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Therapeutic Support Check-ins ✔

CommunityModAlex March 4th, 2021

Hi, Dear Community,

We are so excited to introduce new hourly Check-ins for the Adult Support Room. It will be a 15 minutes therapeutic session where the host will pick a topic and start a conversation, and all the members are welcome to share their thoughts and carry on the discussion.

We want this to be a group effort and invite you all to share your thoughts and feelings in these therapeutic check-ins. We are looking forward to seeing you in the Support Room!!

Tagging: @asilentobserver

ASilentObserver March 4th, 2021

@CommunityModAlex Thank you Alex. I appreciate your help in announcing this awesome initiative the Community Moderators Team started.

Kieran000 March 4th, 2021


You're awesome Alex! Do you know if this will come to Teenie Town one day? 😯

TheFisherKing March 4th, 2021

@CommunityModAlex This sounds like a wonderful idea! What an excellent way to get members a little more involved in the community and bring a feeling of togetherness!

GingerMC March 4th, 2021

How often will these check ins take place?

ASilentObserver March 4th, 2021

@GingerMC 10-15 minutes every hour

Heythereletschat024 March 4th, 2021


Cool! Will we be able to see this on the Community Calendar?

ASilentObserver March 4th, 2021

@Heythereletschat024 No Hey. It will be 10-15 minutes every hour by the community moderators. But we are working on expanding the bandwidth of hosts to host these mini therapeutic checkins! Will keep you all posted on it

Heythereletschat024 March 4th, 2021


Gotcha. Thank you!

Hope March 4th, 2021


Love this idea! Looking forward to seeing its impact

SpicyHeart March 4th, 2021

Awesome! So it is every hour?

ASilentObserver March 4th, 2021

@bubbleBalsam6602 yes Balsam

March 4th, 2021


Wow! Thank you so much for this initiative. ❤️

determinedPlum8863 March 4th, 2021

Thank you well needed

pinkJackfruit7020 March 4th, 2021

Nice idea

Sher217 March 4th, 2021

I'm looking forward to the topics! This sounds interesting!


purpleTree4652 March 4th, 2021

@CommunityModAlex, Hi, Alex. Are these at the top of every hour, or the 30 min mark? How will I know when to find it? Thanks.

turquoiseLime5974 March 5th, 2021


turquoiseLime5974 March 5th, 2021

@anyone here,who loves to chat as a friend??? Its great to meet new people everyday. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

brightsugar1923 March 5th, 2021

How do I find the check in’s? So glad to see more adult focused themes just for more community🙏

AffyAvo March 5th, 2021

For the Support Room 24/7?

What date are these beginning?

NityaSpiritualHealer March 15th, 2021


Would it be a formal or casual chat?


IceCream4IceCream March 18th, 2021


Thanks so much for sharing. How will "therapeutic" check-ins be different from other kinds?

SailorJosell April 21st, 2021

Hello Id like to know about the topics. Im in trouble looking for consistent support nowadays. 😔 I hope I could get listened and be heared on this thread. 🙏