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Remembering Amelia

GlenM April 6th, 2020


I have some sad news to share with you. Amelia, a friend of our community has passed. She was one of our early listeners, a psychologist, the creator of our internship program and admin, and someone who regularly went the extra mile.

The older I get the more important I see how going the extra mile matters. Amelia always went the extra mile. I know she went the extra mile for many of you. She did for me and for that I will always be thankful.

Amelias passing is another reminder of how fragile we are. This is especially true as we all navigate COVID-19. We see all too clearly how delicate this life can be.

Lets remember Amelia and grieve her passing together. If you have a positive memory or story, then please share it here.

Im also trying to find her familys info so I can send them flowers on behalf of our community. We lost a good friend. Lets cherish those we love and honor Amelia by going the extra mile for that person that might be struggling more than we know.

Update: We sent flowers to her mother and pointed to this thread to help her loved ones know Amelia's impact here. Thank you all for helping this be a testament to her time here on 7 Cups.

HopieRemi April 6th, 2020


how unexpected and tragic! Omg. May she Rest In Peace. I loved her.

Power April 6th, 2020

This is so tragic and unexpected. I will never forget the good work she did here, and so many people she helped. She was a friend that truly cared about people. Amelia is one of those rare people we cross paths with that make a real impact on us. An inspiration to many on here. Amelia made this community a better place. My thoughts and prayers are with her family during this time. She was loved and respected by all. She will never be forgotten. May she rest in peace.

GlenM OP April 6th, 2020

@Power well said Power. May she rest in peace.

musicalMagic April 7th, 2020

@GlenM- I am truly shocked and heartbroken by this news. Amelia was such an incredible, beautiful, amazing person and most of all friend! I was a listener before she joined 7 cups but she was such a go-getter! I remember how I'd tease her about how quickly she climbed the leadership ladder! I was in awe of her passion and drive and love of this community. She loved helping people as much as I did and so many of us do! She was an amazing friend to me and so many here.

I will never forget you Amelia! I love you so much and thank you for being an incredible friend and person to me and our community. Although I would tease you that I could never keep up with all of your leadership positions, I truly admired you for everything you did and wanted to follow in your footsteps! Thank you for being such an incredible friend and role model to me and so many. I will never ever forget you my lovely, wonderful, beautiful, kind and inspiring friend!

*Love and Hugs*

Always, Magic💞

ASilentObserver April 6th, 2020

@GlenM This is unexpected and shocking news to hear today. It is heartbreaking. I knew her as one of the kindest, coolest and super friendly and supportive people on the site. Always up to help. I had a small encounter with her but she left an impression for long. It reminds me that you always remember people by how they made you feel. And, when I joined the site, she made me feel home.
She will always be in our beautiful memories.

May she rests in peace!!

GlenM OP April 6th, 2020

@ASilentObserver - I love this feeling Obs - she made me feel home. We all need to feel like we are at home. Thank you for capturing her in this way.

Hope April 6th, 2020

Thank you for making this post @GlenM. To say this is tragic is an understatement, I am still trying to wrap my head around this. Amelia was truly one of the kindest and the most genuine people I ever had the pleasure of knowing. She was the one who reminded me to pace myself and to take self-care seriously, It was her who supported me as an Intern and because of her I am still involved in the Internship project, a project she created. As an admin she was busy but she always had the time to respond to everyone, she believed that people could change and she was willing to support them throughout the process.

She was open about her life and experiences, she truly cared about this community and each and every one of us. I will not forget the valuable things she taught me in my time of knowing her and I truly hope that she in a better place. May her soul rest in peace.

Tazzie April 6th, 2020

This news is truly heartbreaking. Amelia was extremely supportive and kindhearted. Their outstanding contributions to our community will always be valued and cherished. May their soul rest in peace. My heart goes out to their family and friends.

Thank you @GlenM!

BeautifulBreeze April 6th, 2020


So sad to hear about her passing. She was a great asset to 7 Cups and was incredibly helpful to me here during some very trying times.

My heartfelt condolences goes out to her family, relatives, friends and co-workers. May she rest in peace. heart

AlwaysEli April 6th, 2020

Amelia was a wonderful friend to me and always gave me the benefit of the doubt. I am tearful as we say goodbye to a loving friend of the community.

Gracey April 6th, 2020

I am so shocked and saddened to hear this news. Amelia was one of the kindest and most hardworking people i have had the pleasure of meeting here, she always did go the extra mile for everyone and for this community. She was a wonderful part of my lcr team back in 2015 and helped to make 7 cups a safe and supportive environment for everyone. Her kind nature was infectious and pictures of Rocket were always a talking point.

Sending love out to the whole community. Life is fragile and precious and we all need to learn to be more gentle with one another

KK100 April 6th, 2020

@glenM, It;s realy sad. I am sure, she is in peace there.

HopearoundtheHills April 6th, 2020

@GlenM I never got to speak with her and im sad about that. I hope she is in peace where ever she is know. She will be remberered

Mobariz April 6th, 2020

This is so heartbreaking. My sincerest condolences to her family. Amelia will never be forgotten by the community and those so many people that she helped here.

mikenaiwc April 6th, 2020

It is truly a sad moment to hear that, especially when everyone is trying to push through the tough times now. Feeling sorry for her, she must have her battles, my only hope for her now is to rest well.

Although I never interacted or worked with her before, but I believe the community had spent precious moments and experiences with her.

TheQuietBeatle April 6th, 2020

Sleep Amelia, Sleep!

peace be upon you! : )

kindSoul10 April 6th, 2020

That's heartbreaking. I remember her as a caring and supportive person. She's been someone who truly shaped my mind.

