4 of the academy weekly polls. I will announce the most popular choice on Friday! It's okay if we do not have your preferred option, choose the closest one. Please only select from what's given and choose one! So let's get voting!  How Do You Prefer to Take Notes? A) Typing on a laptop/tablet B) Handwriting in a notebook C) Using voice recordings D) Sketching or mind maps ------------------------- 📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team.  * Programs for Members [] * Programs for Listeners []
Wrong Answers Only!
by Hope
Last post
August 27th
...See more Hi everyone! Here is a fun little game. 1. Answer the question of the person who last commented but with a wrong answer only! So if the person says 'What color is the sky' you can say red/yellow 2. Leave another question for the next person to answer and continue!
Weekly Academy Polls Master post: Week 4
by Hope
Last post
August 19th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. I will be posting a new poll every week in all 4 academy program-focused sub-coms. The polls go live in the start of the week and close on Friday! If you wish to be tagged in the master post so you can choose which poll to participate in every week (or do in all, up to you). You can sign up for the taglist! These are the polls for this week! Hurry up and participate before they close. All blue text is hyperlinked! Click to answer the questions you wish to in the thread you click on.  * How Do You Prefer to Take Notes? [] * Which App Helps You Stay Organized? [] (Listener Only) * What's the Best Time of Day for You to Study? [] * What’s Your Favorite Procrastination Activity? [] What helps you relax after a listening session [] (Listener Only) Please note two of the polls are listener-only as the are based in a sub-com that only listeners can access.  📢Join the tag list here to be tagged in the weekly masterposts!  [] ------------------------- 📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team.  * Programs for Members [] * Programs for Listeners [] * Academy Courses for Members and Listeners []
Weekly Poll, Week 3: Choose the beverage of your choice (Poll Closed)
by Hope
Last post
August 16th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. This is week 3 of the academy weekly polls. Today we will be voting for the ideal study space and I will announce the most popular choice on Friday! So let's get voting!  Today we are talking about the beverages of choice! So think of what you want to drink when you are studying. It's okay if we do not have your preferred option, choose the closest one. Please only select from what's given and choose one! A. Coffee (form of your choice) B. Tea (any form of your choice, chai or black/green, etc) C. Energy drinks D. Water ------------------------- 📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team.  * Programs for Members [] * Programs for Listeners []
Weekly Academy Polls Master post: Week 3
by Hope
Last post
August 13th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. I will be posting a new poll every week in all 4 academy program-focused sub-coms. The polls go live in the start of the week and close on Friday! If you wish to be tagged in the master post so you can choose which poll to participate in every week (or do in all, up to you). You can sign up for the taglist! These are the polls for this week! Hurry up and participate before they close. All blue text is hyperlinked! Click to answer the questions you wish to in the thread you click on.  * Choose the beverage of your choice [] * Ideal Study Break [] (Listener Only) * What is your favorite social media app? [] * If Leadership Were a Sport, What Would It Be? [] * If You Had to Choose a Listening Game, What Would It Be? [] (Listener Only) Please note two of the polls are listener-only as the are based in a sub-com that only listeners can access.  📢Join the tag list here to be tagged in the weekly masterposts!  [] ------------------------- 📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team.  * Programs for Members [] * Programs for Listeners [] * Academy Courses for Members and Listeners []
Week 2: What is your dream study space? (Poll Closed)
by Hope
Last post
August 9th
...See more Hi everyone! This is week of 2 of academy weekly polls. Today we will be voting for ideal study space and I will announce the most popular choice on Friday! It is a fun activity to see you value in a study space and what post people prefer! So think of all these spaces and where you would prefer to study A (first image)                                                                           B (second image) C (third image)                                                           D (Fourth image) ------------------------- 📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team.  * Programs for Members [] * Programs for Listeners []
Weekly Academy Polls Master post: Week 2
by Hope
Last post
August 7th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. I will be posting a new poll every week in all 4 academy program-focused sub-coms. The polls go live on Monday and close on Friday! If you wish to be tagged in the master post so you can choose which poll to participate in every week (or do in all, up to you). You can sign up for the taglist! These are the polls for this week! Hurry up and participate before they close. All blue text is hyperlinked! Click to answer the questions you wish to in the thread you click on.  * What is your dream study space? [] * Choose your study partner! [] * The most popular study snack! [] (Listener only sub-community) * Choose the leader you would shadow! [] * Where do you feel you listen the best? []  (Listener only sub-community) It is a fun little way of reflecting on what matters to you and for us to find out what is does our community users broadly prefer! 📢Join the tag list here to be tagged in the weekly masterposts!  [] ------------------------- 📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team.  * Programs for Members [] * Programs for Listeners [] * Academy Courses for Members and Listeners []
What are you doing this weekend to take care of yourself?
by Hope
Last post
August 4th
...See more What are you doing this weekend to take care of yourself?
What are you excited about this week?
by Hope
Last post
July 29th
...See more What are you excited about this week?

Welcome to the 7 Cups Academy Program Sub-community!

This sub-community is the information hub for 7 Cups Academy. You can find information about 7 Cups academy and the opportunities available to take part in the academy programs and to become a part of the academy team

Find more information about the academy here!

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