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Help Us Capture the 7 Cups Spirit: Join the 7 Cups Slogan Challenge!
by Heather225
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2 days ago
...See more We’ve built something truly special here at 7 Cups. Through the collective efforts of our listeners, leaders, and beloved members, we have sprouted and grown a community that welcomes people from all walks of life who can freely and openly share their experiences, offer support, find solace, and evolve as human beings. It’s a community founded on empathy, understanding, and the belief that we’re stronger together. We’re constantly striving to capture the essence of 7 Cups in a way that resonates with who we are and embodies the magic of what we do. Everyone has a voice, and every one of you has a little bit of that magic in you, and that’s why we’re turning to you for help! We’re looking to collect slogans and mantras that encapsulate the spirit of 7 Cups. Something that truly reflects the impact we have on each other’s lives. A slogan is a short, catchy phrase that is easy to remember. E.g. “think different" “breakfast of champions” and in the context of Cups: “grow through the path of problems.” & “high warmth high expectations” “beams!” A mantra is a word/words or phrase that’s memorable and easy to repeat. E.g. “I am enough” and in the context of 7 Cups: “listen with your heart” “we listen, we care.” As you think about 7 Cups, what comes to mind? I invite you all to participate by replying below with a slogan or mantra (or several if you’re inspired!).  * Upvote the ones that speak to you most and feel 7 Cups to you * Comment on them for extra points and encourage each other! We’ll rank the highest to feature in the community and across our socials. Cheers will be awarded to everyone who takes part! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping us tell our (your) story!
7 Cups for the searching soul book - Read and review to get a badge!
by Hope
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...See more Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well. Some of you may be aware that we have our very own book! It's called the 7 Cups for the searching soul. There is even a training /self-help guide based on the same book. The book focuses on helping you understand your behavior better, provide you with tips and tricks to grow as a person, and provides in-depth information about how our platforms can support you with your journey of growth. We encourage everyone to read the book and reflect on its contents. The admin team and I have read the book and we have really enjoyed the overall experience. You can download your copy of the book on Amazon for free here [] * Please note that the book is available in the following Amazon marketplaces: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands. Don't see your country listed? We've got you covered! Please find PDF and MOBI versions here []. To get the Soul Searcher badge please follow the following steps: Download the e-book from Amazon (if your country provides it) or use the second link and read it. Leave us a review on Amazon [] or Good reads []. Respond to this thread, let us know you did step 1 & 2 and tell us what were your favourite bits! We will appreciate your support in downloading and reviewing the book as more downloads/reviews help us reach and support more people.
Follow us on social media!
by Hope
Last post
September 10th
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you all are well. Did you know you can follow 7 Cups on your favorite social media platforms? Social media can be a mixed place, on one end we can find accounts/pages related to all of our favorite things but on the other hand, it can make us compare ourselves to others and sometimes interact with less than positive content. On our social media accounts, we share positive content focusing on inspirational quotes, the great things happening in our community, and what's up in the mental health world with a little fun in between. Our aim is to provide you with content that is good for your mental health. Following 7Cups social media accounts not only makes a positive impact on your feed, but it also helps us reach more people. More people can know about our platform and can benefit from our mission. That's quite a win, win if you ask me! To acknowledge and show our appreciation for the support you show you and us! Everyone who follows the following social media accounts will receive the ‘Super Supporter badge' Instagram - @7Cups [] Twitter - @7Cups [] & @7CupsTeen [] Facebook - 7CupsOfTea [] Youtube - 7 Cups of Tea [] LinkedIn - 7-cups [] You can also follow 7 Cups Academy on LinkedIn! 7-cups-academy [] Step 1) Hit follow! (We understand that not everyone has accounts on all social media platforms so you can follow the ones that you have accounts on) Step 2) Reply to this thread and let us know that you have followed us!
