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The Personality Cupcakes!

User Profile: CheeryMango
CheeryMango February 24th, 2021

Welcome everyone!

Please take a seat in our virtual lounge. Tea and coffee will be served to all ☕️

For our very first activity, we will be getting to know one another by making our own cupcakes!

To make cupcake:

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

Please be sure to give your cupcake a name and tell us about your cupcake in your responses!

We look forward to learning more about you!

Click here to join our taglist!

@11820Read @adventurousOrange5285 @alexisinthehouse @ambitiousVase1322 @blitheEmbrace27 @BlueberryMiilk @brightsugar1923 @cafedaydreams @celticbard1018 @communicativeYard2325 @conscientiousPeach2999 @considerateParadise6717 @crystalvalley @cyanCup5451 @DeeGold @doeji @DonaldDraper @eaudevie @electricbird @emotionalBanana1111 @enchantedlove @fairmindedWisteria3450 @Fakekiwi003 @Feelings10010 @galaxyGirl299 @genuineGabby97 @goldenHouse4808 @greenSailboat3491 @hopedreamlove @Katbtrying552 @LilacKalypso9 @lilme @lusanda @lyricalAngel70 @MishiS @musicalHarmony @mystrawberrykitty @NellaNutella @NoneTheWiser @nordurnStar @oel @Onlyonefollower @pamharley003 @Parvlakin @PeaceLoveandPaws @PhaedrusMaynard @placidAvocado2692 @purpleTree4652 @QuietLotus @Raiyan03 @RedMouse @Rynn @SallyMa3893 @scarletOrange1520 @SilentSerenityy @Skyglider @SlipperySlope0 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @SunnyLexi @Tazzie @thoughtfulmomma @u1146 @uzumaki6 @Yashoda108

User Profile: SunnyLexi
SunnyLexi February 24th, 2021






Favorite colors



My cupcake's name is bear! She is nice and loves to be active! She loves to be friends with everyone as well!

1 reply
February 25th, 2021

@SunnyLexi coincidentally this cupcake is cyan and pink too 🧁 Grinning

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User Profile: mystrawberrykitty
mystrawberrykitty February 24th, 2021

oooo yummy cupcake !!! ♡^▽^♡ 🧁 ~ i am bubbly , compassionate , and accepting !! 🧁 ~ pink and blue !!! 🧁 ~ i just ate breakfast !!! nom nom nommm time to eat cupcakeeee hehehe

1 reply
User Profile: mystrawberrykitty
mystrawberrykitty February 24th, 2021

also my cupcake’s name is kittycake! ♡^▽^♡

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User Profile: LilacKalypso9
LilacKalypso9 February 24th, 2021

1. Considerate, confident, caring 2. Purple & fuschia 3. Psychology degree Name: Chroma cupcake🦄

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 24th, 2021


This is fun haha ! Me loves cupcakesssss😊❤

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special

Why is talking about our own selves so difficult lol , *thinks*

hmm, maybe ... 1. Observant

2. Ambivert (sometimes helps me jell easily in different situations and with different people)

3. Self reliant

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

Sky blue and Nature Greeen

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

Finally Did something I was procrastinating on .

Please be sure to give your cupcake a name and tell us about your cupcake in your responses!

Name - "Only for You"

Only for you, is a cupcake just like it's name, catered as per your preference and to be loved and accepted by all ! The blue colour representing the sky tells you that hey boo, sky's the limit...just go for it ; the green colour inspired by Nature is here to remind you to aim for the sky but don't forget to stay grounded to your roots too, self reliance is virtue-be you ,for you, by you and with you ; being an ambivert helps in adapting to different situations, and being observant- it's sometimes all about those little moments ,nobody else is watching, but you are , just like how your eyes lit up when you see, something you admire ! ❤

Be YOU, Only for you !! ❤

3 replies
February 25th, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🧁Only for you Red heart

1 reply
User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2021


Haha, Donziee 🤗❤ * Keeps it simple and shares cupcakesssss * wink

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User Profile: positiveRiver9935
positiveRiver9935 February 25th, 2021

1 kind understanding helpful 2yellow and orange Following through on a very needed Appointment

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User Profile: fairmindedWisteria3450
fairmindedWisteria3450 February 24th, 2021

1) Resilience 2) Adventurous 3) Kindness 1) Aquamarine blue 2) Yellow Topping: I learned to play the guitar 🎸!! 😃 Name: The positive cupcake 🎂 My cupcake is made of all the things that keep me going and help me feel better about myself. ☺

User Profile: conscientiousPeach2999
conscientiousPeach2999 February 24th, 2021

Elements: good listener, compassionate, polite Colors: orange, turquoise Achievement: passing my last exam of school My cupcake’s name is Faithful Blend, because recently I started having and believing in more faith, and I’ve always thought I have a mix of different personalities and a variety of interests. 🧁

User Profile: melloohi
melloohi February 24th, 2021

🧁 Elements 🧁 ♡Kindness ♡Happiness ♡Love for animals 🧁 Colors 🧁 💛 Yellow 💙 Blue 🧁 Toppings 🧁 ♡ I made my first completed painting and I helped "grounding" a friendd 🧁 Name of cupcake! 🧁 My cupcakes name is Violet : D

User Profile: electricbird
electricbird February 24th, 2021

Hello everybody heart I hope you're doing wonderful! This activity is so fun laugh

3 elements of my personality would be that I'm patient, I'm kind and empathetic

The 2 colors I'm picking are lilac and baby blue (gotta love pastels haha)

My topping is that I recently graduated from a masters' program, and I can't even begin to think in everything that happened in these two years, I'm a completely different person thanks to all the growing enlightened

I'd like to name this cupcake "Fly high, birdie", and knowing me, it would probably have a surprise filling in the middle, like jam or nutella cheeky

User Profile: Katbtrying552
Katbtrying552 February 24th, 2021

Ingredients for a Kat Kupcake:

Curious, loyal, wierd

Purple and magenta

Produced and distributed minutes from the last board meeting within an hour

User Profile: pamharley003
pamharley003 February 24th, 2021


To make cupcake:

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special




🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

white and red

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

helping new listeners with coaching skills or answering their questions

Please be sure to give your cupcake a name and tell us about your cupcake in your responses!

My cupcakes name is yummy