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14 Unexpected Symptoms of Anxiety – Have You Experienced Any?

Jenna January 17th, 2018

Its often more than just feeling scared and anxious…

While some of the most well-known symptoms of anxiety are feeling fearful and nervous, there is more to it. We gathered some reader experiences with unexpected symptoms of anxiety and added some of our own to help people get an even more complete image of what it can encompass. There might even be more unexpected symptoms of anxiety (otherwise they wouldnt be unexpected), so feel free to add your own! As an added note: please be kind and respectful. Some people might find some of these symptoms logical or straightforward, but for the people who sent in their contributions, they were more unexpected. Please stay aware that anxiety is different for everyone. What might be unexpected symptoms of anxiety for some, might be expected for others. Some contributors preferred to stay anonymous, which is totally fine!

Its not just fear…

One of the most unexpected things about having anxiety, at least for me, is that I will become incredibly sad and cry over nothing. When I have an anxiety attack I will get nervous which makes the attack even worse.

Sometimes its not that obvious

I get slight shakes and to me, I pause more in speech but everyone denies seeing both. I never knew anxiety could be so… hidden when I was younger and I always thought my panic attacks and sensory overload were normal but… it turns out theyre the end result of ignoring my more minor symptoms.

More than just emotional symptoms

The most unexpected symptom of anxiety: I have had so much anxiety for so long that it is difficult to go to the bathroom.

My bowels absolutely went mad. Whenever my anxiety was high Id get horrible painful stomach cramps.

Never knew Id get more anxious about this one

Anxiety for me always revolves around time. Its like a clock that forever controls my life. I worry about everything I do because I think about what might be the worst outcome in the future. It also feels like that same clock is constantly crushing and weighing you down in life until you cant get back up.

Sleepless nights

A lot of people expect that you might feel most anxious during the day. An unexpected symptom of anxiety can be the loss of sleep. One of the most unexpected problems Ive had is being so anxious it causes insomnia. the countless number of times Ive stayed up for days straight because Im too anxious about things happening around me.

Overactive insides

A symptom of my anxiety is the constant need to use the toilet before I go anywhere, after reaching a place and sometimes on the way. Knowing there is a toilet and it is accessible without causing embarrassment is when I am calm. I even have to return home or go to a random toilet somewhere on the way due to it.

Sometimes it lasts so long it seems like a personality

The most unexpected thing about my anxiety was how my fear seemed to alter or control so much of my personality (e.g. optimism, how much I spoke) Although now this seems obvious to me, I realize I will never quite been seen for who I really am.

The way you speak

One unexpected problem that Ive started to experience is stumbling over my words, and stuttering so much that I kind of shut down can cant even complete the sentence.

More than just shyness

Sometimes my anxiety gets too bad I just go mute for a while. I just cant get the words to come out.

…and when youre finally sleeping

However, one of my unexpected symptoms of having anxiety is waking up in a panic from a deep sleep, not knowing why Im freaking out and just sitting there until I can go back to bed. Sometimes Ill sit there for 3 hours.

Never knowing when it strikes, which makes me even more anxious…

For me, the worst thing about anxiety is the sudden rush of bad feelings I get sometimes. Like one day I felt I was doing something poorly and the phone ring made me feel like someone was calling to reprimand me so I felt this terror/guilt/shame all at once for a second before realizing it was just my wake up alarm.

When your mind is going 100 miles an hour

Something surprising about anxiety to myself: I simultaneously love and hate everything Im doing. I love being at home but hate that Im not saying that time with someone Ive been wanting to see. Or Im enjoying some people and still wishing I could go home and stop spending so much energy trying to properly socialize. Balance is almost impossible.

Caught up in trust

When I started going to counseling and healing I was able to analyze the symptoms I experiences that were not normal. Some that were unexpected were: picturing something bad happening with every scenario and not being able to escape that thought, fainting, and not being able to trust me or others.

The eyes, the eyes

When my anxiety is high, I get trouble focusing. My eyes just go a bit blurry and my mind is racing.

Have you ever experienced anxiety? What were some of your unexpected symptoms of anxiety?

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warmNights July 24th, 2020


A couple uncommon symptoms I experienced were amnesia, dizziness and rapid blinking.


I've found that when I try to recall the events of a day or a period of my life where I was incredibly anxious, I just can't. I think it's because I was in such an intense state of sensory overload in those moments. Too many onbsessive thoughts, and feelings of illogical terror take over what actually happened during that day or period of time and I often can't recall anything outside of what I was feeling after the fact.

Dizziness/ Off balance

I also find that when I'm particularly anxious or uncomfortable with an environment or people, I'll get spells of dizziness. I'll stand up to grab something and suddenly feel very off balance. Or I'll be walking down a hall and suddenly feel off balance. Once I'm outside the environment that that's me uncomfortable, I never experience the dizziness again. It always seems to occur in environments that trigger my anxiety.

