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Introducing... The Safety Patrol Outreach Team!

Heather225 May 7th, 2019

Safety Patrol!

We understand that there's a lot to take in when you are first starting out, and that you may find yourself with questions about the flagging process, when and what to flag, grey areas, and everything in between. You may not even be new; we all have questions as we learn to grow, and we take great care to be as accurate as possible when it concerns safety protocol.

@MidnightRaven999, a mentor and seasoned patrol team member, has created a team especially designed to assist the Safety Patrol!

Our team goals are:
1. To reach out to all the new members of the Safety Patrol, give them resources (and be a resource) to help guide them on how to flag and keep the community safe
2. To train new Safety Patrol members on how to flag profiles, what to look for, and where to look for them
3. To spread knowledge about what the Safety Patrol is and what we do here to help keep the site a safe and supportive environment
- Be Verified

- Be on the Safety Patrol team for at least 2 months or more

- Have Active Listening 1 and 2 completed

- Be willing to complete Active Listening 3-4 within a month of joining the team

If you fullfill these requirements and want to support your fellow safety patrol members through the Safety Patrol Outreach Team, please apply below!

Thank you, Safety Patrol (and Outreach) for your dedication to site safety and for looking out for one another!

crystalclearnow May 7th, 2019


Great initiative!

Erato May 7th, 2019

@Heather225 Woah this is interesting! 💯 Best of luck with the new team c:

Power May 7th, 2019

@Heather225 Thats awesome!

SoulfullyAButterfly May 7th, 2019

@Heather225 I love this! One question though is that will there be requirements expected of team members, or is this rather a bit more flexible?

Your wings already exist, all you need to do is fly!

MidnightRaven999 May 7th, 2019

@SoulfullyAButterfly right now its a bit more flexible, since the team is new, but in the future there might be monthly goals and requirements team members need to meet, depending on what part you apply to

Hope May 7th, 2019


Awesome initiative! Good job Raven!

EvelyneRose May 7th, 2019


This is awesome!

pamharley003 May 8th, 2019

Thank you for accepting and welcoming aboard the team. I am here to help in anyway I can

enigmaticJet79 September 30th, 2019

This is awesome! Signing up soon as I finish posting this 😂❤️

pamharley003 September 30th, 2019


I am on the team and was asked to stop as they wanted quality control Mentors. I did apply for it and am waiting to see if I am accepted. I would like to be back doing what was asked .

GodOnlyKnows51 March 12th, 2020


hether i wonder if this can be combined with a thing that is being worked on between another L ,myself and Obs... @aSilentObserver

sensibleStrawberries9877 March 15th, 2020


I'm in.

Let's create a positive environment where everyone is a winner!

Gracey March 15th, 2020


Hey there! It is great that you are interested in keeping 7cups a possitive and supportive place! The safety patrol team is only open to people who have a listener account here smiley . If as a member you see any profiles that concern you, you can email to let them know!

sensibleStrawberries9877 March 15th, 2020

@Gracey Oooops my bad!

Just spreading my joy :)

Emily619 April 28th, 2020

Is it required to be a chatroom or quality mentor or teen star?

Gracey April 28th, 2020


Hi Emily! No you just have to have been on the Safety Patrol team for 2 months

cocoakrispies121 July 30th, 2020


Is there any way to know how long we have been on Safety Patrol? I would love to join, but I don't know how long I have been on Saftey Patrol. Thanks!

MidnightRaven999 July 31st, 2020

@cocoakrispies121 hey there, we actually keep track of all that information! it looks like you've been part of safety patrol for a little over a month, so in the middle of next month you can apply to be part of SPOT if you want!

cocoakrispies121 July 31st, 2020


Awesome! Thank you!!

fairyava April 7th, 2021

Just applied!