Turning Pain into Purpose: Share Your Redemption Story (#GotHope)
by Heather225
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July 1st
...See more Have you ever experienced a difficult time in your life that ultimately led you to become a stronger, more compassionate person? Maybe you faced hardship, loss, or personal struggles that made you question your path. But instead of letting those experiences define you, you used them as fuel to grow and give back to others. These stories of overcoming challenges and turning pain into purpose are powerful. They remind us that even amidst darkness, there's light to be found and a way out to a brighter future. They instill hope that anyone can find their way and we’ve seen countless successes through the support of our dear caring community.  You might be a member who has made significant progress under the care of a listener. You might be a listener who was helped as a member and decided to give back by becoming a listener. You might be a user who has a story that has helped you share your vulnerability to touch others’ lives through the power of peer support. Our community is stronger for our wounded healers who prove that healing and growth are possible, even despite adversity. The possibilities are endless: 7 Cups is all about giving hope. As part of an upcoming campaign, we would like to gather your stories to inspire others, show the power of overcoming challenges, and celebrate the impact of our community. Please consider submitting yours via this form [] and we'll be in touch with next steps! ✨You will receive an exclusive badge for your contribution to the video! ✨ Thanks in advance! #GotHope
7 Cups Academy: Content Development and Marketing (CDM) Program
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
May 24th
...See more Hi everyone, Earlier this month, the 7 Cups Academy []went live and its core aim is to provide a platform where our community users can strive towards leadership and professional excellence. I am excited to introduce and launch the Content Development and Marketing (CDM) Program as the latest addition to the Academy: Goal: Help generate and market mental health-related content at 7 Cups Program Description: The current program focuses on teaching writing tips and social media content creation practices to help generate and shape valued content to be used to aid mental health awareness and support, both at 7 Cups and for any personal projects/opportunities interested trainees may participate in. The program utilizes practical tasks and assignments to combine learned and personal strengths-based skills and lead to experience and contribution within the 7 Cups community. Program Learning Goals: The program will aid your understanding of best writing practices essential to creating content that relates to and contributes awareness and support of topics that fall in the mental health industry. It will not only enhance your communication and writing skills but provide a chance to research and generate ideas as well as get to publish finalized articles and content at 7 Cups. Moreover, it will allow you to understand an aspect of SEO based writing applications as well as effective social media marketing strategies that help boost and enhance the valued content you will produce. Program Outcomes: The program will result in attaining relevant writing, research, and marketing skills applicable to the mental health-related industry. Be a published and recognized contributor for the 7 Cups platform and be a part of the global mental health awareness and support movement! Earn a program completion certificate and be a proud alumnus of the 7 Cups Academy after graduating from the program. You can also choose to request an additional letter of recommendation. After graduation, gain an opportunity to become a permanent member of the 7 Cups Content Volunteer Team to further enhance your experience! Requirements to Join: * Be a Listener for 2 weeks and have at least 10 1-on-1 Chats * Be a member of the 7 Cups community for at least 1 month. Note: Although no prior knowledge is required to join and participate in this Content Development and Marketing Program, this program does not aim to teach basic writing skills involving grammar. Program Duration: * 8 - 12 weeks as per availability/choice (learning and practical work combined) Program Trial: Every program participant will be on a two-week trial which will aid in determining whether this program is a good fit for you. Onboarding Info We will onboard new trainees every week on Mondays. The first batch will be onboarded on Jan 25, 2021. Please apply at least 5 days before the start date you prefer. The start date will always be a Monday. Please fill the application accurately (wrong start dates, usernames, or emails will result in rejection) You will receive the acceptance email 3-4 days before your program start date. You are required to respond to the email and confirm that you can make the commitment to complete the program. Failure to respond will result in rejection of the application and you will need to apply again To apply, please find the application form here [] Updated on July 25, 2021 to update the Listener eligibility criteria, Updated on August 18, 2021 to update Program Duration as per Updated Structure Post updated to reflect the Academy acceptance email update on Jan 3, 2022
Research Participation Opportunity: Systemic Psychotherapy-informed Growth Path and Listener Training
