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KristenHR profile picture
Eating Disorder Added Community Guidelines
by KristenHR
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...See more Please note our additional guidelines in addition to 7 Cups overall guidelines. The following are some guidelines specific to the Eating Disorder Sub-Community that we request you to follow along with the general Forum Guidelines []. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure a safe and supportive space for everyone, within this sub-community. * Refrain from mentioning specific weights or calorie counts to avoid triggering others. * Remember this is a support community - we should all be supportive of each other’s stories and struggles. * Everyone’s struggles are different; please avoid encouraging anyone to lose or gain weight. * Avoid overly graphic content and mark potentially sensitive posts with a ‘Trigger Warning’ at the top line of the post. * Pro-eating disorder content will not be tolerated.
theriverissinging profile picture
Eating Disorder Support Automated Taglist - New
by theriverissinging
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January 3rd
...See more This thread controls an auto-updating taglist. To see the current list, go to Eating Disorder Support Taglist []. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words “Please add me.” To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words, “Please remove me.” Taglist to be used for check-ins, discussions, events and announcements. ------------------------- we'll be compiling the latest taglist through a process outlined here [] every time we make a post.
Crankymom profile picture
Struggling with bulimia
by Crankymom
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...See more Struggling with bulimia, after a long time I've finally admitted to it. It's been really difficult dealing with self hatred. It's also very hard because the truth of the matter is, I am overweight and do need to loose weight because it's effecting my health. But Im struggling with doing it in any form of healthy way. I keep going back and purging because I hate myself and I hate my body. I don't know what to do.
LolaThePineapple profile picture
Hi do you know how I can find an Ed group chat?
by LolaThePineapple
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November 18th, 2024
...See more ?
Iliveonbooksalone profile picture
my teeth are SO screwed
by Iliveonbooksalone
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April 3rd, 2024
...See more i only started purging like a month ago (maybe a month and a half) and i used to restrict before that the thing is i haven't even LOST any weight but my teeth are yellow and i used to have "perfect" (i don't like that they're called perfect that isn't how it works but yeah straight and white) teeth other than maybe staining from CAFFEINE but now ??? i'm so scared because my mom's a dentist she'll definitely know and also they don't grow back this can't be fixed it's not worth it none of this is worth it but i can't STOP
twerp profile picture
by twerp
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January 15th, 2024
...See more I can't stop shoving things in my mouth after I get sad it's so annoying bru what a bunch of hippy dippy baloney 🥸
ambitiousFriend32 profile picture
Can't lose weight :(
by ambitiousFriend32
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October 25th, 2023
...See more I'm very frustrated that I'm not losing weight even though I'm eating well and exercising a lot. Idk if it's the new birth control (implant in my arm) or the stress from my financial trouble and my recent break up. Now that my bf and I broke up, I don't really need the bc anymore. Should I have a doctor take it out and see if I can lose weight?
Georginahowe profile picture
new topics
by Georginahowe
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October 18th, 2023
...See more Hey is there any new topic you would like me to host here i have bulima and anorexia 
dreamyskies1010 profile picture
Help me stop being bulimic pls pls pls
by dreamyskies1010
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July 25th, 2023
...See more Heyyy! Im ZZ, Im 15 and i pretty much hate everything abt myself. I constantly feel ugly and fat and regularly breakdown over it. I'm slightly bulimic (used to vomit everyday bt now have limited myself to two times a week) and I try rlly hard to starve myself and run on black coffees. It doesnt help that my parents constantly make comments abt my weight which eats away at my self esteem even more. Do you guys have any tips or suggestions to help me get over this...
funnyPark8929 profile picture
by funnyPark8929
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January 6th, 2023
...See more okay so I been leading this boy on for weeks now and we been hanging out but he has feelings for me and I don’t but I told him I like him because I don’t like to reject people and make them sad but I know I’m gonna make them even sadder when they found out the truth but the worse thing is that I’m starting to like his best friend 😭😭 I get butterflies when I see him and I don’t do that with the person who likes me. I don’t know what to do, the person who likes me spend so much time on me and is way more better than the person I like but I don’t feel the spark when I’m around him but I do to the best friend so please help me.
peachCup1543 profile picture
by peachCup1543
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January 4th, 2023
...See more I recently got cheated on.I am trying to make things work out so it's very difficult for me to eat again I just get sick even think about food.I been throwing up water n bile because I can't keep anything down.I need to eat but I mentally am so drained my body doesn't want to take it.I just really need some guidance or some tips on what I can try to do to eat again.
jellyca420 profile picture
i hate myself
by jellyca420
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December 10th, 2022
...See more i hate how i put myself through all of this cause it’s so tiring and it’s hard when you’re trying to get better all by yourself, like i want actual help but reaching out is so much harder and idk what to do:/
chronicallyzooted profile picture
Kind of bullemic?
by chronicallyzooted
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November 28th, 2022
...See more I don't know if I could classify myself as really anorexic or Bullemic. I don't count calories or necessarily care about being thin or not, but I feel nauseated often and will often stick my fingers down my throat to puke just to make the nausea less annoying. I've tried medications but nothing works. I also use throwing up to get out out of stressful situations like being at work or school or around people in general. I also don't eat a whole lot either, because lots of foods make me feel sick. If I'm forced to eat something I don't like a lot of the time I'll go into the bathroom and just force myself to throw it up. Sometimes I make myself throw up for no reason I don't even know why I do it. It just feels like I have to. I'm like, 5'3 and [removed] which isn't too bad, a lot people are definitely worse off. Idk it just seems like no one cares that I even do this but I'm pretty sure it's not normal? Edited by AffyAvo Nov 21, 2022 for specific weight, see the community specific guidelines under about [].
strawberryseedoil profile picture
by strawberryseedoil
Last post
October 29th, 2022
...See more Nobody talks about how miserable it can be to deal with bulimia recovery. I have had various disordered eating habits for 7 years, but bulimia specifically for 4 or 5. I’ve been to therapy for it a couple of years ago, been to the hospital due to fainting, dealt with repulsive comments from my mother that were quite honestly more sickening than the illness itself, etcetera. It’s been a long journey of on and off binging and purging, but for the past week and a half I haven’t purged at all, and before that I’ve been doing it much less. I’ve gained nearly 15 pounds, and I’m absolutely stuck. Purging for me started as a way to lose weight, but it became much more. It became a way of feeling in control of my life when I realized that I couldn’t control externalities. I’ve struggled with severe anxiety my entire life, but I’ve been subconsciously managing it through my eating disorder. Since I haven’t been doing it, my anxiety has manifested into other aspects of my life, especially my social life. I’m 18 now, and I can’t even stand in line waiting for my food without feeling like curling up in a ball because I think everybody is judging my body language, my image, the way that I speak, pretty much any typical socially anxious thoughts. Too many people, too many opinions, higher chances that someone will find something to single me out for. With my anxiety peaking, I’ve also been trying to quit nicotine, that of which I’ve also been doing for around 3 or 4 years. It’s much more difficult to quit, seeing as though I have additional nicotinic receptors with no nicotine to fulfill, subsequently leaving me with withdrawal and a severe drop in dopamine. I am much more emotional lately, not exactly depressed, just absolutely anxious and fidgety. So, downing 7 shots of anxiety a day before I leave the house, I am left with a brain that won’t ever shut up even though my conscience is so tired. And what did I do today? I bought a vape. I feel terrible. Instantaneous gratification is something that I can’t seem to knock. But this topic is for a different group. Moreover, I get hardly any sleep, sometimes too much, my sleep schedule is just completely wack. I got fired from my job and made useless excuses not to get one and now It’s less than 100 days until I’m moving out (another anxiety) so I REALLY can’t get a job. I suppose what I’m getting at is that recovery is not easy. At all. Dealing with the weight gain, wanting to look how I used to look, only to realize what I would do to myself to look that way… it’s so conflicting. I was so useless when I was purging. I’d faint at work all the time, I’d have no energy, I was starving… and I’m eating fine, my body still looks great and I appreciate it for simply still functioning after the years of torture I put it through, and yet I’m still just… well, I still feel useless. This is just my emotions speaking for themselves though, I know I am much more capable now, and I’ve proved that to myself. I just crave order, and I do not do well when I’m not in control. Trying to knock out two addictions at once is hell, and I HATE feeling like I lack the self-discipline and internal locus of control to successfully quit both. I think the best thing is to just continue doing good deeds for my body and my mental health and hope that my anxiety and negative thoughts will realize they aren’t welcome in due time.

