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Traumatic Experiences Community Daily Check-In : Monday, September 18th, 2017

September 18th, 2017

Hello everyone! smiley ٩(。)۶

I have had a lazy day so far as I am a bit down with cold frown. ( ` )ノ It is raining for the past few hours now and since the fall is approaching, the temperature is slowly going down each day. Nonetheless, it has been uneventful but good.

Mondays can be hard for a lot of people as from Monday we all look at a long week ahead. Sometimes it becomes challenging for us to plan it all the way while at times, we just decide to go with the flow and see where we end up.

Please let us know how is your day going, what all have you planned for the day, what challenges are your facing and how are you planning to tackle them. smiley

And please remember..... We all are fighters, nonetheless. heart And that makes us special. heartheart

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@Avaray @vriska44 @Shadeshack @BeeLeigh @Faeryschild @dancingRainbow45 @Lavendermoonlight @KLM3278 @sujaypai
@sweetMelody95 @jr50 @agreeableKite4304 @PhoenixPatronus @Morfo66 @themainjane @raycascotch
@KatieMoon1 @conscientiousPineapple1782 @Tamba @inventiveOrange1 @Jenna0903 @melliotm @PanamaBanana
@AutumnLeigh @DeborahUK @PuppyLove13 @HearingYourHeart @vriska @TreesandWine
@guyb @Sharkradio @MKjart @AnnaKateMillerLCSW @Tamba @Celestialvoid @WaterLily16 @TheAsh @MKJart @Asiam1971 @philosophicalship9444 @rumplesteeleskin @Survivetoalive @exuberantTriangle2562 @coraline23 @Lilyflower0817 @caterpillargirl @Survivetoalive @exuberantTriangle2562 @coraline23 @Ivorycat5573 @fearlessPear8268 @themainjane @SemicolonSurvivor @weare1 @weareall1 @Annaka1 @moonchild95 @summernight69 @sheaintgotnoshoes
@rationalWillow8882 @AMusicalSilence @catsith @energeticPenny8 @Rebekahwriter13 @behindhazeleyes @sensitiveShade5337
@singercrystalspirit @wittyTree8219 @Ocendade @Rpjrx @Brooke12 @tenacity37 @Autismaunt14 @Raveninthelabrynth
@Axeman53 @kkSp3nc3 @22charms

melliotm September 19th, 2017

@agreeableKite4304 ❤️🐢😊⛺😸

KLM3278 September 19th, 2017


You are SO funny!!

Rain45 September 19th, 2017

@agreeableKite4304 Is that a song lyric or you having a child moment lol <3

KLM3278 September 18th, 2017


I'm still doing good. Feels nice to say this!

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@KLM3278 Hey KLM, I bet it does feel good to say that. Its good to remember those days when actually things are going pretty okay :) And its nice to hear that for you too smiley

KLM3278 September 19th, 2017


Thank you!

bubblegumPuppy68 September 18th, 2017




KLM3278 September 19th, 2017


Thank you!

sensitiveShade5337 September 18th, 2017



You are new here, cant tell you things

September 18th, 2017


Hey Shade! It is absolutely fine, no worries heart There is no pressure to share smiley I just hope you are coping well and doing good! xx much love heart

sensitiveShade5337 September 18th, 2017


No I'm in pain again :(

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@sensitiveShade5337 Hi Shade, how are you doing today?

sensitiveShade5337 September 18th, 2017


im in pain again but i feel a bit better

mentally I'm not ok

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@sensitiveShade5337 Hey Shade, sorry to hear your in pain again heart Try and take care of yourself and rest where you can. You have the medication you need to take care of your condition which is good. Its not good when we are in pain, but do try and do what is needed to look after yourself. When we feel physically under the weather this can often affect us emotionally as well and if you need support, please do try and reach out either to others here within the trauma community to speak to a listener if you need. You are not alone and although we can't make you physically well, we can send lots of good wishes your way :)

sensitiveShade5337 September 18th, 2017


i took my meds but it's frustrating that I can't go out :( I just want to go out and the pain to go away but I have to wait like 12 days..

um I don't wanna bother anyone tho

Rain45 September 19th, 2017

@sensitiveShade5337 Hey Shade its no bother for anyone okay. If you need support and you feel like chatting, try and reach out. Are you not allowed to go out at all whilst your physical problem is healing? Or are you in too much discomfort to really enjoy going out? <3

sensitiveShade5337 September 19th, 2017


I just cant go out for this week I gotta wait for the next..

Tenacity37 September 18th, 2017


I'm going to try something, simply because i'm sick of having to go searching through all the posts to find mine (really difficult on a tablet with the app because you can't just [Ctrl]+[F] to search and find your name.

It's that time of the month and i get quite upset due to previous trauma and abuse, i haven't left the house today, and i feel like i'm not actually doing that well today.

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@Tenacity37 Hi Tenacity, sorry to hear you're having a tough time right now due to memories of trauma and abuse heart. Is there anything you could do to help yourself distract from what is upsetting you, something that could provide you with soothing and comfort? Its okay not to be doing too well each day, but finding that strength to hold on during the tough days is helpful. What do you feel could help you right now?

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@wizeakre Hey Wiz hope hope your feeling better after having an allergic reaction over the weekend. Do you think that will make you more aware next time, not to touch what makes you sick? Congrats on you awaiting the arrival of your baby!! smiley Wow, only a few weeks to go, have you got everything organised? Do you know what sex your having? So big changes are coming your way!! smiley How are you feeling about it all?

