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[Listeners] Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards
by MonBon
Last post
18 hours ago
...See more This is the public support counterpart of this thread [] [L] so that listeners can let the whole community know if they are leaving or if they have come back. Below excerpt taken and modified from the original thread: Some Listeners decide, at one point or another, to take a break or in special cases to leave the site as a Listener. During their time here they may have made connections with others in the community and sometimes people aren't aware that they have left or are misinformed and thus never get the opportunity to sent their warm wishes. Thus, this thread is meant for Listeners to inform the community that they are leaving or taking a break and leave their appropriate comments for others to read. Moreover, returning Listeners can post here as well to inform the community that they are active again. Returning to 7 Cups after a break? We have a welcome Back Committee now, you can find information here [] (clickable), and reach out. Your peers and mentors are here for you. <3 Lastly, others in the community can send their regards to these Listeners. [L] indicates a Listeners Only thread [Welcome back committee information added by Sunisshiningandsoareyou, 02/10/23]
by Kate
Last post
...See more Any new member of the NAMI Community who introduces themselves and takes the NAMI Oath will receive the NAMI Oath Badge. Please copy, paste, sign and date the following NAMI Oath within this thread: NAMI Oath I pledge a moral oath before my fellow active listeners, 7 Cups members and NAMI supporters. I pledge to help support NAMI's mission and to dedicate myself to building better lives for anyone affected by mental illness. I pledge to always try my best to be a positive influence and make a difference in the lives of others. I pledge to be #stigmafree and respectful of anyone who may be experiencing a mental health challenge. I will educate, advocate and listen to others' experiences without judgment or bias. I will encourage acceptance and understanding. When I see that someone needs more than the peer support I can provide, I will refer them to professional help and appropriate resources. I pledge to make my own self-care a priority and recognize when I need to take extra time to take care of my own mental health. I will keep these promises and I will do everything in my power to promote mental health, healing, and wellness within myself, my fellow members and my world. I believe that no one should face mental illness alone and I pledge to provide peer support to anyone who reaches out to the NAMI Community for help. Signed: Date:
Week 2. Prompt 2.
by ThoughtLight
Last post
July 30th
...See more How could you increase your level of self awareness and use it to your advantage?
Introduce Yourself to the 7 Cups Healthcare Workers Support Space!!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
January 27th
...See more Hi and Welcome to 7 Cups 👋 We are excited to have you here with us & want to get to know you. Please use this space to introduce yourself to our community and get to know fellow healthcare workers and their stories. Please feel free to share your story. We are all here to listen and support you. ❤️ Please share your story with us? ✨How can we best support you? ------------------------- 💜 Here is a resource you may find helpful: Find Welcome Pack here! [] 👥 You can also join Sharing Circle Room or Support Room 24/7 to share and get support. Click here to join! [] (Note: If you are unable to access group chatrooms, you probably may need certain badges to unlock them, check here for more information. - Click here! []) 🌱 We have some growth paths that you may like to try. Explore them here []! 💬 All texts in blue color are hyperlinked and clickable.
Weekly Prompt#1: 5 Affirmations For Yourself
by ASilentObserver
Last post
April 25th, 2023
...See more Hello everyone and I hope you are all having a bit easier week. How are you all feeling? I am starting the Prompt Series with the goal can share our thoughts and supporting each other by responding to the comments and thoughts in this thread. As a healthcare worker, you may have a tighter schedule, and may not be easy to catch up on things talked about or discussed here all the time. But through these prompts threads, we can stay connected and support each other and create and build a growth path for each other. I will start our first prompt with a profound quote that I embrace and I hope you all like it too. "Everything at its own pace happens. The gardener may water with a hundred buckets; Fruits arrive only in its season." -- Kabir The weekly prompt of the week: Write 5 Affirmations For Yourself! It is easier to forget about oneself when you are serving the community and thinking about the community. But, please know you are part of that community too, so taking a few seconds to think about oneself is a good start. ------------------------- Suggested Threads To Check * If you are a healthcare worker, introduce yourself here [] * HealthCareWorkers Support Session (Every Monday) []
