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Traumatic Experiences Community Daily Check-In : Monday, September 18th, 2017

September 18th, 2017

Hello everyone! smiley ٩(。)۶

I have had a lazy day so far as I am a bit down with cold frown. ( ` )ノ It is raining for the past few hours now and since the fall is approaching, the temperature is slowly going down each day. Nonetheless, it has been uneventful but good.

Mondays can be hard for a lot of people as from Monday we all look at a long week ahead. Sometimes it becomes challenging for us to plan it all the way while at times, we just decide to go with the flow and see where we end up.

Please let us know how is your day going, what all have you planned for the day, what challenges are your facing and how are you planning to tackle them. smiley

And please remember..... We all are fighters, nonetheless. heart And that makes us special. heartheart

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@KatieMoon1 @conscientiousPineapple1782 @Tamba @inventiveOrange1 @Jenna0903 @melliotm @PanamaBanana
@AutumnLeigh @DeborahUK @PuppyLove13 @HearingYourHeart @vriska @TreesandWine
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@Axeman53 @kkSp3nc3 @22charms

melliotm September 18th, 2017

Tired and somewhat brainfogged today after what seems like the bajillionth poor night's sleep in a row. Startled awake yet again in the middle of the night and found it extremely difficult to settle after that. Thankfully, I don't have much if anything on my plate this Monday, so I can be gentle and kind to myself as I try to manage through each moment (including any difficult ones that may arise) with as much compassion as I can muster.

So far so good on the self care front... ⛺

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@melliotm Love the pictures <3 Sorry to hear you feel brainfogged after little sleep again. How long has your sleeping pattern been an issue Mellio and have you considered perhaps speaking to a doctor, or getting some plans as to how to make bedtime more relaxing in the hope you can get some deeper sleep? Its good to hear you are practising the self care, as that is important. Take each moment as it comes, dont put expectations on yourself, but if certain things as a priority need doing, perhaps plan how you will go about achieving that and for each thing achieved, remember to reward yourself for your accomplishment heart

KatieMoon1 September 18th, 2017

Today is just getting going so I can't give any judgement yet on how it is. I got the kids to school on time and I'm planning to go to their school today to join the parent commitee. I've never done this before, but I thought it would be a good way to meet new people and to distract from my 'stuff' while I'm on medical leave and also to help find some work in the area (we moved recently). I also am trying to stretch my comfort zone a little bit as I can really isolate myself when I'm not feeling well. Not sure how it will go but I'm open to anything and think I can cope with it today.

As for my illness, it's often a russian roulette as to how I'm going to feel in the morning. Today not too bad, but I also haven't eaten yet. I seem to feel better on an empty stomach and that's not just an anorexic thing. :/ Things could be a whole other story by lunch. I really don't like not having control over some of this stuff but is what it is...

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@KatieMoon1 I hope as your day starts, it improves as the day goes on and turns out not to be a bad one for you. Its good to hear you managed to get the children to school and have joined the parent committee. This can be a great way of getting support around parenting issues as well as an opportunity to make new friends. Its good to hear that your able to recognise your patterns of isolating yourself and are pushing yourself to do different. That is a massive thing to do and well done you for giving this a go :)

KatieMoon1 September 18th, 2017


Thanks for all the love today, that was needed. <3 I"m doing this in baby steps as that's all I can manage, but I know no one expects more of me than that. :D

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@KatieMoon1 Good to hear about taking things on with baby steps. No one will push you harder than you push yourself that is for sure!! Remember that your best is good enough and all them baby steps add up to something much bigger :)

KatieMoon1 September 18th, 2017


Rain45 September 19th, 2017

@KatieMoon1 This made me smile <3 I love this, and its so darn cute lol

KatieMoon1 September 19th, 2017


Me too, which is why it had to be shared. 💕

Rain45 September 18th, 2017

@TreesandWine Hey Tree's lovely support you showed there to Katie. smiley and I love your suggestion of joining the PTA as a way of meeting others. It can be a great place to make new friends and to get support around parenting issues

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KatieMoon1 September 18th, 2017


Awe! My kids are a bit older than yours so we've had a few more years of practice. You will get there! Stick with it. (I give them 5 mins to put on their shoes, so I know we have to be out the door at say, 7:30 and tell them to start getting ready at 7:25. They dont' know that 7:30 is the absolute latest we have to leave, so this way we're pretty good at getting there. Also, my oldest doesn't like being late as it's embarassing so that's a good motivation.)

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KatieMoon1 September 18th, 2017


Yeah, I didn't get to the PTA meeting. I still haven't even eaten today. I'm winning! :/ Meh!

CaloenasNicobarica September 18th, 2017


Hope you feel better, Halogen! It's also raining here off and on. Ah, fall....

I like this season despite all of its little nuances. I'm happy that its fall... but fall and winter are kinda when all the negative stuff that I can remember happened. I kinda go into some regression stuff, a lot of PTSD stuff to deal with around the holidays and what not...

So far, I'm doing okay. Staying positive and continuing to work on what I need to. I'm taking the time lately to cut myself off from negative influences in people that I know. Rationing out my time wisely. Spending it by myself, rather than around people who sap time, energy, and emotional resources. Part of me really wants a connection with just SOMEONE but, when I look at these toxic sorts- I realize that I'm selling myself short. I got a new life to start, and they're not gonna be in it anyway. So why waste time on them? I feel more understood and connected here on 7cups and even others I run into every so often. It's not all bad. Just some rainy days and sometimes storms.

CaloenasNicobarica September 18th, 2017


Thanks, wizeakre!

It's still something I'm learning! What you say is so true. Breaks my heart when I see people dealing with that kind of stuff. Finally learning to treat myself as a best friend and tell her that she doesn't deserve it either! Hope other people discover it and benefit from it. Cheers to people like you. It's nice to see other people doing it or being an example of it because sometimes it feels like something we "shouldn't" do due to societal standards or something.

CaloenasNicobarica September 18th, 2017

Blarf! Meant to say "Cheers to you and people like you!" need my tea. X_X;

singercrystalspirit September 18th, 2017

@wizeakre @CaloenasNicobarica


singercrystalspirit September 18th, 2017


My day is fine! I'm working today, tomorrow, Wednesday, and Friday so far. And Sunday. I have a lot to do, getting prepared for my move in 11 days. I am working through my master to-do list / today's portion of it. Whoo! Long week of to-do's. And teaching middle school. It's ok, I feel ok about it cause I know it's ending soon! And it's toward a goal. I'm done with work for today, and working on my to-do list now. Later I'll do yoga, and go for a walk on the beach. My life sounds so peaceful! Hahahahaha. I am in a phase of going with a plan. I am tackling the challenge of moving with.... to-do lists. And self-care, lots of it.

Take care everyone.

singercrystalspirit September 19th, 2017


Thanks wiz :)

Raveninthelabrynth September 19th, 2017

Too much school for one day...

Brain full of Skloot!

conscientiousPineapple1782 September 19th, 2017


I haven't slept... Didn't get yesterday either enough sleep.. Worried a bit how would function. I haven't been OK... Seams things getting better more than thought would be.

Rain45 September 19th, 2017

@conscientiousPineapple1782 Hey Pineapple, good to hear from you smiley Sorry that your sleep has been pretty bad lately. Is anything causing you to struggle with sleeping at the moment, do you have anything bothering or concerning you?

conscientiousPineapple1782 January 23rd, 2018


I always prusher my limits a bit

conscientiousPineapple1782 January 23rd, 2018


oh sorry thought was for today