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10 ways to relax

talktomeok November 4th, 2018

1. contemplating nature (even in the middle of the city looking up at that wonderful blue sky with all its beauty and mistery, and during the night what better than a sea of stars and the white moon shinning on the sky high

2. singing (nothing better than humming or singing on some melody we like, we sing to ourselves to heal our soul )

3 walking, the best way to aliviate our worries could be just walking while perhaps listening to some violin music or some music you like, or just walk in some nice relaxed place preferible surrounded by nature.

4. working out ( there are multiple ways of working out ) gym, bycicle, walking treking, etc,etc, good for health and spirit

5 . dancing. nothing better to connect with ourselves and with other than to just do things where we dont use our minds.

6. playing with animals, or going to a place where animals are , like a zoo, or go to a park and watch other dogs playing . A zoo could be a wonderful place of conecting with wonderful creatures

7 a theme park , can be a blast of emotions, plus we tend to leave our worries behind when we are in such places :) plus the atmosphere can makes us happy

8. napping, for those who are really burn out, and really need to get it out, well if you have the time, many times taking naps can refill you with boost of energy and balance your mood and relax you.

9 making jokes, many people well, dont have the fortune to have many other ways of relaxing, so many times cracking jokes in certain situations can lead to relaxing, and its often a wonderful way to braking ice... i mean baking ice.. nope.. err. making ice.. nahh. xd.. well you get the point.. see. I was making a point :)

10. Smiling, what could be the best way of relaxing other than smiling, smile for the sake of it, smile to yourself, smile in the mirror, think on happy thoughts and joke about anything to make you smile, which it will make you relax :)

November 4th, 2018

@talktomeok Thanks for it. :)

talktomeok OP November 5th, 2018

@Fristo yay, your welcome , I am glad you liked it :) laughlaugh

Rebekahwriter13 November 4th, 2018

I also write, paint, cook, bake, help others out, shop etc

talktomeok OP November 5th, 2018

@Rebekahwriter13 wow, that is awesome , so many things to relax :) yay laughwink

lightCoconut1020 November 8th, 2018

Number 2 is mandatory for me! :)

talktomeok OP November 12th, 2018

@lightCoconut1020 I am really gladd you can sing, I play a bit the violin, I stoped for like a year, but I think I might got back to practice it :)

lightCoconut1020 November 13th, 2018


Great plan! Violin has such a healing sound heart

AbbyHarris1976 November 13th, 2018

Here are my top 10 ... Warning! Some of these may be purposefully redundant.

10. Stop trying to please everyone

9. Drink coffee - yes, its a comfort drink for me

8. Read

7. Watch sports or my shows on TV

6. Drink coffee

5. Stop trying to please everyone!

4. Play video games

3. Go to meetup events and hang out with friends

2. Drink more coffee! ☕️


talktomeok OP November 15th, 2018

@AbbyHarris1976 those are really nice ones :) yes pleasing others can be quite stressing, many times thinking about ourselves, puting ourselves first and treat ourselves is more important. like treating outselves for holidays for a spa, massage, etc.