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7 Cups Academy LinkedIn Endorsements/Recommendations

Hope February 24th, 2021

All 7 Cups academy graduates are eligible to request a LinkedIn endorsement and/or recommendation.

Criteria for endorsement:

We will endorse up to 3 skills for each program (in case you have graduated from multiple programs). The skills need to be relevant to the program you completed.

Relevant Skills you can enlist for each of the academy programs. You are welcome to enlist more/others as long as they are relevant.

7 Cups Internship

Active Listening

Time management


Leadership Development Program


Time management

Cultural Awareness


Content Development and Marketing

Web content writing

Digital Marketing

Creative writing

Quality Listening Program

Active Listening

✦ Communication

Time management

You must have listed the skills before you submit the request for them to be endorsed.

We offer skills endorsement and recommendations for all academy programs even if they are no longer available. If you completed the Building Community Program or the Group Support Program, you are also eligible. 

LinkedIn Recommendations

In order to receive LinkedIn recommendations. Please make sure you have enlisted your program under work experience.

Note - At the time of requesting an endorsement, you must be active on 7 Cups (either as a listener or in a leadership role). Additionally, you must have no behavior reports for at least the last 3 months.

If you are eligible for the program then please submit the following form. The processing is done within a week.

mailOpen form here

Please note that we reserve the right to remove our recommendation/verification if we find out any guideline violation in the recent past or if you violate our community guidelines in future.

📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team. 

Last updated on Sep 16, 2024

GlenM February 24th, 2021

@Hope I love this idea! I think it is very smart and a great way for us to help our community members highlight their work!

lyricalAngel70 February 24th, 2021


This is a great idea. Thank you so much! ❤

blindHeart12 February 24th, 2021


That really awesome idea hope.

lyricalAngel70 February 24th, 2021


Thank you so much for this. ❤

azureOwl6812 February 24th, 2021

Hi, I'm a member as well as listener, but I've registered for the content development planner as a member. Is it possible for me to get endorsed on LinkedIn?

Hope OP February 24th, 2021


Yes! All 7 Cups academy grads (graduate from any academy program)

azureOwl6812 February 24th, 2021

Okay! :)

GoldenRuleJG December 2nd, 2021

@Hope This is a great idea Hope. Thank you so much 😊

vivelespatates July 3rd, 2022

@Hope I'm confuse by this "In order to receive LinkedIn recommendations. Please make sure you have enlisted your program under work experience."
because I thought we had to list it as volunteering

Hope OP July 5th, 2022


LinkedIn does not allow us to verify volunteer experience. That is why it has to be listed under work experience. You can list under volunteer experience but then we won't be able to provide a recommendation.

vivelespatates July 5th, 2022

@Hope I got it, thanks

lyricalAngel70 June 15th, 2023
Thank you so much for the information. Truly helpful ♥️💯 @Hope
colourfulVision12 November 5th, 2023

@Hope  Does 7cup do physical letter of recommendations as well to an endorsement on linkdin

Hope OP November 6th, 2023


The letter is not physical. It will be sent to your email, its a soft copy that you are welcome to print. But yes you can ask for both a Letter of Recommendation and this if you qualify. 

Ayoe November 29th, 2023


Hello, it's been a while since I applied for this. How can I know the status of my application? or maybe there's something I made a mistake with while applying?

Hope OP November 29th, 2023

It takes 7-10 days for your request to be processed. You can expect it by the end of this week. 

Countrygirl095 March 17th

@Hope i’ve been trying to update my LinkedIn but you guys don’t pop up for some reason

Hope OP March 17th


Have you tried listing with 7 Cups? You should be able to find 7 Cups as the place. 

Countrygirl095 March 28th

@Hope yes