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Graduate with Honors!
by DreamTouch
Last post
4 hours ago
...See more Hello LDP trainees 💜 Exciting news! We now have two options available for you to graduate with honors. Here are the updated options: Option 1:  Getting an honor role  So what tracks comes under honor roles? - Chatroom Mentor - Quality Mentor - Teen Chatroom Mentor - Teen Quality Mentor - Community/Forum Mentor - Support Team Leader - Academy Mentor - SPOT Team Member If you already have these roles, no need to do anything! You will automatically be considered for honors and your certificate will reflect the same. Anyone who comes into the LDP with a leadership role is strongly recommended to look through and apply to become a mentor! Like we know, with great power comes great responsibility. So please only carefully apply for these roles as they do involve serious commitment to the community and the wellbeing of it.  Option 2 - Sharing your testimonial Write a testimonial post/article on Linkedin or Medium about your experience in Leadership Development Program, following the instructions detailed here []. Reflect on your journey, articulate your growth, and share insights that can inspire others! If you've chosen this option as an elective, you can complete your testimonial on a different platform than your elective. Please note that you cannot use the same post or platform for both your Honors and elective submissions. If you have any questions regarding the elective, please feel free to PM a LDP mentor []! ------------------------- This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here [].
Leadership Development Program (LDP) Mentor Team Availability
by FrenchToast
Last post
3 days ago
...See more NOTE: Please don't post to this thread. Subscribe to this thread and you will get a notification when we update this thread. Hey there! Here is a list of all the Leadership Development Program (LDP) mentors that we will regularly update. You can check here to see who is available for what leadership role and what coursework role. You can reach out to them during your LDP journey for any questions accordingly. At 7cups we encourage breaks, as self-care is a priority, therefore from time to time our LDP Mentors go on breaks, so this post will keep you up to date with these changes. If you don't see a name in the list, that means they are no longer LDP mentor. LDP Mentors who are ACTIVE are colored green, while those who are ON-BREAK are colored red. If a mentor is marked green and they do not respond to you within 3 days, please let me [] know. All of our active LDP mentors are expected to keep up a 3 day response time. ---> Provide positive or constructive feedback about any academy mentor you have interacted with through the 7 Cups Academy Mentor Review form. 📞Open the mentor review form here [] ---> Acknowledge/appreciate a mentor's work by nominating them for an Academy Award.  🏆Open Academy Awards nomination form here [] ________________________________________________________________________________________________ What can an LDP mentor help you with? Any LDP mentor is available to help you with coursework or a leadership role that they specialize in. They can also answer any general LDP guidance, questions, or concerns. They can provide you with resources. That being said, you will still be responsible to submit everything in time according to the deadlines that are set. What can an LDP mentor leader help you with? They have specific responsibilities and are only available in regard to their own tasks like leadership role update or answering questions about any mentor roles that qualify for passing with honors in the LDP. What can an LDP Ambassador help you with? They are available to help you with any graduation-related queries or any certification-related questions. You can also contact them regarding mentor feedback [], badges, extension/contraction of LDP requirements, and overall general guidance. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Mentor List: ➡ yourbuddy30 [] (Adults and Teens) ➡ Skansly [] (Adults) ➡ GoldenRuleJG [] (Adults) ➡ rubyjane00 [] (Adults) ➡ DanCat1128 [] (Adults) ➡ azuladragon34 [] (Adults and Teens) ➡ Arie3 [] [] (Teens) ______________________________________________________________________________________ LDP Mentor Leader(s): ➡ Mahad2804 [] (Subcommunity) ______________________________________________________________________________________ LDP Ambassador(s): ➡ DreamTouch [] (Adults and Teens) ➡ positivePumpkin22 [] (Adults and Teens) ------------------------- Join the 7 Cups Academy Mentor Team Here! []
Community Building Course
by FrenchToast
Last post
August 12th