Constantly questioning whether I’m doing the right thing
by MarP
Last post
April 3rd, 2023
...See more Hi everyone. Putting this here to ask for help if anyone can relate. I’m an allied health professional that works in intensive care. I haven’t been practicing long. Coming up on 2 years. It didn’t used to be like this so much at the start of my job. But nowadays I’ve been sinking deeper into this rut where pretty much every single day I wonder whether or not I did/said the right thing for/to a patient and how it could affect their life. It’s been getting worse the longer I practice and it’s been driving my well-being into the ground. I know it’s part of the job and every day we are called to make decisions using clinical judgement often with limited information until more comes about dependent on the patients response and clinical course. I know there are many things I cannot control. And yet somehow I feel responsible and criticize and place blame/guilt on myself for anything that doesn’t go quite “right” or anything I say that is not exactly how I planned to say it. I belittle myself over any medical error (both actual and self-perceived) no matter the degree because they all are a big deal to me. I feel like this has been putting a lot of pressure on myself and is killing my confidence, sense of competence, and self-esteem in my job. I feel I am so concerned about being careful and not making a mistake that it is affecting my decisionmaking and time management. If anyone can relate, any tips for overcoming this? Appreciate your insight and time.
Weekly Prompt #2: How Do You Handle Stress?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
February 8th, 2023
...See more Hello all, As you may know, we started weekly prompts to discuss and support each other. Today's prompt is focused on stress management. I think the stress is unimaginable being a healthcare worker. One has to go through a lot every day. While I was browsing the Internet, I found this and I hope you may find it relatable and helpful to handle your stress. Given that, this week's prompt is: What does cause you stress? How do you handle it? Please share anything and everything you are comfortable with. We are here discussing and hopefully encouraging and keeping each other accountable to take care of ourselves. ------------------------- Suggested thread to check * If you are a healthcare worker, introduce yourself here [] * HealthCareWorkers Support Session (Every Monday) [] * * Weekly Prompt#1: 5 Affirmations For Yourself []
Casual Worker
by Jaeteuk
Last post
January 11th, 2023
...See more Hello fellow healthcare workers! I finished an intense 4-month Certificate program to become a Medical Device Reprocessing Technician. I got a job about 2 months upon completion. During the practicum of the Program, I finally felt I had a purpose in life, that my career was meaningful and I felt passionate about it. That was in 2018. I worked in the field for about 2 years, from a Casual status to a Relief Full-time. Then, a colleague who went to a different department, recommended to her Manager that I will be a good addition to the team (as a Casual, who relieves vacation and sick calls). With the recognition of my work ethics being an asset to the team, I agreed. I'm now into my 3rd year in this new department (Operating Room Aide), and I'm starting to feel that this is not something that I can do as a career. In my mid-30s now, to still work as a Casual (unstable income and shifts), this is not normal and my future is at stake. So, the questions is, what can I do now? Returning to what I had studied for, it might mean that I'll need apply to a different hospital (because I'm on bad terms with a couple of previous colleagues in that department), or look into something else in the medical field that I can qualify for with the experiences I've gathered so far. I recently looked at job postings, and searching through all locations within my Health Authority, there were no positions that fit my qualifications. I spoke with my Manager last month, asked if it's possible to change my position from Casual to Part-time? She only said that her current budget is already at its maximum, but will still take a look at it. So, not knowing how long it will take her to calculate, I think I'll need to look for an optional alternative. I still like the work I'm doing, as it still has a similar purpose to me, but to be working shifts only to cover vacation of 5 other colleagues in the team, means that I don't have a stable work week. Even if they spread out their vacation days, it does not fall on all 52 weeks annually. Just like this year, no one is on vacation until a week in March and 2 weeks in April! The only upside to having no income is that I'm still living at home with my parents and brother, so I don't have that many extra expenses I need to pay, compared to if I had moved out on my own. Still, it would be more ideal to have a full-time position, for the sake of my future. Thanks for listening~
