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7 Cups for the searching soul book - Read and review to get a badge!

Hope August 6th, 2020

Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well. Some of you may be aware that we have our very own book! It's called the 7 Cups for the searching soul. There is even a training /self-help guide based on the same book. The book focuses on helping you understand your behavior better, provide you with tips and tricks to grow as a person, and provides in-depth information about how our platforms can support you with your journey of growth.

We encourage everyone to read the book and reflect on its contents. The admin team and I have read the book and we have really enjoyed the overall experience.

mailYou can download your copy of the book on Amazon for free here

* Please note that the book is available in the following Amazon marketplaces: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands.

Don't see your country listed? We've got you covered! Please find PDF and MOBI versions here.

To get the Soul Searcher badge please follow the following steps:

enlightenedDownload the e-book from Amazon (if your country provides it) or use the second link and read it.

enlightenedLeave us a review on Amazon or Good reads.

enlightened Respond to this thread, let us know you did step 1 & 2 and tell us what were your favourite bits!

We will appreciate your support in downloading and reviewing the book as more downloads/reviews help us reach and support more people.

KristinHelps August 23rd, 2020

@Hope Reviewed on both! What a great find to have on hand and resourceful. Thanks for putting this out to where we can all download this and read! Grateful!

Mysteyhelp000 October 11th, 2020

@Hope done steps one and two. I love reading books and it seems like I was just missing this one.๐Ÿ’™

generouswings December 12th, 2020

@Hope Read the book and reviewed it. What a wonderful book it has been! It helped me in increasing my knowledge about mental health and Psychology in general, and I'm so glad to have read it. It's a must read for everyone out there

December 14th, 2020

@Hope Downloaded PDF. Read. And posted review on goodreads. I don't have Amazon account, else I would have done it through there. My favorite part would be chapter 3 where it talked about distraction.

August 23rd, 2020

Did 1 and 2

The beginning of the book itself warms your heart.
Making us realize that change can be tough.
And tough means that you might need a helping hand.
That's where 7cups comes in ๐Ÿ˜Š

Dino12 August 23rd, 2020

I downloaded the e-book and left a rating on Goodreads. My favorite things about the book are that it was informative and an easy read. It opened my eyes to a lot of new information and possibilities. You feel validated and understood because reasons and possibilities for your feelings and emotions were described as well as strategies to help with the bad ones which is reflected a lot in 7cups

competentArrow49 August 23rd, 2020

Left a review my favorite bit would be the first chapter :D

Mankka August 23rd, 2020


I found this book when I entered the 7 cups in April and I downloaded it. very good and useful this book. I felt the book reading it, that I want to be the member of the 7 cups of team much better. all that, which I read,, I can apply it in the privacy. I will read it even many times certainly. thank you

SophTheListener2022 August 23rd, 2020


Steps 1 and 2 completed.

My favorite part would have to be the chart and the process of getting help then passing it forward by helping others.

August 23rd, 2020


I downloaded the e-book and left a rating on Goodreads. My favorite things about the book are that it was informative and an easy read. I like how straightforward this book is. I also enjoyed the story in the beginning.

azuladragon34 August 23rd, 2020


Did 1 and 2

I really loved the book and what I got from it was that change is hard, but with the right mind and right support, change will be made so much easier

VerseArt August 23rd, 2020

Hello @Hope

I have read the book, enjoyed it and left a review on Good Reads as well :)

I found out about 7 Cups through reading this book. I really liked that this book isnt just about 7 Cups and its goals. It is about You, it is about Us, Our Life. Finding our strengths, our motivations, our true selves. This book is filled with insights, knowledge, and a refreshing perspective. It is about a new beginning, about freedom from expectations and disappointments. I especially liked the part about helping others explained with the chart.

Suryansh August 23rd, 2020


Hi There Laiba, I hope you are doing great !!

Coming to the steps, I did both the steps.

Coming next to my favourite parts/bits of the books, I would like to say that it was very informative and yes of course, very easy to read so that everyone can get to the book very easily. I really appreciate the efforts made to make this book and I would like to say that the efforts for making this book came with flying colours. It really helped me too after reading to get more informatio and that book could really help a one to seek support as while reading it gives a warm pleasure and makes one away from other pains if they might be experiencing. The greeting itself is so warm and compassionate that I loved the way and greetings also make a great change while someone is reading something. Finally, I would like to say, the book was fantastic and amazing.laughheart

pamharley003 August 23rd, 2020


enlightenedDownload the e-book from Amazon (if your country provides it) or use the second link and read it.

I had downloaded the book when I saw it was on Amazon for free. I have it stored on my tablet to go back to certain parts of the book when I need guidance again.

enlightenedLeave us a review on Amazon or Good reads.

I left a review on Amazon.

enlightened Respond to this thread, let us know you did step 1 & 2 and tell us what were your favourite bits!

Soulessence August 23rd, 2020


Please help with Amazon link๐Ÿ˜Š

pamharley003 August 23rd, 2020


I will leave my review on goodreads Amazon is not allowing me post a review for some reason.

Daf8 August 23rd, 2020


heart All done! I loved those bits when the book explains the reality, and tells you how to succeed with that reality. heart

Truthlightbeam222 August 24th, 2020

@Daf8 open mindedness

Daf8 August 24th, 2020


heart ? heart

heart *Hugs* heart

LittleEmm August 24th, 2020


I left a review on Amazon

dreamangel135 October 5th, 2020

@pamharley003 i dont have kindle

Tyedyedbutterfly65 August 23rd, 2020


I left a review on Amazon where I downloade this wonderful book ...