...See more Hi everyone! Welcome to the final course of the Leadership Development Program. Do note that this course also serves as an elective for other academy programs so you are in the right place even if you are not an LDP trainee. Please click on each week to get the link to the chapters and activities, as well as the chapter quizzes. Week One: Chapter 1 & 2 [] []Week Two: Chapter 3 & 4 [] []Week Three: Chapter 5 & 6 [] []Week Four: Chapter 7 & []8 [] []Week Five: Chapter 9 [] []Evaluation Form [] What is this course? It is a learning opportunity based on the teachings of the book ‘Get Together: How to Build a Community with Your People [].' The book is written by authors who are experts on community building. We encourage anyone who is interested in community building and management to read the book but it's optional. We have studied the book and summarized the key lessons and their 7 Cups applications. The course will go on for 4 weeks, each week we will look at the findings of two chapters and how the principle knowledge can be applied to 7 Cups. Each week's learning will be accompanied by a quiz to test the knowledge! In order to receive your certificate and the Community Builder badge, you need to complete all quizzes (80% or over-score in all + no copy/pasting for essay questions), and submit the evaluation form. Failure to submit the evaluation form will result in no certificate or badge. Note: Each quiz contains a field where we ask you to apply some of the chapter's teachings. These are essay questions so they are not auto-graded however if a user is found to be copy/pasting the answers to satisfy the word count or not putting in the effort to come up with a relevant answer then the person will not receive a certificate or a badge. This is not a mandatory course so if you choose to take part then please try to study the notes and be honest in your answers. It is the only way to learn! Note:  If you intend to use Artificial Intelligence tools to help you fulfill any of the course’s requirements, you are expected to adhere to our AI policy. You can read it here. [] ------------------------- This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here []. Note added on March 26, 2024
Graduate with Honors!
by DreamTouch
Last post
4 hours ago
...See more Hello LDP trainees 💜 Exciting news! We now have two options available for you to graduate with honors. Here are the updated options: Option 1:  Getting an honor role  So what tracks comes under honor roles? - Chatroom Mentor - Quality Mentor - Teen Chatroom Mentor - Teen Quality Mentor - Community/Forum Mentor - Support Team Leader - Academy Mentor - SPOT Team Member If you already have these roles, no need to do anything! You will automatically be considered for honors and your certificate will reflect the same. Anyone who comes into the LDP with a leadership role is strongly recommended to look through and apply to become a mentor! Like we know, with great power comes great responsibility. So please only carefully apply for these roles as they do involve serious commitment to the community and the wellbeing of it.  Option 2 - Sharing your testimonial Write a testimonial post/article on Linkedin or Medium about your experience in Leadership Development Program, following the instructions detailed here []. Reflect on your journey, articulate your growth, and share insights that can inspire others! If you've chosen this option as an elective, you can complete your testimonial on a different platform than your elective. Please note that you cannot use the same post or platform for both your Honors and elective submissions. If you have any questions regarding the elective, please feel free to PM a LDP mentor []! ------------------------- This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here [].
Course 2, Discussion 3: High Expectations and High Warmth
by FrenchToast
Last post
13 hours ago
...See more Congrats! You made it the second course in the LDP! In this course, we focus on the specific interpersonal skills needed to be a strong leader on 7 Cups, including mastery of communication skills, time management, conflict resolution, stress management and empowering new leaders. I know if you are here, you have read our values and culture guide. I would like to start off by further emphasizing one value that's required for a leader to be successful here, and that is balancing High Expectations & High Warmth. Work environments with high expectations and minimal warmth tend to result in companies that are very driven, rule-oriented and risk-averse. The people do not tend to grow as much personally or professionally. On the other hand, workplaces that are high in warmth, but have minimal expectations, tend to struggle. Everyone is happy and feels loved, but not a lot of effective or focused work gets done. 7 Cups is high expectations AND high warmth. We expect a lot from you. You might feel like we think you are more capable than other people have suggested or maybe even more capable than how you see yourself. That is okay. Every person on the team has outperformed and done better than they expected. This is largely because warmth, patience, and trust help people make much more progress than they have in other environments. We have high expectations, but we will provide plenty of encouragement and guidance to help you get there. ✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth? ✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders? ✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words! ❗After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here []! [] ------------------------- 🔉 []This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here []
Course 1, Discussion 4: System vs Goals
by Hope
Last post
15 hours ago