Rapid Blinking

When I'm in a social setting with a lot of people, like a dinner, or in the break room at work, I've found myself blinking a lot more too. Maybe this thing in particular is just me, but it always seems to occur when I'm in settings around too many people, or around a specific person or people that make me anxious. I've been called out on it before. It's strange.

limeWater2580 July 31st, 2020


For me the most unexpected personally was the memory problems. I can't remember what I've done or where ive put things. Just today i left my credit card at the drive through of a restaraunt and didn't remember until my sister mentioned something

Rosy8 July 31st, 2020

@Jenna I am curious if this is even where I belong. I was diagnosed by a certified therapist, but have practically none of these symptoms. I have no idea what anxiety even means in the context of my lived experience. All I know is I feel like crap, but don't have access to affordable therapy right now. Not sure where to even begin.

stats30 August 3rd, 2020


I really like the way you have put it out there

discreetSpring4181 January 17th, 2018

when my anxiety is high..i hear different sounds .like anybody say me something ..i turn around back but no one is mind totally stop ..and look like im going in dark..

galaxyGirl299 July 24th, 2020

When I am asleep my mind/body randomly shocks itself like the kind of thing that happens when you are asleep and hear a loud noise and just wake up in shock, just that there is no noice.

I can' really describe it I'm sorry

HeadFullofThoughts July 31st, 2020

@galaxyGirl299 You can't really describe it but I think you described it perfectly. I call them body shakes. I had them for the first time in a long while about a week and a half ago. I was trying to fall asleep and then my body would kind of jolt like I was startled by something. It kind of freaked me out which didn't help with easing my anxiety. But they only lasted a little while and once the next morning came and I was up and doing things they seemed to have subsided.

galaxyGirl299 July 31st, 2020


Yes, exactly. I thought I was the only one.

akay06 July 31st, 2020


Shakes have really started to affect me more. At first, it started just with meeting people or being in large groups because my official diagnosis is social anxiety, but now it is starting to pop up while I am writing, working on my school work on my laptop, or even cooking when my mind drifts. It seems right now I am just anxious about everything going on in the world right now and I cannot stop thinking about it. I am behind on schoolwork because I cannot type while it is happening and I have even broken a few dishes because of it. The only solution is to take a break from whatever task I have going on.

JMMouse August 1st, 2020

Waking up in the middle of the night with a panic attack is exactly what I'm suffering from right now...

akay06 August 1st, 2020


It can be rough! I put lavender under my pillow and ground myself by just focusing on that smell when that happens to me. It doesn't always work, but it does sometimes and any progression is helpful to me. What do you do to get back to sleep or in a better mindset?

JMMouse August 1st, 2020

@akay06 I pretty much wait until I'm absolutely exhausted and then hope I fall asleep quickly. I trled lavender oil, but it didn't seem to help.

thoughtfulmomma August 2nd, 2020

So glad I read this thread. ...dizziness, inability to speak well, waking up in the middle of the night, trouble falling asleep, waking up in panic mode. Pretty much everything that everyone is talking about.

And it's all very exhausting.

sympatheticKitten8138 August 3rd, 2020

@thoughtfulmomma oh yes its so exhausting! Its like I have an extra layer to process that everyone else doesnt have. Its so draining

sympatheticKitten8138 August 3rd, 2020

For me its my chest being so incredibly tight that it physically hurts. The muscles aches for days afterwards

It was especially bad when I first started going out after the corona. I felt terrified just sitting in a cafe and talking to a friend.

geedee96 August 22nd, 2022

My unexpected symptoms are pins and needles in the hands and parts of my face. The sudden rush of warmness to the face and trouble concentrating on anything. I sometimes also feel like I’m in a daze and kind of just motioning through the day. I hate these feelings.

compassionateCar7091 September 15th, 2022

I feel like i relate to alot of your anxiety scenrios especailly the fear of outcomes and thinking of every possible bad thing that could go wrong, I sometimes say odd things to fill in silence in social settings when i don't know someone, i'm working on this through counseling especially when i have to meet new people and I don't feel like interacting and i have to force myself to talk. I'm learning to internalize what i'm thinking before i say something and later regret saying whatever was on my mind and then agonizing for days and weeks on end of what I said, My anxiety is a life long journey that i'm constantly mindful of

KatePersephone September 11th, 2023

@Jenna thank you for sharing this with us, Jenna

Uniquebutgood September 11th, 2023

I can relate with you my dear friend...... let's keep breathing no matter what problems are there for me you are strong enough to handle any problem.....🩵

Goodtogo1 September 11th, 2023


I can relate to this anxiety. I'm struggling with sleep loss and it has a profound effect on a person. I've come to the point to where I've accepted the sleep loss. Thinking about it does not help.

My vision is affected as well. At night is when I am affected. Car lights are blinding! This makes me angry, like people are doing this intentionally.

I too go mute during conversations. I never was a good communicator so this validates it.

I was having panic attacks but, thankfully, as I gained an understanding of what was happening in my mind/thoughts, the attacks ceased.

I've turned to "addictive" behaviors to help with the feelings of hopelessness and anger but it only takes the edge off temporarily.

I perceive that friends have been avoiding me, or maybe I'm avoiding them. I tell them and myself that "I'm not very good with people". I tell them this so they won't be offended by my behavior. Sometimes this backfires. People don't understand that I'm trying to help them.

A positive end will come to all this.