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
March 8th
...See more Researchers at the International Psychoanalytic University (IPU) are conducting a research study to understand the effect of a Systemic Therapy inspired Growth Path or Listener Training on mental well-being. This research study, entitled “Systemic Psychotherapy-informed self-help and paraprofessional training in a naturalistic setting” is inspired by Systemic Therapy. Systemic therapy focuses on relationships between people and the patterns of interaction within the systems that impact the well-being of the individuals within the system. Examples of the systems that people live in are family, work, and community, with each of the roles and relationships impacting the individual's well-being. The individual is considered the expert in their systems and is encouraged to explore and understand the system and the various roles and relationships involved in the system and how they impact their well-being. Healthy systems are encouraged by seeking balance within the system, as well as working on the roles and relationships involved. Key aspects of working with these systems include remaining respectful, non-judgmental and focusing on the importance of communication. Other key aspects involve investigating the relationships, one's own thoughts, behaviour and feelings, and how past experiences influence current patterns, behaviour and relationships. It is also important to identify and express emotions in a healthy way. The Growth Path and Listener Training techniques you will learn about are: * Joining * Contracting * Witnessing * Sculpture Work * Linework By participating in this scientific research study, you are providing valuable data on the effect of our Growth Path or Listener Training. We need research to find the best ways to support mental well-being through self-help programmes such as 7 Cups Growth Paths and Listener Training. Your participation is valuable for this research, and we hope you will find the techniques and experience enjoyable. You may or may not personally benefit from participating in this study. About the Researchers We are a research team working at the International Psychoanalytic University in Berlin in collaboration with 7 Cups. Members of our team currently include: Prof. Dr. Gunther Meinlschmidt, Moritz Borrmann (M.A), Pieter Erasmus (M.A), Stefanie Herta (B.A.) and Jule Becker (B.A.). Study Procedure * If you are interested in participating, please fill out the interest form, consent form and Unique Identifying Code at the end of this announcement. Please keep this code safe as you will be asked for it at multiple points during this study. * Once you have been selected to participate, you will get a 7 Cups private message from (@SoulfullyAButterfly) with a Growth Path link to go through for 2-5 weeks. This study uses randomization, which means that we will use a list to randomly assign you to either the intervention or waitlist group. Randomization gives everyone an equal and fair chance to be selected for each group. However, you will still be guaranteed access to the intervention at different times. The intervention group will receive access to the intervention immediately. The waitlist group will receive access to the intervention 6-7 weeks later. * The researchers are interested in your experience, opinion and levels of well-being while learning the systemic therapy techniques. They will collect data at 3 assessment points: The first set of questions will be asked before starting the growth path or listener training. The second set of questions will be asked right after the growth path or listener training is finished. The third (final) set of questions will be asked 2 weeks after finishing the growth path or listener training. All of the assessment data will be kept confidential and pseudonymised and will only be used for research purposes. The first two assessment measures will be linked within relevant Growth Path or Listener Training steps and the final questionnaire you will get as a 7 Cups private message two weeks after completing the Growth Path or Listener Training. We will not report or provide individual feedback information for your responses to the questionnaires and will only report the results from the questionnaires as group results to indicate general trends. Study Duration Each systemic therapy technique will take approximately 1 hour, and we recommend doing the 5 growth path techniques over 2-5 weeks. Participation Criteria This research study is available for our global 7 Cups community. To participate in this study, you must meet the following criteria: * Be 18 years or older. * Be an active listener or member who has used 7 Cups within the past 2 weeks. If you are interested in participating in this research study, please fill out the interest form and consent form below. We will reach out to you if you are eligible to participate in the research study. Interest and Consent Form [] Note (5/9/2023): Please note that the above interest/consent form collects emails (and no longer necessarily requires a Google Account) so that participants can receive a copy of the Informed Consent form. Note (11/30/23): The requirement "Have been signed up on the 7 Cups platform as a user or listener for a minimum of 3 months." is no longer applicable to this study after approval from the ethics board. This announcement was hence edited to remove that requirement.
