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Needs Reply Communication Thread (updated)

bookworm274 February 17th, 2023

Hi team, as you hopefully know, we usually communicate via the needs reply communication thread here, but we have decided to create a new communication thread to keep updated, to keep everything in one place and to also remind everyone of expectations of the team. This also allows new members of the team to refer to this original post for the information needed.

Bi-weekly check ins are going to be posted in this thread from now on. When these are posted, please do respond as these are posted to make sure that you are okay, and that you're still active. This will also be a reminder to fill out the tracking form (click here) so that we can ensure activity from team members and to keep track of the Needs Reply teams progress! There is more information about the form here.

The monthly quota for those on the NR team is 10 responses to needs reply posts (not forum posts in general) - if you are unclear of what this means then please refer to the needs reply queue here or you can ask me. As many of you have hopefully seen, changes are being made to the offboarding process which Cheery has made a post about here - please do make sure to look at this as this is the process we will be following from now on. If you have any questions about it please do write them on the post, message @CheeryMango or myself.

It is important to make sure that members of the team respond effectively to the posts. It is important that all members of the team read this post on effective responding. If you are new to the team please do read and respond, and if you are not new to the team feel free to refresh back whenever you feel you need a refresher on effective responding or to look at it if you haven't yet - thank you!

All links in blue are clickable, if you have trouble accessing these please let me know.

Taglist: @Asher @anxietywarrior23 @bookworm274 @CosmicMiracle @jennysunrise8 @Juliak1968 @KimByeongin @LunaHere @Markzzmq @MidwesternCalmSeeker @Optimisticempath @pamharley003 @SynSavory @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @CheeryMango

bookworm274 OP July 7th, 2023


Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your chronic illnesses and about the flare ups, I understand that must be challenging. I'm glad to hear that you are having a good time on Cups!

In regards to the feedback, I completely agree that a tracker that only tracks the NR responses would be a lot more useful! Unfortunately, I don't handle the tech aspects for the team, so all I can do is ask others (which I have been) and we are currently in the process of getting there! We have been taking small steps, it is only fairly recently that we have gotten a tracker at all linked to the badge so hopefully soon we will be able to have a more specific one.

beck1 July 7th, 2023

@bookworm274 Yay. I look forward to seeing the updates in the future 😊 Thanks for all of your hard work

beck1 July 14th, 2023


Hey there. I'm just checking in to see when I am supposed to fill in the form? Do you post a reminder each time we need to fill it out?

bookworm274 OP July 15th, 2023


Hi, we ask that the forms are filled out once every other week - once in the middle of a month and once at the end of a month. I will post reminders every time a form needs to be sent in, I was just about to post one now for the middle of the month!

bookworm274 OP July 15th, 2023

Hi all, I hope you are well ❤️

If you have not filled out the needs reply tracking form for the first 2 weeks of July please do so now, as this is the only way for us to know if you are still active, doing alright and to receive feedback! If you do not have access to the form, please click here to access!

1) How are you in your real life and on 7 cups?

2) Do you have any questions or anything you would like to share?

Taglist: @Asher @bookworm274 @beck1 @hopedreamlove @Juliak1968 @LunaHere @Markzzmq @Optimisticempath @SynSavory @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @CheeryMango

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 15th, 2023

@bookworm274 Filled out, thankyou, Book!❤

bookworm274 OP July 16th, 2023


Great, thank you!

beck1 July 17th, 2023

@bookworm274 Filled out the form 😎 Thanks for the reminder!

bookworm274 OP July 17th, 2023


Brilliant, thank you!

bookworm274 OP July 16th, 2023

Hi @MeaningfulSilence here is the Needs Reply Communication Thread, welcome to our team!

I am the leader of the NR team, I post bi-weekly check ins to make sure that everything is okay and for you to give me feedback - I also remind you in these check ins to fill out this form bi-weekly to let me know how many posts you respond to so we know you are still active, that you're okay and so we can allocate your cheers! Don't worry about remembering when you have to fill out the form because we will remind you in our check-ins which you will be tagged in!

Please also take a look at the post here regarding effective replying - it is important that every member on the team look at this and comment that it has been read and understood.

You can find the Needs Reply queue here - click me!

Let me know if you have any questions ❤️

MeaningfulSilence July 16th, 2023

Thank you, I am glad to have joined!

bookworm274 OP July 21st, 2023

Hi @Mahad2804 here is the Needs Reply Communication Thread, welcome to our team!

I am the leader of the NR team, I post bi-weekly check ins to make sure that everything is okay and for you to give me feedback - I also remind you in these check ins to fill out this form bi-weekly to let me know how many posts you respond to so we know you are still active, that you're okay and so we can allocate your cheers! Don't worry about remembering when you have to fill out the form because we will remind you in our check-ins which you will be tagged in!

Please also take a look at the post here regarding effective replying - it is important that every member on the team look at this and comment that it has been read and understood.

You can find the Needs Reply queue here - click me!

Let me know if you have any questions ❤️

juliak1968 July 22nd, 2023



This link (below) isn't working for me, any idea why? Thanks very much!~

Blessings, Day

fill out this form bi-weekly

juliak1968 July 22nd, 2023



I figured out why the popup wouldn't open; was do to my settings - Its working good now -

Thank you

Blessings, Day

bookworm274 OP July 22nd, 2023


Glad you managed to get it to work!

MeaningfulSilence July 22nd, 2023


Hello there bookworm274, sorry it's my first time filling the form and I don't understand well how to .

I see there's a number for my role of Forum Supporter in Depression community and then another number for the needs reply team. Do i have to fill the form writing the current number for the NRT and next time to just update it with those i am going to do after i sent the form?


bookworm274 OP July 22nd, 2023


Hi, no worries at all - please feel free to ask any questions!