Eating Disorder Support

Welcome to Eating Disorder Support! We are welcoming you with open arms and hope to be part of your recovery journey. All are welcome to participate, whether you are a family member watching a loved one struggling or struggling yourself. 

What are the different forum topics for Eating Disorder Support?

Anorexia Nervosa Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Anorexia Nervosa. 

Binge Eating Disorder Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Binge Eating.

Bulimia Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Bulimia.

Discussions & Check-ins: A place for general discussions and regular community check-ins.

General Support: Need any other support that doesn’t fit within another topic? Post it here!

Family and Friends of Individuals with Eating Disorders: Watching a loved on struggle with an Eating Disorder? Discuss it here.

Introductions, Fun & Games: A place to introduce yourself and take part in a variety of fun, games and icebreakers.

Recovery & Moving On: Recovering from an Eating Disorder? Share your story here!

How can I help?

You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable). Check-in with us, join a discussion, or start one! Alternatively, you can join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information.

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Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our tag list to be notified whenever there is a new discussion or update within the community!

Eating Disorder FAQ

Q: Are there any sub-community-specific guidelines that we need to adhere to?

A: You can find Sub-community-specific guidelines below, which you should follow in addition to the general forum guidelines.

Help! I still have a question! 

If you need help, feel free to contact a community leader or post here, and someone will contact you!

Community Guidelines

The following are some guidelines specific to the Eating Disorder Sub-Community that we request you to follow along with the general Forum Guidelines. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure a safe and supportive space for everyone, within this sub-community.

  • Refrain from mentioning specific weights or calorie counts to avoid triggering others.
  • Remember this is a support community - we should all be supportive of each other’s stories and struggles.
  • Everyone’s struggles are different; please avoid encouraging anyone to lose or gain weight.
  • Avoid overly graphic content and mark potentially sensitive posts with a ‘Trigger Warning’ at the top line of the post.
  • Pro-eating disorder content will not be tolerated.
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