It sounds as if you have been through a really difficult time with trying to conceive, and am so pleased for you that all your efforts and patience have paid off :) And some wonderful and special birthdays to look forward too!

Rain45 September 19th, 2017

@wizeakre Glad to hear that your pretty much ready, very exciting smiley Three boys, wow!

I guess an episode of what happened on Saturday is bound to make you rethink eating better in the future. It must be difficult to find alternatives to the food that you react to, but see it as an opportunity to broaden your horizons when it comes to food. I can appreciate to a certain degree losing motivation around eating and food, being vegetarian and getting bored with shop choices. I find cooking from scratch more enjoyable than buying ready meals. I can also appreciate not wanting the spotlight on you, or people going out of their way to accommodate your needs but am sure people who care about you wont mind. Perhaps you could throw people a dinner party based on the kinds of things you eat and see if you can get any converts.

I'm glad the mindfulness has helped you to curb your depression to some degree. Sometimes the more your practise something the more able you are to draw on it when you need. Its the same with techniques to cope with flashbacks, sometimes we find we can use a technique quite easily, but at other times, it can be a lot harder but its good you're able to do them. smiley

Compassionatelistener108 September 18th, 2017

Hi Halo,

I hope you will bounce back from your cold quickly. Take care of yourself.

Today is a travel day for me. It will be nice to be out and experience a change of pace. Honestly, I am just tired.

The weekends are often a more difficult time for me than the weekdays. I felt safer in school and was happy to get away from my the house when I was growing up. After the most recent experience, I am still having trouble grounding myself. What used to be comforting feels very different.

I am feeling hopeful, however. The support and encouragement from friends, family and this community have really helped me work through a great deal.

Thinking of the people who make this community a safe place to be present. Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone. Remember that you are not alone either.

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@Compassionatelistener108 Hi Compassionate, good to see you checking in today. smiley Its always good to know how you guys are doing!

Are you doing anything interesting on your travel day? It can be nice to be out and about especially if most of the other time, you find yourself confined to home or school. If your tired today, try and do some self care, to ensure you do not exhaust yourself too much :) Finding some 'me' time in the day can be soothing and comforting.

What are you finding more difficult with regards using the grounding techniques that used to provide comfort for you? What do you feel has changed about this?

Im glad you have support around you and that you find the support and encouragement here, has helped you to work through a great deal. Always remember, we are here for you when you need. There are lots of lovely supportive members and listeners here within trauma and sometimes just not feeling alone, can help an awful lot smiley And thank you for the reminder, that we too are not alone :)


Compassionatelistener108 September 19th, 2017


Compassionatelistener108 September 19th, 2017


Oh my, I am literally all thumbs tonight! I was trying to reply to your thoughtful questions on my phone. I will try again tomorrow 🙈

I am enjoying the short trip. It was also a big step to help me begin healing again. I have been tired physically and emotionally. I was shattered after being assaulted recently. I am still shattered about feeling so fragmented after so many years of relative stability. It happened so quickly and it is difficult to navigate again. We all work very hard to heal. It took a long time and a gifted therapist to guide me through my childhood experiences. Intellectually, I grasp the dynamics. Emotionally and on an internal level, I am not close right now. Things will come together though and on the positive side of this, I know it is possible.

Raveninthelabrynth September 18th, 2017

Hey alle :) It's my busy day at school today but I am enjoying myself none the less. I hope you alle find relief fom your woe today and have some fun. :)

inventiveOrange1 September 18th, 2017

@Halogen sorry you arent well. Ive got hubbys cold too today.

Not coping well today. Back at work. Waiting to hear how mums op went. Quite anxious and down about other physical crap im having now. Got therapy later which dreading as had another sh relapse at work.

Cant win and tired of it all. Need out desperately.

melliotm September 18th, 2017

@inventiveOrange1 Thinking of you and your family as you await the results, Orange. Sorry you're struggling today. Fort is up and open if you need some shelter and sanctuary. Big hugs.⛺⛺⛺

melliotm September 18th, 2017

@TreesandWine Enjoy the moment of respite, Trees -- and the popcorn and 🍿 ❤️

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sensitiveShade5337 September 18th, 2017


now I'm craving popcorn :D thanks to you I will make popcorn even if I'm in pain :)

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KatieMoon1 September 18th, 2017


I like being busy too. It seems to be a good distraction from a mind full of rubbish. Meh!

melliotm September 18th, 2017


KatieMoon1 September 18th, 2017


Well expressed! HA!

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@KatieMoon1 Being busy can be a really helpful thing which can be used as distraction from other more personal or unsettling things. The key as well is finding the balance, from being occupied but not so occupied all the time things get neglected :)

KatieMoon1 September 18th, 2017


Very true. I think balance is the key to everything. I've been telling myself that for a long time. Just can't seem to reach it. :/

sensitiveShade5337 September 18th, 2017


I'm eating now without salt :D

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Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@TreesandWine This reminds me of a series I used to watch where this guy offered to babysit and he made popcorn with a young lad, only for most of the popcorn to end up on the ceiling must to the horror of the mother lol

KatieMoon1 September 18th, 2017


Yeah, I didn't even get outta the house today. I give up! :/

sensitiveShade5337 September 18th, 2017

I need to talk

i don't feel okay

melliotm September 18th, 2017

@Halogen @inventiveOrange1