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Peer Appreciation Retweets!

May 3rd, 2023

Our Appreciation Birdies are Always Chirping!


We, as the Peer Appreciation Team, are always looking for ways to spread more smiles and compassion in the community.

In this thread, you'll find retweets (repostings) of some of our previously appreciated peers. We care! And so we want to hear how our appreciated peers are doing since the last time someone appreciated them!

Hope the thread finds you well!

Want to contribute to smile spreading? Fill out our appreciation form to send an appreciation note for any member or listener of 7cups.

May 3rd, 2023

Hiii @EmpathicPanda9436 🐼

Retweeting the self-appreciation post that was made for you in March!


Would love to hear from you how you've been progressing in your life since the time this appreciation was made!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 3rd, 2023


The upvote doesn't seem to go through lol, I'll try again tomorrow! XD

This is a cool idea, Fristo! Looking forward to see all the positive impact of sharing gratitude and cultivating sense of belongingness in the community!❤

May 4th, 2023

Hey @TabbyCat97, you are one of the most appreciated peers of 7cups, and there's no wonder about it. You are sweet, kind, enthusiastic, and caring. But you know what I love the most? You being special caring to yourself! Please take care of our Tabby💛

Retweeting one of the appreciations for you from the month of March:


Question for you (if you'd like to answer): What's the best self-care treat you could imagine giving yourself?

TabbyCat97 May 4th, 2023


Awweee fristo this made me smile so so much :') Thank you for being so so sweet and awesome! You're an fantabulous leader and im so happy to be part of such a wonderful team of amazziiingg people!! Much appreciation right back at you alll (: ❤️😛

Heheh awwhh I love the appreciation message :') I remember that one! So so sweet of panda, such a wonderful hooman being! Thank you so much for all you all do !

What's the best self-care treat you could imagine giving yourself?

Hehe now this is a good question! I would probably saayyy - somewhere in nature :o going on a walk, somewhere calm and peaceful! that would be so awesome, and then ice-cream at the end??? yaaashhh , whyyy nottt!! ♡ hehehe

Thank you so much Fristo, and thank you so much PAT, and everyone reading this ♡ I hope your days are totally paawwesommee! you deserve so much happiness and glitter and sunshines and smiles :)


May 4th, 2023

Knock, knock!

Knocks at the door of @Amiablebunny4016

How've you been, bunny? Taking care of yourself?

This is a self-appreciation you had done some time ago:


Following you up on this: What's one thing that guides you every day? [it could be an activity or a value]

no need to answer it, but if you'd like to, you may!

Finally, a message from fristo for you: Keep self-appreciating, and it's okay to say you don't love yourself enough. Because you need more of self-love for you are amiable truly💛

amiableBunny4016 May 5th, 2023


Hey hey Fristo, this is really kind and sweet to retweet! I love this post so so much! Hehe!

About the question :

Something I tend to do to increase my happy mood or self esteem/self care etc is often journaling or writing poetry which makes me super happy! ❤️ I also read books and lol of course post appreciations because making other people happy in day to day life makes me happy too! Hehe! I also love spending time with my little sibling. Little things in life can make us believe in ourselves or just make us happy. These are forms of self care for me ❤️❤️😮


May 5th, 2023

@AnnCherry, you were appreciated in March. As for me, I appreciate you every time I meet you. You're a very good company!

Retweeting the appreciation for you from March:


How are you, Ann? How's everything for you? And woah, those are the very good qualities mentioned in the pic above that you have!

Anncherry May 6th, 2023

Thank you fristo. You make me feel better

May 7th, 2023

*Ring ring* Call gets picked up.

Am I speaking to @OliveTree1728


Hii Olivee, I happened to discover this appreciation made for you in March:


AmiableBunny had left you this. But oh my goodness, it's such amazing to read this about you💛 Keep going Olive, and hope to connect with you too!

My Q for you (if you'd like to answer): What is your happy place?

amiableBunny4016 May 7th, 2023


😀 Oliveeee.. I'm so glad fristo reposted this! Yayyyyyyy! Aaaaaaa. You amazing Olive!

May 7th, 2023

Hi @Nomifordays, fristo this side! I saw that you were appreciated in March by AmiableBunny. It was soo sweet. Let me retweet a part of that first:


How are you, Naomi? How's your time been moving since the time this appreciation was made for you?