Thank you Amelia, you'll be in our hearts. ❤️

PeppermintStar0912 April 6th, 2020

@GlenM I am incredibly sorry for the loss of Amelia. This is very very sad and I wish their family peace during this time heart

SamuelFrancis April 6th, 2020

@GlenM This is so sad to hear about this She was a great person.

lovelyWhisper66 April 6th, 2020

@GlenM Thank you for the news. I have fond memories of Amelia especially when I was a 7Cups Intern. We didn't talk much, but she was such a delight and always knew how to support others. My condolences to her loved ones. Her legacy will live on here.

Ahlex April 6th, 2020


:( rest in peace Amelia

Meowsicle April 6th, 2020

Our deepest condolences to Amelia and her family. I know losing someone we love and care about hurts us deeply. But I have to believe that she's in a better place and no longer suffering. One day we will see her again. Sending our prayers to you and yours.

Erica April 6th, 2020

This thread is surprising and truly heartbreaking. I remember meeting Amelia on here early on -- in 2015. She taught me so much about life, decisions that I take and my impact on other people. Amelia changed my life around over and over again. She was there no matter what time it was. She was there when my heart was broken and she was there when I got my first job. Amelia supported me no matter what and my heart is truly broken hearing this news.

The world has lost one amazing, kindhearted woman. As my heart aches and I grieve, I can only imagine what those who knew in "real life" are feeling so my condolences go out to them.

Thank you for letting us know, Glen.

edited to add: please do not message about this. I'm trying to grieve and process but messages reminding me are more upsetting than helpful 💜 I love you guys!

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn April 6th, 2020

@Erica - this is so sad to hear. Amelia was one of the first people I connected with in the community and she was always so cheerful and supportive. Im still in shock tbh. she will be missed.

RumpleSteeleSkin April 6th, 2020

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn love those words you spoke of her. Amelia did make 7cups on many aspects. heart

Shirley7Cups April 6th, 2020

@GlenM facing the COVID-19, I realize all human are weak, for we can't control alive or death.

Tyedyedbutterfly65 April 6th, 2020

@GlenM My Prayers are with her family and her friends ...heart

She gave so much to this awesome site and will be remembered as someone who left a large foot print in The Tea Leaves of 7ucps .

Isiah 40 Verse 31 But they that wait upon The Lord shall renew their strength .They shall mount up wings as Eagles,they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint . heart

Peace and Love heart


Dimara April 6th, 2020

I have no words.. this is truly heartbreaking.. I didn't have the chance to ever meet her, but all the things she did for people and for the 7Cups community, wow! My condolences to her family, friends and everyone that knew her.

May she rest in peace <3 An angel with a beautiful heart

CynthiaStockerLCSWLICSW April 6th, 2020


Thinking of you and Amelia. My favorite passage from the "The Little Prince" comes to mind "In one of those stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night. And when your sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrows) you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend...I shall not leave you.

kji April 6th, 2020


kji April 6th, 2020

hope she rest in peace ❤❤❤

RumpleSteeleSkin April 6th, 2020


Oh dear Heavenly Jesus I know Amelia is up there and doing her 7sippers stuff. When I met Amelia we both bumped heads-yes true. But she would pm me and ask silly questions or say something silly. I knew she was trying to get past my "hard core" self so that my potentail for 7cups can come out.

7cups was lucky to have Amelia as her heart was here-for the leaders for the community.

I have to stop as now I'm crying at this loss. Sweet Amelia you will be missed. I send prayers for the family and close friends that new herheart

cyanPlatypus6370 April 9th, 2020

@RumpleSteeleSkin - I agree, brother. Thank you for your raw emotion and honesty shown here in your post. I really do appreciate that from you :) Platy

@GlenM @Heather225 @Hope ... someone? My idea is to print these pages somehow and maybe cut apart the individual posts. You could line them up and fasten somehow (staples? tape?) and present to her family. Sort of like a card for them and to show them how much yes we do/did appreciate all that Amelia did for and with us here at ... :) I'm not sure if this would get expensive, but it's an idea anyway. <3 Platy

magicallySoul1274 April 29th, 2020

@cyanPlatypus6370 That would be amazing. Good idea! Her family need to know what she meant to this communuty and all of us.

pamharley003 April 6th, 2020


I am so heartbroken to hear this. She has always been there when I needed someone. I have lost two other friends but I grew to know her and all she has taught me will be used while I am here on 7 cups. To her family my deepest condolencesbroken heart

hopedreamlove April 6th, 2020


This is truly heartbreaking to hear. While I may have never had the honor to meet her, she was a big part in this community and has left a huge impact on everyone. My deepest condolences to her family and friends. May her soul rest in peace heart

AddictedTealover98 April 6th, 2020

With the current outbreak of COVID-19, i have realised that lives are short and people will go without even getting a chance to say goodbye. Though I never had the opportunity to meet her, this is a heartbreaking news and my condolences to her family, friends and all her loved ones. May she rest in peace.

The moment you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long. – Natsu Dragneel, Fairy Tail

HoneyBubbleTea April 6th, 2020

@GlenM I never had the opportunity in meeting her but my deepest condolences to their family, friends, and everyon of the community that knows her, may she rest in peace and sending big hugs to everyone that needs it. Is so hard to see one of our community leave but she'll be enjoying helping others wherever she is right now and touching more hearts.

PinkDahlia22 April 6th, 2020


Oh my! Rest well! Youll be missed. Amd your memories of how much you made a difference will live on!

Sleep tight! Be another Angel up there!

Irishcat April 6th, 2020

Very sad news to hear , my huge condolences go out to the family 💓