Wow Just Wow!!! I have read many Mental Health Books and Programs which I had to pay for each one and I did learn from each one but I have to say this is by far the best one yet and not because I am here because it is honestly all true what was wriiten

Our Brains control Us - Very True, we do have to work on how the brain controls us...we can take back some power if we work on this.

I wanna be Miss Maggie !! lol I do and I may be to some extent because I have educated myself so much on Health and I am very open about sharing things I have learned througout life and I may not have the best wisdom out there but i have some and people do wanna hear me sometimes lol.

The Circle for me is always around me I am someone that allows people so far into my circle but then I can push them right back out of my circle or they can cause their self to be out on their own a choice they have made.. Family and Friends know me well and know how I hanlde my circle and it is a tight one.. I could loosen the circle and see if people are still gonna push the boundaries ...

I actually cried in parts of this book because I do have to remember myself we are all human , Imperfect and we are not ever going to be what others what us to be or expect us to be.. 7cups understands we are not perfect so I have to accept this myself.

The Doors in Heaven - wow- well I sure hope i get there and I do believe in Heaven myself ...It was sad to see a room full of people so skinny and drained and not well even with the awesome smelling food ... I wanna be in the room where everyone is happy and filled up with love and happiness heart

I will be reading this book again and again !! So thank you @Hope for sharing this post I am grateful and thankful .

@GlenM - Thank you so much wow awesome book ! Thank you for the site !!heart

Peace and Love, Tyesmiley

Spend time with your family and friends and never take them for granted because it is true time flies by and you can not go backwards... If you have kids and they wanna Play then take time to play with them , give them hugs and kisses and tell them a million times over how much you love them and the same with Parents and Grandparents let them know you love them all the time . I sure miss my parents and siblings and a baby.. heart

Shanna August 23rd, 2020


I haven't read the book, but I completed the training course in January and found it very problematic from an eating disorder standpoint--which is something many of our members, listeners, and myself struggle with.

I created this thread highlighting issues I found with the course, offered to collaborate with whoever is in charge of the training, and emailed community@7cups but never received a response.

Please see my feedback thread HERE

Thank you.


Shanna September 7th, 2020

@community7cups @hope @glenm

youcanbeyou August 23rd, 2020

i did was heartwarming the book and the site really males a difference in peoples lives its great that the word is getting spread about 7 cups

redemptionblue17 August 24th, 2020


downloaded and left a review already!

my favorite part is the first part, which the book is not about lecturing us but acknowledge that we don't know the reader personally, yet we still console them.

Most part of the book let the reader involve in psychology materials without having to ground in textbooks, which is more efficient (also just 89 pages of self-reminder, it's a lot better than other psychology/self-improvement books right)

August 24th, 2020


Left a review on amazon.

I love the story in the beginning, it just guides you right into the rest of the book. I love how informational this book is without being preachy or bossy.

Kunoichi91Warrior August 24th, 2020

Hello !
I Downloaded the book for a while now and just wrote my review about it .

As a books collector I find this book a must have in my collection . The book is great and I also did recommend it to people around me .

Online /offline distractions to me was something that I was already thinking about in my own way therefore when I found this part in the book, I couldn't agree more .
I found a lot of valuable informations and great tips for self improving .

I am greatful to have such a precious book , Thank you 7Cups !

ethnographer August 24th, 2020

I took the required steps!

To me, the best part of the book was the priviledge was included. I would have liked to see more overt and explicit discussion of anti-racism though. Maybe in new editions?

02Aditi02 August 24th, 2020

@Hope It's goos to see that you people are giving access to your books.

Have downloaded it. And will read it !๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚

Would love to get more โค

Astro22 August 24th, 2020


Completed Step 1 and 2. My favourite things about the book was that it was very informative, whilst still being an easy read which allows everyone - regardless of age - to take something from it and feel validated.

BellatheHappyHelper August 24th, 2020

Completed both!

My favorite parts were

" Realize that personal growth is not easy. It isn

sotdspec1 August 24th, 2020


I reviewed the book on Amazon. I really appreciate all the work the staff is putting into this site. I already finished the book few weeks ago.

My forever favourite part of the book is this:

"The first cup kisses away my thirst,
and my loneliness is quelled by the second.
The third gives insight worthy of ancient scrolls,
and the fourth exiles my troubles.
My body becomes lighter with the fifth,
and the sixth sends word from immortals.
But the seventh-oh the seventh cup-
if I drink you, a wind will hurry my wings
toward the sacred island."


AriadneLove August 24th, 2020

This book provides good advice and support for anyone who experienced a hard period in life. The information no Anxiety was especially helpful to me.

HappyDucky8 August 24th, 2020

How do you get the book

Zoff August 25th, 2020


All done yes

Love the part about anxiety and little 7Cups poem :)

silverHeart49 August 25th, 2020


downloaded, read and reviewed the book. One of the best books I have read in a while it was an extremly easy read but taught some amzing things as I went through. The book is super eyeopening and really heloed me with some of my own problems! Thank you :)

hazelandpine August 25th, 2020


Wooh, I'm done! This book made me feel so much wiser, feels like I'm Einstein already laughSo, I would like to say a big, big thank you from the bottom of my heart to the entire 7 cups communtiy. Can't believe I've been here for less than a month surpriseanyhoo, love y'all heart

LovelyOrangeJuice August 25th, 2020

7 cups for the searching soul is an amazing book. Reading it comforts me a lot. There are plenty of lessons and advices that you can learn from the book. :)



I want to get the Soul Searcher badge because I followed the following steps:

1) I downloaded the pdf and read it.

2) I left you a review on Good reads.

3) I am telling you what were my favourite bits: the whole book!!