...See more Hello Leadership Crew! Welcome to our 4th discussion in this first course. In today's discussion, we will be talking about systems vs. goals. To start, please read this post here [] and watch this video []. The basic argument here is that having a system is better than having a goal. A system is a way of behaving that helps you move towards accomplishing something. A goal is usually and end state that happens after you have accomplished something. I think eating healthy is a good example. A goal might be to lose 10 pounds. In this case, you feel kind of bad about yourself until you hit that goal; and then, once you hit it, you kind of lose the purpose because the goal has been reached. If you relapse and gain wait again, then you fall back into feeling bad about yourself again. Contrast this with a system of eating healthy. A system might include things like: having a big glass of water prior to each meal; eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, and nuts; not eating after 9pm; and/or doing some level of intermittent fasting. You wouldn't integrate all of these new healthy eating behaviors at once. Instead, you'd gradually introduce one and then another and then another over whatever period of time makes sense. The system enables you to continuously get healthier and healthier. You will eventually reach the goal, but it'll be the byproduct of eating healthy. This also has implications for 7 Cups as well. We might have goals of having a certain amount of group support messages or 1:1 messages. Those are fine goals to have, but we mostly want to create a system of support where people care for one another and then the natural result is an increased number of messages. ✒️ What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? ✒️ What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life? ✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words! ❗After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here []! [] ------------------------- 🔉 []This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here []
Week Two: Chapter 3 & 4
by Heather225
Last post
21 hours ago
...See more Week 2 is live! Please read this post [] for more information. Open Document Here! [] Ask yourself the following questions to ensure understanding: What is the main message of each chapter? How does each chapter apply to 7 Cups? How can YOU help with the aim of each chapter? Once you have read and understood please take the following quiz. The quiz consists of a variety of questions including essay questions that test your comprehension. In order to move forward to the next week and eventually receive your certificate, you need at least a score of 8/10. If you get a less score, don't worry you can submit again. Open Quiz Here [] []Don't forget to complete the next course! []
Course 2, Discussion 2: Lead by example
by Hope
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Great Leadership, unsurprisingly, starts with yourself! Practice what you preach. Lead by example. I am sure all of you heard these phrases. But why are they so iconic? Because the journey starts with the first step and you are the person who is taking the initiative to lead -- Start a journey! So, you are the one who needs to take the first step before expecting others to do it. To start with leading yourself, close your eyes and visualize two people: someone who inspired and encouraged you to be like them, and someone who discouraged you to be not like them. Then, write down the good qualities of the person who inspired you as well as the qualities of the second person. You do not have to be specific with the details. Just a bulleted list. Now, compare the list to yourself. Note the good qualities you have, the bad qualities you have, and give yourself a rating on a scale of 1-10. What we just did is identified your strengths and weaknesses and what you need in order to lead yourself. This allows you to create self-awareness. Self-awareness is key to leading yourself in the right direction. But, leading yourself is not easy. Just being self-aware isn't enough. It's igniting the spark but not enough to catch the fire. To catch the fire, you need to be persistent with your practice, which is regular reflection. Be consistent with monitoring your efforts and holding yourself accountable. You can't effectively lead others until you know how to lead yourself. That happens through Self-Observant Leadership: when you deeply understand your identity, compare it to your reputation (how others experience you) and then make meaning of the observations, and choose to adapt. Exercise: ✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise? ✒️ Respond to one of your peers in this thread ❗After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here []! [] ------------------------- 🔉 []This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here []
Course 1, Discussion 5: 7 Cups Culture
by Hope
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Hello Leadership Crew! I hope you have been benefitting from this course. This is the last discussion of our course 1. We take culture seriously on 7 Cups because it is the heart of how we operate. A wise person once said: You teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are. We can have all of the best training content we want, but if our culture is not strong, then we will not be successful in growing a thriving, compassionate, community that will make a global impact. Every organization has a culture whether by design or by default. When culture (including values [] and mission [] are not called out or made explicit, the organization defaults to an implicit or unstated culture. The unnamed culture is not always great for the end users or the community. An example of a common and implicit cultural rule or norm is that the person that makes the most money or the organization is the most important. People that work in this organization then, naturally, because it is the culture, start organizing themselves around ways to make more and more money. The ones at the top of the hierarchy are the ones that make the most money. 