Calling All Music Lovers! Contribute to Our Official 7 Cups Spotify Playlist
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
March 5th
...See more Hi everyone, Music often serves as a therapeutic tool, providing comfort and connection, and what better way to leverage the power of music for community than through our very own playlist? This playlist will serve as a shared space for us all to enjoy music that uplifts, comforts, and inspires. It's your opportunity to share the music that touches your soul, and in turn, listen to what resonates with others. The 7 Cups Mixtape [] (hosted by Spotify) Is there a song that calms you on a stressful day? Or perhaps a melody that takes you to a space of positivity? We're open to all music genres. Here's how you can participate: 1. Select 1-2 songs that inspire, motivate, or uplift you, or simply make you feel good. 2. Submit your song choices by replying to this post. We will get the playlist started and update this post with a link to give it a listen! Note: We will only add songs that are appropriate for our community (e.g. no profanity or dark themes).
(March 2024) Listener Research Participation Opportunity: Simulation-Based Training of Active Listening Skills
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
March 3rd
...See more Stanford University is conducting a research study to collaboratively develop technologies for simulation-based training of active listening skills.  We are seeking participants to shape the design and evaluation of a Simulated Support Seeker, which we call a customized Member Bot.  Eventually, we hope listeners can interactively practice different conversational scenarios, without the need for a trained actor to role-play with. At this second stage, we are seeking feedback on several versions of Simulated Support Seeker. As a participant, you will be invited to interact with a Simulated Support Seeker and evaluate sample dialogues for their believability and usefulness. Ethical Considerations: The research team and this current study aim to enhance the listener experience while preserving the vital role of human connection on the platform. We strongly believe in the power of human support and do not intend to replace human interaction in any way. This study focuses on the development of a Member Bot that can serve as a practice tool for listeners who might want to refine their active listening skills. To ensure ethical and responsible development, the research team seeks your valuable feedback on the potential benefits and potential drawbacks of this tool. The study will take approximately 1 hour to complete and you will be compensated with a $25 Amazon gift card for your participation.  Participant Requirements: Listeners interested in participating: * Must be 18 years of age or older. * Must be located in the U.S. * Must have helped 30+ members through 1-1 chats (People Helped) Participants with experience in the 7 Cups Mock Chat program are especially encouraged to apply. If you are interested in participating in this research, please fill out this interest form []. [] We will reach out to you if you are a fit for the study.
Listener Research Participation Opportunity: Simulation-Based Training of Active Listening Skills
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
February 29th
...See more Stanford University is conducting a research study to collaboratively develop technologies for simulation-based training of active listening skills.  We are seeking participants to shape the design and evaluation of a Simulated Support Seeker, which we call a customized Member Bot.  Eventually, we hope listeners can interactively practice different conversational scenarios, without the need for a trained actor to role-play with. At this second stage, we are seeking feedback on several versions of Simulated Support Seeker. As a participant, you will be invited to interact with a Simulated Support Seeker and evaluate sample dialogues for their believability and usefulness. The study will take approximately 1 hour to complete and you will be compensated with a $25 Amazon gift card for your participation.  Participant Requirements: Listeners interested in participating: * Must be 18 years of age or older. * Must be located in the U.S. * Must have helped 30+ members through 1-1 chats (People Helped) Participants with experience in the 7 Cups Mock Chat program are especially encouraged to apply. If you are interested in participating in this research, please fill out this interest form []. [] We will reach out to you if you are a fit for the study.