Wishing for you that you keep being in the good company of people such as amiablebunny and you make so much progress towards healing and feeling better!

Nomifordays May 9th, 2023


aww this melted my heart. Its so sweet even two months later. Im alive, thanks for asking. Time has been moving slowly but ill get by. Thank you so much 😃 this truly has made my day

May 9th, 2023

Hi @Karasu11, your pfp is so lovely, but lovelier are you. Here's what was said about you in March:


So happy to meet you and keep being amazing!

Q for you: What makes you the most happy at 7cups? (if you'd like to share!)

Karasu11 May 10th, 2023


Thank you for making this thank you for being such a amazing person and @amiablebunny4016 I love talking to you and I will always be here for you 💜

May 10th, 2023

Hi @mothlaidre, hope you're doing well! Wanted to retweet this appreciation by a secret friend for you from March month!

The secret friend had said this for you:


Isn't that amazing?! Grateful to you for your contribution to our sharing circles! Would you like to share with us more about your positive experiences in the sharing circle?

May 11th, 2023

Hi @ConsiderateCup2245

How are you?! I found that an appreciation was made for you in March this year, I wanted to retweet that. These are the qualities that were observed in you:


There was a Sweet Note from HardworkingPlum -

❤️They listen carefully and put others first ❤️

Awwww, this is such amazing!

considerateCup2245 May 11th, 2023


Hi Fristo, thank you so much. I don't even know such thing is exist in seven Cups since I hardly check other facilities. I only focus on the sharing circle. I'm happy to find out that other member happy of my being in SC.

I'm so flattered and honored.

Thank you once again

Best Regards

Hugs, Cup

May 11th, 2023

Hi, special @BlueRiverCares ❤

Retweeting what was said for you in March:


Just want to let you know we appreciate you tons and always love seeing you around💛 You've got a serene and fun presence in the community. Keep being you!

A question for you (if you'd like to share): What goal do you have for the next one year?

May 13th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou, you are one of the most appreciated peers of 7cups, maybe because you use all your energy at 7cups in encouraging, providing constructive feedback to, valuing, and appreciating others' efforts.

I am curious to know, do you show the same love to yourself? You should totally in case any time you lack there. Please keep taking care and watering yourself, we value the sunny plant.

This is one of the appreciations you had received in March:



Wonder if you are the sun or the sunflower in the image above. *makes confused face*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 13th, 2023


Aw sooo sweet Fristo, thankyouu for the retweet! 💛

I'm not great at that area lol, so reminders like these are super helpful! :')

I so so so so appreciate your compassion and encouragement always! 💛

Andddd me too confused! xD Part time Sun, part time Flower~ Sunflower? :P

Hi hi @thisisanthony, glad I got a chance to thank you again for this pretty graphic! We miss you in PAT! Hope to see you, after your break! 💛

Hi hi secret friend, the stars aligned and I could read this beautiful note again today, thankyouu so much for thinking of me, and so kindly! People like you are a true blessing in *my* world! Love! 💛

May 13th, 2023

@LavenderHere, reminder time! Here's me fristo reminding you that you are greatly valued by us in the community. This was what was said for you in March:


How've you been? If you'd like to share!

May 14th, 2023

@Optimisticempath, you are a special person with lot many gifts to make others smile and feel supported. One of those gifts is the good forums you make.

Retweeting what was said about you in March this year:


Hope you'll keep close to yourself what you're good at and what makes you happy. We'd love to know all the things that make you happy and let us know if you'd like company in doing those things💛

Optimisticempath June 30th, 2023


thankyouu for posting this and reminding me of kindness again Fristo 😢 this was one of the sweetest messages I received and I'm so grateful to the amazing secret friend 💕💕

May 16th, 2023

So today this retweet is for @fristo (self-appreciation is good too😀)

You were appreciated in March:


Please remember your own value, fristo, and know that you are appreciated💛

May 17th, 2023

@itzleo, how are you😀 i got something for you today!

it's a reminder


Someone said this about you in March, I am retweeting what was said:


You are a blessing to someone and that's so very nice💛 It must be wonderful to get to know you and be connected with you!