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Internship Update Feb 2023

User Profile: Hope
Hope February 27th, 2023

Hi everyone! I hope you have been doing well. As you know we periodically review our academy programs to make changes with the aim of better support our interns/trainees or to better educating them on the skills they wish to improve upon.

Once such update is upon us. As the Internship can range from anywhere between 6 to 24 weeks, there are drastic differences in what an intern can accomplish based on the duration they chose. We notice this making a difference particularly in the student track as the duration of the program can be anywhere from 13 to 24 weeks.

Additionally, we noticed that some interns struggle with the weekly hours so we have reduced those and the number of electives overall. Some of the electives have also been made easier to complete.

In light of the above concerns, we are introducing the following updates to the 7 Cups Internship program:

  • Listening hours reduced to 3 per week for both tracks

  • Electives were reduced to 5 for the community and 8 for students. For student track, we add 1 elective for every two weeks after the 13 weeks. So if you apply for 15 weeks, you will have to complete 9 electives.

  • In community track and student track, Interns can avail up to 2 weeks of extension if they have a valid reason such as sickness, personal issues, etc. After two weeks, you can get further extension approval but it will come with 1 added elective for every two weeks extended and 3 hours of listening per week after the initial two weeks of extension. This is so people make an effort to graduate within the timeframe they had committed.

Updated Major Requirements for Student Track

  • Training guides reduced from 20 to 10

  • Listening hours reduced from 5 to 3 per week

  • Peer Trainings requirement changed to completing the time management course. Peer trainings added as an elective option.

New Elective List for Student Track

  1. Earned 'Tiny Chat' badge (by sending 500+ messages in listener chatrooms)

  2. Earned 'Sparkler' badge (by sending 500+ messages in member group support chatrooms)

  3. Earned ‘Ray of Hope’ (by sending 1000+ messages in member group chat rooms)

  4. Earned ‘Small Chat’ (by sending 1000+ messages in in listener chatrooms)

  5. Earned the ‘Talker Badge’ (for making 100+ forum posts, can be a reply to forum posts too)

  6. +10 Training Guides (In addition to the compulsory 10)

  7. Referred at least 20 people to 7 Cups (earned 20+ referral clicks)

  8. Completed at least 2 offline outreach. Please note the outreach needs to be of 7 Cups Academy.

  9. Complete the community building course (have the community builder badge for the course)

  10. Growth path level 100 or above. If you have yet to reach step 100, we recommend the following growth paths to you

Listener Learner

Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups

  1. 25 forum posts (can be a reply to a forum post or an individual post). This needs to be done after being accepted to the internship. To help get forum posts, you can apply to be a content creator for 7 Cups Academy sub-communities, find more here.

  2. Have a group based leadership role (sharing circle host, discussion leader, support session leader, support room mentor etc)

  3. Have a forum based leadership role (forum supporter, forum mentor, community mentor, Sub-com Project Agent etc)

  4. Have an academy based leadership role (Project agent for academy, academy mentor etc)

  5. Graduated from another academy program

  6. Complete additional 1 hour of active listening each week

  7. 100+ Listener Reviews (Do not choose unelss you already are close to 100 or have 100)

  8. Hosting OR participating in at least 4 academy group sessions (Academy Check-in or Orientation, both happen in the Academy Hub Room). You will be given the driven badge for meeting this elective.

  9. Complete Peer Trainings 1-6

  10. Complete Peer Trainings 7-12

Elective 7 reduced from 40 referral clicks to 20 clicks. E 16, hours changed from an additional 2 per week to 1 per week. E8 outreach changed from 5 to 2. E19 and E20 were added.

The community track requirements will remain the same with the exception of a reduction of hours from 5 to 3 per week and electives from 7 to 5.

📢Please note this system will apply to interns starting from the week of March 6, 2023. You can apply to be a part of the program here.

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 27th, 2023


Really helpful update! I hope this helps the interns navigate their internship journey even more smoothly!❤

Thank y'all for continually making things more and more accessible and affordable (time, energy and commitment wise ~ we know the academy programs are free of any monetary-cost otherwise YAY) for everyone interested!❤

User Profile: JoyHappyNess
JoyHappyNess February 27th, 2023


Thank you so much for reviewing the terms and making it easier for listeners to apply to the program and graduate. Thank you for trying to improve the quality of the community in the process

User Profile: broadfemmelovelive
broadfemmelovelive February 27th, 2023


Thank you for this significant update. I love the changes. Will this apply to current interns enrolled?

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User Profile: Hope
Hope OP February 27th, 2023


I am glad you like the update. It will not apply to current interns, only to interns who join on or after March 6, 2023

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User Profile: broadfemmelovelive
broadfemmelovelive February 27th, 2023

Good to know thanks so much!

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User Profile: lyricalAngel70
lyricalAngel70 February 28th, 2023

It is so nice to see these updates. I remember, when I graduated, the requirements seemed overwhelming to the point that I once decided to quit the internship. However, I am glad that I braced myself and kept moving forward until I was done with it. I am proud of myself for not giving up.

So glad to see the internship criteria getting eased for the upcoming group of people... I strongly believe that it would ensure the majority of participants. Thank you ♥️


User Profile: Sleepwalkermw
Sleepwalkermw March 1st, 2023


I don't know if this will sound weird or if anyone can relate, but I will really try to finish the initial internship program I applied for (including finishing 10 electives, 5 listening hours a week etc). I just have the psychological need to finish what I originally started 😂 But I appreaciate the updates you made and thank you for putting the effort into making this program as enjoyable and "doable" as possible ❤️

User Profile: K87
K87 March 15th, 2023


I could use a little help deciding which track, and I know this might be dumb, but I honestly have no idea what the post actually means. I'm applying for the internship, and I'm confused

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User Profile: Hope
Hope OP March 16th, 2023


If you are not sure about which track, I recommend the community track.

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User Profile: K87
K87 March 19th, 2023



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User Profile: soothingGrace83
soothingGrace83 May 13th, 2023

@K87 same here, theres nothing in this text about the difference between community track and student track

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User Profile: sunshineWords1753
sunshineWords1753 March 29th, 2023

@Hope thank you

User Profile: amberishereforyou
amberishereforyou April 16th, 2023

@Hope Hi! I'm applying to the intern program & one question is asking how many weeks I want to apply for. I cannot find where it breaks down the two types (student & community) or what is included with shorter or longer timeframe. I realize I'll be placed based on my answer, but is it possible to get a breakdown of the two and what I'll be learning in each comparative to different amount of time I put in? Thanks!! :)

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User Profile: amberishereforyou
amberishereforyou April 16th, 2023

@hope Even knowing the amount of hours per week to put into the internship program would be helpful :)

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User Profile: Hope
Hope OP April 17th, 2023


Hi Amber! You can find more information here

For student track click here

For community track click here

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User Profile: Foreigner419
Foreigner419 May 7th, 2023

Thank you Hope for providing great info for all members and trainees also for mentors and leaders.

User Profile: bouncyMusic133
bouncyMusic133 November 29th, 2023

Hello Hope,

I was thinking of using this internship as my practicum hours for school, I would like to start January 8. But a contract is needed to be signed with the school and 7cups before I can start. Can someone reach out to me for some assistance on when to get a contract in place and when I should apply to start? I already applied but the application says I must apply 4 days before the start date, but I need a contract in place before that. P

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User Profile: bouncyMusic133
bouncyMusic133 November 30th, 2023


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User Profile: Hope
Hope OP November 30th, 2023


Thank you for the tag. I will message you. 

Attention everyone! Please use this thread for your academy questions. 

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