7 Cups cares less about money and more about compassion. We call out compassion and celebrate compassionate people because that is central to the work we do. View picture source here [] Please read our guide here [] to deeply understand our culture. We have made it explicit because we believe it is important to help us all be accountable to what we stand for and believe in. As leaders on 7 Cups, you will be models that emulate our culture and values. ✒️To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide [] and why they are important to you. ✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words! ❗❗After posting, please... 1. Take the course exam [] here to complete course 1. 2. Take the leadership oath here []. 3. Fill out the End of Trial [] form to complete your 2-week trial (Please check your email for End of Trial date.) 4. Proceed to Course 2! [] ------------------------- 🔉 []This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here []
Course 2, Discussion 1: Understanding your Leadership Style
by Hope
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Hello everyone, If you are reading this, it means you have come a long way in your leadership training. Kudos to you for all the effort and resilience you have shown! It is amazing how you all are open to learning and adapting to new environments: the environment of leadership! Before we zoom in and talk more about learning and adapting, lets zoom back out first and talk about how you feel about leadership. Regardless of how you see yourself, there is a leader within you. The one who visualizes how things could have run in a better way if you were in the leading spot. Leading spot here means: * A desire for change * Believing you got the abilities to make it happen * Visualizing success while keeping in mind the bigger picture. Lets take a look at the leadership styles as proposed by Daniel Goleman Picture taken from this source. [] Your original style could be any of them. So for the purpose of this course, we are going to use a leadership style test to help you identify your core competencies. In brief, we are using the test here to help you identify your leadership approach. So, when you know how you approach an event, you could think and put efforts to bring a change in it. It will allow you to polish your strengths and focus to improve in other different areas as well. Let's get started! - Please take the leadership style test linked HERE []. ✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for? ✒️ Do you agree with this quiz? ❗After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here []! t [] [] ------------------------- 🔉 []This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here []
Leadership Oath
by GlenM
Last post
2 days ago
...See more The Leadership Oath is an honorific oath that you take as a leader once you have started the Leadership Development Program and completed one course in the program. This commitment to leadership in undertaking the LDP is important because it suggests you are committed to increasing your skills and leveling up your commitment to our community. It also suggests that you deeply care for others and that serving to others is a key part of your identity. If you have enrolled in the LDP, and you have completed at least one course, and you want to make this commitment, then please do the following. Below this post, type out the leadership oath below. Do not cut and paste it. Typing it helps you really think through what you are committing to. Next, at the bottom, sign it with your listener name like this: My (GlenM's) Leadership Oath: Leadership Oath I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking. I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community. I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain. I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups. I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact. I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable. I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader. I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations. I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff. I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain. I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal. I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself. I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community. I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community. Signed: //GlenM// ------------------------- This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here [].
Leadership Development Program (LDP) Mentor Team Availability
by FrenchToast
Last post
3 days ago
