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How to Cope: Music

blitheSun94 April 12th, 2015

Hey there,

I think music is an intrinsic part of our lifestyle as we remain sensitive and particularly prone to life's upheavals in terms of clinical depression. So,tell me, what do you listen to when depression is kicking you? What do you listen to when you feel stable? What triggers you? What soothes you? Thank you for sharing!


orangeFarm3314 August 22nd, 2019


I generally listen to BTS. Nowadays it's the only thing that can keep me somewhat grounded. The songs are beautiful as well as the message it provides. A lot of people make fun of me when I tell them about it, so it's not something I can talk about without fear. But nonetheless, it's actually amazing how much it can help.

sorrowfulApple9 April 12th, 2015

I guess i listen to all music when i feel sad. However, my favourite song to listen to is ... to build a home by cinematic orchestra

clarissnow April 12th, 2015

I actually listen to all music but my favorites areriver flows in you and kiss the rain by yiruma.smiley

peacefulTree April 20th, 2015

I sometimes find solace in some music by J.S. Bach, some songs from the St. Matthew Passion. I also sometimes play then piano, for exampleDas Wohltemperierte Klavier I, and to do some piano improvisation trying to let go of all troubling thoughts and just immerse myself in the flow of the music for a moment. I hope to maybe one day record my music and offer it to other people's benefit, provided they like it of course.

secretNorth9536 June 7th, 2019

I sometimes watch video clips. It helps me with my depression. Music has a calming effect on me!

blitheSun94 OP August 11th, 2019

I listen to a lot of rap myself. I think I find it relatable and it stimulates another part of my mind. I also enjoy a good YouTube lecture for distraction when I'm feeling low.

PunningPasta August 22nd, 2019

I listen to anything that has a message weather positive or negative

HappyIsa291125 August 23rd, 2019

I like listening to music I can relate to. My three most favorite artists are Girl in Red and Twenty one pilots (TOP is a two man bach btw) I just feel a connection to their songs and they make me feel less lonely.

ruffneckred August 23rd, 2019

I like the now classic rock of my youth, but in reality almost any music helps when you have tinnitus, silence is painful and miserable.

August 23rd, 2019

I listen to alot of Different music types. For me music can be a escape,.

Zulegirl August 23rd, 2019


Country music and Alternative Rock

jazmine1986 August 23rd, 2019


normally when depression & anxiety kicks in , i would find a place to hear one of the christian song "what a friend we've in Jesus" & i tell myself "Jesus , please give me the power to calm myself down . i need your power to control ." 🙏 in your name


Ginevra962 September 9th, 2019

Whenever I feel really down or worried I listen to kpop. Often it's BTS. Their songs are beautiful and the meaning of the lyrics really helps me to keep going. I particularly like ther trilogy Love Myself: Her, Tear, Answer. It helps me to think with more positivity

greenEyes2019 October 2nd, 2019

This is a nice thread.

For me, when I'm in my lowest, I lose interest in everything, including listening to music. So for days, I listen to nothing, or I just have some yt vlogs playing in the background.

But if I want to take my mind off things, I play bird/forest/sea sounds.