Was Healthcare a calling or did it just happen?
by lucy2
Last post
January 3rd, 2023
...See more Please share here❤️
Pandemic stress
by emotionalCoconut5516
Last post
October 1st, 2022
...See more I am somehow both exhausted by COVID restrictions and ready for things to go back to normal, and anxious that rules are being loosened at my hospital. I was starting to feel safer, but now visitors don't need to take rapid tests or show proof of vaccination. They're supposed to be screened upon entry, but our security staff aren't always consistent 😐
Healthcare Workers Session Reminder
by TheRandomEMT
Last post
September 14th, 2022
...See more Hello all! Just a quick reminder for today's session, Monday 12th of September 12pm ET (4pm GMT), in Support Session Room. Looking forward to seeing you there! Note: Listeners who are willing to join and share are welcome to join from their member account. @SuperStar00 @Eraggon @EmpathicPikachu @PoliteOcean @ShaunX @Derekfan7695 @BesosSparkle @StarlaSky @EmpathicSunshine22 @DarkGalaxy55555 @GoldenNest2727 @911rescue @AmintaBlack @MojosKeeper @conscientiousPeach2999 @navyPark @inventiveOrange1 @HopieRemi @ListenerDustin @xandia @RachaelZxx @modestOrange545533 @snowBunny1407 @P0eT1K @MeyTea @magicalOcean594 @starlightinajar @PrairieGal @horsefeathers @adventurousBranch3786 @GenerousTiger01 @KindHuman1994 @BluBeann @Jaeteuk @justHurting02
Introducing... Support Session for Health Care Workers (HCW) Members
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 13th, 2022
...See more Hello everyone, I hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday and taking some time for themselves. I am excited and pleased to introduce Support Sessions for Health Care Workers (HCW) Members in the Group Chats. The session will take place every Monday at 12.00 PM Eastern Time (4.00 PM GMT) in the Support Session Room. It will be hosted by @Brightfuture82 & @TheRandomEMT Brief Background: Early in January 2022, a couple of members reached out to discuss the potential to bring support to healthcare worker members and they would be benefitted to have a dedicated space and that time we introduced a dedicated forum page for HealthCare Worker Members []. Fast forward to the present time, @brightfuture82 & @HelpfulDiamond reached out about scaling up the support for healthcare worker members. We discussed organizing and hosting support sessions. They worked on the discussion script, finalizing the date and time for the session, and other specifics. Both went above and beyond to actualize the idea of having support sessions. I am grateful to both for taking lead on this front and bringing some more support for healthcare worker members. I look forward to scaling it up further so we can have more support sessions. I hope all healthcare worker members find these sessions helpful. Key Notes: * All Listeners who are HealthCare Workers, please join from your member account to share your personal experiences while being on the listener account, please ensure to support fellow healthcare members during the support session. Being mindful of our account boundaries would be helpful. * If you have any topic suggestions on which we can discuss more in-depth in future support sessions, please reach out either to @brightFuture82, @helpfuldiamond, or @ASilentObserver (me). * If you are interested to host a support session on HealthCare Workers Support, please apply here []. * If you are a HealthCare Worker, please introduce yourself here []
Session Reminder
by TheRandomEMT
Last post
September 7th, 2022
...See more Hello everyone! I'd like to remind everyone that we'll be having a Healthcare Workers Support Session today, Monday 5th of September 12 pm ET time zone (4pm GMT time zone), in Support Session Room. All healthcare workers are invited to join. Looking forward to seeing you there! Quick reminder: Listeners who are healthcare workers are welcome to join from this member account to stay within the guidelines @SuperStar00 @EmpathicPikachu @PoliteOcean @ShaunX @BesosSparkle @StarlaSky @DarkGalaxy55555 @GoldenNest2727 @911rescue @AmintaBlack @MojosKeeper @conscientiousPeach2999 @navyPark @inventiveOrange1 @HopieRemi @ListenerDustin @xandia@ RachaelZxx @modestOrange545533@ snowBunny1407 @P0eT1K @MeyTea @magicalOcean594 @starlightinajar @PrairieGal @horsefeathers