Apply to the Content Volunteer Team: 2021
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
February 19th
...See more Hi everyone, The Content Volunteer Team at 7 Cups is being restructured and is now open to join for several roles! Are you interested in using your writing skills for change? If content writing or editing interests you, the 7 Cups Content Volunteer Team might be a team to get involved in! Aims: The Content Volunteer Team will be working on improving the quality of our existing content pages, including our Question and Answer [] spaces, alongside our Expert Mental Health News and Advice sections []. Open to both listeners and members, consider joining if you: * Are passionate about improving the existing content at 7 Cups * Have creative ideas for future content * Are ready to contribute towards more expert mental health news and advice With opportunities that involve writing and editing alongside interesting interviews and story, facts, and research-based content, the Content Volunteer Team is a great opportunity to pour your passion for writing or even learn new skills and teamwork opportunities. Although there are no strict requirements to join we ask you to dedicate your time and effort as often as you can! A minimum three-month commitment is a suggested time period for effective experience and team collaboration. We are excited to build a great team of writers and contributors! Want to Join but feel like you would like some extra guidance? Consider joining the Content Development and Marketing (CDM) Academy Program []! CDM Graduates are strongly encouraged to apply to join the Team. Please note that you will need to share an accurate, active email address as it will be used for primary team communications. Please also consider adding/white-listing the following address to make sure you receive emails: Some of the current roles and their respective task descriptions that the Content Team is looking help with are: * Writers (Shorter forms of writing including improvements to existing Q&A Content as well as contributing fresh article content) * As a writer for shorter forms of content, you will be expected to contribute at least 10 Q&A tasks per month. Writers are expected to submit at least 1 article per month. * Editorial Assistants * As an editorial assistant, you will be trained to edit articles with various focuses, some including CDM trainee submissions, therapist submissions, as well as other forms of editing of fresh as well as existing content. * This role requires proactiveness, with a minimum of 1 article edited per assistant. * Editorial Assistants can also help with other editorial needs. Added Benefits: Attain a personalized recommendation letter to go with your CV/portfolio or online freelancing/remote websites after being consistent for 2+ months and contributing 2 articles/month. To apply to any of the above roles, click >HERE []<
2023 and 2024: Word Cloud Activity Results
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
January 30th
...See more Hi everyone, We have kept our tradition of creating word "Cups" or clouds [] for the previous year and the New Year for the 4th year now! I am very excited to share our resulting cups with all of you. For 2023, our dominant community word is Change! For 2024, our dominant community word is Health! Here's to another great year where we improve our wellbeing and flourish, together. Feel welcome to share your reflections in the replies to this post.
2023 and 2024: Help Us Create a Cup Cloud!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
January 6th
...See more Our annual Word Cup Cloud Activity is back this year! You can view the cups created for 2023 (and 2022 reflection here []). Our dominant word for 2023 hopes was "Growth". Please feel welcome to share any word you feel describes the progress achieved as a community or personally. You can also share your word after generally reflecting on 2023. These words will be used to create a word (cup) cloud which we will share with the community as well as a post on social media. We also ask you to share your word in regards to any hopes for 2024! Submissions should be sent via this form [] only. Looking forward to this collaborative activity and wishing everyone the best.
2022 and 2023: Word Cloud Activity Results
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
December 31st, 2023
...See more Hi everyone, We have kept our tradition of creating word "Cups" or clouds [] for the previous year and the New Year for the 3rd year now! I am very excited to share our resulting cups with all of you. For 2022, our dominant community word is Perseverance! For 2023, our dominant word is Growth! Here's to another great year with personal as well as community growth! Feel welcome to share your reflections in the replies to this post.
Has 7 Cups Helped You? Survey
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
December 18th, 2023
...See more Hi everyone, The community at 7 Cups is growing and we're excited to gain insights from your experiences! We want to better understand how 7 Cups helped you, so that we can help others benefit in similar ways.  Your experiences matter! Please fill out the survey here [].
Listener Research Participation Opportunity: Simulation-Based Active Listening Training
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
December 1st, 2023
...See more Stanford University is conducting a research study to collaboratively develop technologies for simulation-based training of active listening skills. We are seeking participants to shape the design and evaluation of a Simulated Support Seeker. This technology could be useful in a dynamic 'sandbox' environment for a listener to interactively practice different conversational scenarios, without the need for a trained actor to role-play with. At this initial stage, we are recruiting participants for an online interview + design input session. In the session, you will be invited to: (1) Share your thoughts about the diversity of help seeker personas and behaviors that a Simulated Support Seeker should portray;  (2) Use a specially created tool to construct cases and guide the design of the Simulated Support Seeker. The study will take approximately 1 hour to complete and you will be compensated with a $25 Amazon gift card for your participation.  Participant Requirements: Listeners interested in participating: * Must be 18 years of age or older. * Must be located in the U.S. * Must have completed 30+ conversations as a listener on 7 Cups. Participants with experience in the 7 Cups Mock Chat program are especially encouraged to apply. If you are interested in participating in this research, please fill out this interest form []. We will reach out to you if you are a fit for the study.

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