This form is just for the needs reply team, not for your role as a forum supporter for the depression community. The reason there is a section that says total forum posts is for people who find it difficult to count how many Needs Reply posts they have responded to so just send in their total forum posts number. If you are able to, please do count how many needs reply posts you respond to and use that for the form - if you do this then you do not need to answer the section that says total forum posts.

Just in case the badge is confusing - the badge only counts all forum posts rather than just NR posts which is why you need to count it yourself.

Please fill out the form with however many needs reply posts you have answered since you last sent in the form. So, for your first form it would be however many you have filled out since you were onboarded to the team. We ask that the form is filled out twice a month (one in the middle for the first 2 weeks of the month and one at the end for the last 2 weeks) but I will post a reminder on here every time you need to send in a form! You can send in a form more often if you would like if that makes it easier for you to keep track of the posts, if you do this then please write in the additional comment section whether it is for the first half of the month or the second half.

I hope this all makes sense and hasn't made it more confusing! If you have any more questions please do let me know, I know it can take some time to get used to!

MeaningfulSilence July 22nd, 2023


Perfect, very clear 👍😊

So I am going to wait the tag to fill my first form.

Thank you a lot bookworm274!

beck1 July 24th, 2023


Mahad, welcome to the team! Glad to have you

bookworm274 OP July 31st, 2023

Hi all, I hope you are well ❤️

If you have not filled out the needs reply tracking form for the last 2 weeks of July please do so now, as this is the only way for us to know if you are still active, doing alright and to receive feedback! If you do not have access to the form, please click here to access!

1) How are you in your real life and on 7 cups?

2) Do you have any questions or anything you would like to share?

Taglist: @bookworm274 @beck1 @hopedreamlove @Juliak1968 @Mahad2804 @MeaningfulSilence @Optimisticempath @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @CheeryMango

MeaningfulSilence July 31st, 2023


Done 👍 ☺️

beck1 July 31st, 2023

@bookworm274 Thanks for the reminder

bookworm274 OP August 1st, 2023

Hi @Barltik2065 here is the Needs Reply Communication Thread, welcome to our team!

I am the leader of the NR team, I post bi-weekly check ins to make sure that everything is okay and for you to give me feedback - I also remind you in these check ins to fill out this form bi-weekly to let me know how many posts you respond to so we know you are still active, that you're okay and so we can allocate your cheers! Don't worry about remembering when you have to fill out the form because we will remind you in our check-ins which you will be tagged in!

Please also take a look at the post here regarding effective replying - it is important that every member on the team look at this and comment that it has been read and understood.

You can find the Needs Reply queue here - click me!

Let me know if you have any questions ❤️

beck1 August 2nd, 2023

Welcome to the team, @Barltik2065

bookworm274 OP August 11th, 2023

Hi @pandanfe here is the Needs Reply Communication Thread, welcome to our team!

I am the leader of the NR team, I post bi-weekly check ins to make sure that everything is okay and for you to give me feedback - I also remind you in these check ins to fill out this form bi-weekly to let me know how many posts you respond to so we know you are still active, that you're okay and so we can allocate your cheers! Don't worry about remembering when you have to fill out the form because we will remind you in our check-ins which you will be tagged in!

Please also take a look at the post here regarding effective replying - it is important that every member on the team look at this and comment that it has been read and understood.

You can find the Needs Reply queue here - click me!

Let me know if you have any questions ❤️

beck1 August 11th, 2023


Hey @pandanfe welcome to the team

MeaningfulSilence August 11th, 2023


Welcome to @pandanfe and @Barltik2065! 🌸

pandanfe August 12th, 2023


Thank you very much 🤗

bookworm274 OP August 14th, 2023

Hi all, I hope you are well ❤️

If you have not filled out the needs reply tracking form for the first 2 weeks of August please do so by tomorrow (15th), as this is the only way for us to know if you are still active, doing alright and to receive feedback! If you do not have access to the form, please click here to access!

1) How are you in your real life and on 7 cups?

2) Do you have any questions or anything you would like to share?

Taglist: @Barltik2065 @beck1 @hopedreamlove @Juliak1968 @Mahad2804 @MeaningfulSilence @Optimisticempath @pandanfe @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @CheeryMango

pandanfe August 14th, 2023


Thank you for follow ups

beck1 August 14th, 2023


Thank you for the reminder! Filled out the form

Hope everyone is doing well

Barltik2065 August 14th, 2023


Thank you fore the reminder :)

Filled out.

MeaningfulSilence August 14th, 2023


Filled the form

Tomorrow in my country it's a big national holiday 🥳🎉

Acceptnlove2 August 14th, 2023

We must reply to 10 posts where someone is asking for help per month? Is that correct?

pandanfe August 14th, 2023


Yup, that's right!

bookworm274 OP August 14th, 2023


Hi, that is only the quota for those who are on the needs reply team, as you are not you do not need to worry about the 10 posts a month. If you would like to join the team, please let me know and I can let you know how!

Optimisticempath August 19th, 2023

@bookworm274 filled the form

bookworm274 OP September 1st, 2023

Hi all, I hope you are well ❤️

If you have not filled out the needs reply tracking form for the last 2 weeks of August please do so now, as this is the only way for us to know if you are still active, doing alright and to receive feedback! If you do not have access to the form, please click here to access!

1) How are you in your real life and on 7 cups?

2) Do you have any questions or anything you would like to share?

Taglist: @Barltik2065 @beck1 @hopedreamlove @Juliak1968 @Mahad2804 @MeaningfulSilence @Optimisticempath @pandanfe @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @CheeryMango

beck1 September 1st, 2023

@bookworm274 Thanks for the reminder! I filled out the form

bookworm274 OP September 2nd, 2023


Brilliant, thank you!