...See more NOTE: Please don't post to this thread. Subscribe to this thread and you will get a notification when we update this thread. Hey there! Here is a list of all the Leadership Development Program (LDP) mentors that we will regularly update. You can check here to see who is available for what leadership role and what coursework role. You can reach out to them during your LDP journey for any questions accordingly. At 7cups we encourage breaks, as self-care is a priority, therefore from time to time our LDP Mentors go on breaks, so this post will keep you up to date with these changes. If you don't see a name in the list, that means they are no longer LDP mentor. LDP Mentors who are ACTIVE are colored green, while those who are ON-BREAK are colored red. If a mentor is marked green and they do not respond to you within 3 days, please let me [] know. All of our active LDP mentors are expected to keep up a 3 day response time. ---> Provide positive or constructive feedback about any academy mentor you have interacted with through the 7 Cups Academy Mentor Review form. 📞Open the mentor review form here [] ---> Acknowledge/appreciate a mentor's work by nominating them for an Academy Award.  🏆Open Academy Awards nomination form here [] ________________________________________________________________________________________________ What can an LDP mentor help you with? Any LDP mentor is available to help you with coursework or a leadership role that they specialize in. They can also answer any general LDP guidance, questions, or concerns. They can provide you with resources. That being said, you will still be responsible to submit everything in time according to the deadlines that are set. What can an LDP mentor leader help you with? They have specific responsibilities and are only available in regard to their own tasks like leadership role update or answering questions about any mentor roles that qualify for passing with honors in the LDP. What can an LDP Ambassador help you with? They are available to help you with any graduation-related queries or any certification-related questions. You can also contact them regarding mentor feedback [], badges, extension/contraction of LDP requirements, and overall general guidance. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Mentor List: ➡ yourbuddy30 [] (Adults and Teens) ➡ Skansly [] (Adults) ➡ GoldenRuleJG [] (Adults) ➡ rubyjane00 [] (Adults) ➡ DanCat1128 [] (Adults) ➡ azuladragon34 [] (Adults and Teens) ➡ Arie3 [] [] (Teens) ______________________________________________________________________________________ LDP Mentor Leader(s): ➡ Mahad2804 [] (Subcommunity) ______________________________________________________________________________________ LDP Ambassador(s): ➡ DreamTouch [] (Adults and Teens) ➡ positivePumpkin22 [] (Adults and Teens) ------------------------- Join the 7 Cups Academy Mentor Team Here! []
Summer Vacation
by DanCat1128
Last post
...See more Hi LDP squad!!! I'm back from my vacation and we're in the midst of planning next year's vacation! Next year thinking about going to the beach. This year was a few small weekend trips around my city. So this week's ice breaker is  Did you do anything this summer? Or what is your dream vacation? Tagging: @Skansly @rubyjane00 @GoldenRuleJG @azuladragon34 @Yourbuddy30 @DanCat1128 @Pumpkin @Mahad2804 @yourbuddy30 @Hope @DreamTouch @positivePumpkin22 @MeowgicalCaticorn @Cynthialy @Damonchandio @Alambo905 @CaringCompanion22 @Dorcas00 @LittleEggHarbor @twerp @Onyx000 @heathermarie95 @NeonDragon @delightfulUnicorn38 @radiantUnicorn3506 @LovelyKittyCat @kabir22 @Sparkle111  
Course 3, Discussion 5: Diversity, Cultural Differences, and Second Language Learners
by FrenchToast
Last post
...See more We are truly lucky to have a global community, rich in background and culture. In order to nurture our diverse community, we should each make a conscious effort to understand each other. The more we know, the more mindful we can be of one another's differences. ✉ [] Please read this doc [] ✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team. ✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups? ✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words! ❗❗After posting, please... 1. Please complete course 3 quiz [] before moving to the next course. 2. Proceed to Course 4! [] ------------------------- 🔉 []This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here []
Course 1, Discussion 3: Avoiding Burnout
by Hope
Last post
...See more 7 Cups is founded on a community of passionate volunteers who lovingly dedicate their time to providing support. You may face what is called burnout during your journey. You may have already faced this in your real life. Burnout is very real and must be recognized. You can't help fuel someone else when your tank is empty, after all! View picture source here [] To address and learn about burnout, we have created a slidedeck on how to avoid burnou []t. ✒️ We also recommend this growth path on preventing burnout at 7 Cups. [] ✒️ Activity: Take 5 steps on the burnout prevention path linked above. Post in this thread to let us know you have completed at least 5 steps. ✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words! ❗After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here []! [] ------------------------- 🔉 []This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here []

This is a sub-community for the Leadership Development Program. The program is designed to help you become a strong leader. Each course is created to get you to focus on the leader in you and to give you theoretical and practical knowledge of becoming a leader. It also teaches you interpersonal skills, problem-solving, building a community, and even basic leadership principles.

What is required to join?
- For listeners: Verified Listener badge or at least have applied to become a VL (in progress)
- For members: No newbie badge, Appreciated Voice badge

The program’s duration can be either 6 weeks or 8 weeks and we onboard new trainees every Monday. So please apply 5 days before the Monday you wish to join. You can apply here!

Resources for our trainees:

LDP Forms Directory


A Guide to 7 Cups Leadership Roles

Introduction thread

Step by step instructions


Community Leaders
Community Resources

LDP where to start? -> click HERE