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[Listeners] Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards
by MonBon
Last post
7 hours ago
...See more This is the public support counterpart of this thread [] [L] so that listeners can let the whole community know if they are leaving or if they have come back. Below excerpt taken and modified from the original thread: Some Listeners decide, at one point or another, to take a break or in special cases to leave the site as a Listener. During their time here they may have made connections with others in the community and sometimes people aren't aware that they have left or are misinformed and thus never get the opportunity to sent their warm wishes. Thus, this thread is meant for Listeners to inform the community that they are leaving or taking a break and leave their appropriate comments for others to read. Moreover, returning Listeners can post here as well to inform the community that they are active again. Returning to 7 Cups after a break? We have a welcome Back Committee now, you can find information here [] (clickable), and reach out. Your peers and mentors are here for you. <3 Lastly, others in the community can send their regards to these Listeners. [L] indicates a Listeners Only thread [Welcome back committee information added by Sunisshiningandsoareyou, 02/10/23]
Weekly Prompt #38: What's one negative thought pattern you'd like to challenge or reframe?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
June 27th
...See more Hello all!  A few weeks ago we discussed: What did bring you to the 7Cups Community? How did 7Cups shape your experiences so far? []   []If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts.  [] This week's prompt-  What's one negative thought pattern you'd like to challenge or reframe?  Today, let's reflect on one negative thought you may have and you may want to change, challenge, or reframe it. It can be anything. Take a moment and share to discuss with us.   Also, I invite all to help me with creating these weekly prompt discussions so that we all can come together and discuss something related to general support every week. If you any interested in helping me out, please share your interest through this form and  I will reach out to you to guide and support you in creating the next discussion.  [] Have you explored 24/7 group chats to share to be heard and supported? Explore them here!  [] -------------------------
[Members]Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards
by MonBon
Last post
June 25th
...See more We often time come to 7 cups in search of something: -Someone who understands -Someone to talk to -Someone who will listen -Someone to keep us company Many of us find that - which is awesome! However, there may come a time when as a member, you are ready to leave. And that is okay. It doesn't have to be forever or even an awfully long time. Maybe you are leaving to go out to eat with friends for the first time in weeks or months. Let us know so we can send you off with warm regards!

Hello everyone! smiley

Welcome to the General Support sub-community, we are glad to welcome you here. You can seek support on a variety of topics such as: getting unstuck, long-term support & boundaries, managing emotions, mental health & awareness, physical health & awareness, grief and loss, self-care support, and stigma support.

* We want to get to know you better :) Introduce yourself here.

* Join the General Support Taglist here.

* Share your thoughts in our daily check-in

* Join our weekly guided discussion in the General Support chat room every Sunday 1pm GMT. We support you during Sharing Circle and Small Steps towards Healthy Habits sessions too. 

Come learn about coping skills for various situations and share with us what you have learned. We are happy you are stopping by! heart

Community Guidelines

* Be kind and respectful. 

*Please always add a trigger warning if your topic might be triggering to users. 

*Please refrain from graphic content.

*Please avoid double posting (If you have double posted, please contact @CheeryMango)

*Please avoid swearing as this can be triggering for users.  

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