For people in the medical field, do you ever feel like you can't stop wondering what happened to a patient?
by TheRandomEMT
Last post
September 1st, 2022
...See more As an EMT, we usually never hear about patients once we get them to the hospital. Since we aren't allowed beyond A&E OR the ER, we rarely ever get updates. Sometimes I stay awake at night wondering if they're even alive or not. Can anyone else relate?
Calling out all Healthcare Workers
by TheRandomEMT
Last post
August 30th, 2022
...See more Welcome ❤️🎉 Introduction Hello all. It's been a while since I tried to make this forum more active and in an attempt, I thought I'd try and tag all healthcare workers here in Cups ranging from doctors, nurses, paramedics, researchers, students, physiotherapists, respiratory therapists, patient techs, emergency techs, etc. The healthcare and medical field is unique; it's a planet on its own in which its struggles are difficult to understand and its residents rarely get any support. I'm working to create a support system for individuals in the health sector here on cups. This forum already exists and it's getting a bit more active since I first found it but I'm still aiming to turn it into a full support system for healthcare workers. Now I'll be calling out a few individuals on cups who are or who were in the healthcare field, some whom I personally know and talked to, others not, so I hope you guys introduce yourselves in the replies. About me I'm a student who just finished high school. I've been working as a paramedic to gain my pre-uni work experience, and very soon I'll be joining med school. The reason I'm really interested in this sub-forum is as follows: After a really difficult shift of mine, a shift in which I lost three patients in one call, I created an account here on Cups after searching for an anonymous support system. To be honest about my experience, I wasn't able to find the support I was hoping for whether it's on here or on other sites. Even though there were amazing listeners which is something I wouldn't deny, I was hoping to be able to share with a group of people who could understand and relate, a group of people who actually knows how it is to lose a patient and all the mixed emotions that follow. I've already started the spark in this sub-forum a long time ago and hopefully this post will be the fire itself. Conclusion I hope anyone in the medical field or the health sector who stumples across this post whether has been tagged or not to introduce yourself in the reply section. I hope we can actually create a supporting community in which we could stand hand by hand, and actually build a proper support system in which we were never provided with. Now I'm tagging a very very tiny sample of our healthcare fellows on Cups and I'll be adding more in the replies. And if anyone knows anyone in healthcare, I'll appreciate it if you tag them below. @SuperStar00 @Eraggon @EmpathicPikachu @PoliteOcean @ShaunX @Derekfan7695 @BesosSparkle @StarlaSky @EmpathicSunshine22 @DarkGalaxy55555 @PrashPal @GoldenNest2727 @911Rescue @AmintaBlack There are also a few special individuals here who I'd like to call out here. They aren't in healthcare but I believe they will do great around the forum: @vroomvrooom @Brightfuture82 @emotionalTalker2260 @selflessSpruce1515

Hello everyone! smiley

Welcome to the General Support sub-community, we are glad to welcome you here. You can seek support on a variety of topics such as: getting unstuck, long-term support & boundaries, managing emotions, mental health & awareness, physical health & awareness, grief and loss, self-care support, and stigma support.

* We want to get to know you better :) Introduce yourself here.

* Join the General Support Taglist here.

* Share your thoughts in our daily check-in

* Join our weekly guided discussion in the General Support chat room every Sunday 1pm GMT. We support you during Sharing Circle and Small Steps towards Healthy Habits sessions too. 

Come learn about coping skills for various situations and share with us what you have learned. We are happy you are stopping by! heart

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* Be kind and respectful. 

*Please always add a trigger warning if your topic might be triggering to users. 

*Please refrain from graphic content.

*Please avoid double posting (If you have double posted, please contact @CheeryMango)

*Please avoid swearing as this can be triggering for users.  

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