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What motivates you to volunteer on 7cups?

JoyousBear February 26th

What motivates you to volunteer on 7cups? What replenishes your passion to volunter on 7cups when you find yourself that you are starting to lose it?

Heather225 February 29th


ooh one for the leaders!

tagging in some folks if you feel like contirbuting! (please tag others in too!)

@fristo @SparkyGizmo @MistyMagic @AnnaSilverberg @Mahad2804 @ReganL @wishfulWillow6962

AnnaSilverberg February 29th

Amazing questions, Sun! 

Here are my answers:
What motivates you to volunteer on 7cups?
My passion for helping others and sharing kindness and positivity. 
I like what I do, I like being able to support others through challenging times.
And that's one of the things that motivates me, if I can help one person feel 
like it's easier to go through their day, then that is wonderful. 

What replenishes your passion to volunteer on 7cups when
you find yourself that you are starting to lose it?

Self-care! If I could prescribe it, I would. 
It's the best way to make sure that I feel balanced and 
so that my wellbeing is good. 
Taking time to draw or do other hobbies is the best self care for me.

March 1st

@AnnaSilverberg You are so yourself Anna, in everything you do. You do it for yourself first and that's how what flows through you is so pretty, warm, and artistic!

AnnaSilverberg March 1st

Thank you, Fristo! 
That's so kind of you to say,
you're so wonderful! 💕

Mahad2804 March 1st


Thanks for the tag @Heather225

It's a tough question, what motivates me to volunteer my time here.

I think it's a mix of feeling a sense of belonging, getting internal satisfaction from doing this work, and being part of an amazing community that motivates and cheers me on. I never thought I'd get this involved with 7 Cups when I first created my member account in the peak of quarantine in 2020, but I guess time can change everything.

As for what keeps me going, I think it's all of the above plus keeping things fresh. I try something new every now and then.E ither a new project, a new team, or a new domain and that keeps me invested enough in whatever I'm doing and keeps me from being bored.

Plus, I've had really amazing leaders on most of my teams ( @MistyMagic, @DreamTouch, @InternalAcceptance, @positivePumpkin22, @Suryansh ) so it's been an amazing experience, one that has always kept me coming back.

But by and far, the most important thing has been the relationships that I've formed here, with listeners, members, and mentors, they're just too valuable for me to leave behind forever. So I may go on break and I may take some time to gather myself, but I always come back to cups in the end.

That's my story.

Mahad2804 March 1st

sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I'm writing this quite sleep-deprived 😅

March 1st

@Mahad2804 Love the story, pretty much sounds like mine! It's the good connections that have us coming back!

March 1st

@gentleSun78 Actually sun, what a timely question. Lately, I have been wondering about it a lot, really a lot hehe!

So, what motivates me to continue volunteering at Cups? Why do I come here and do my work? I am going to be honest with you. I've new things coming up in my life lately and they are satisfying in their own ways and I like to keep my life simple. I don't want to be at multiple places, I want to be at one (primarily) and give it my all. So while Cups is not my primary place presently, I do like and feel replenished when I connect with this community in positive ways and bring smiles to the people who get affected and uplifted by my work. May I say here, I am amazed sometimes (a lot many times, actually) when I discover some very beautiful souls and leaders. Let me give you the most recent example. Look what @sadcat13 did to the looks of our appreciation form, this had me in awe of the beauty that lies in sadcat! They are beautiful! You can say these moments of beauty keep me coming back here (:

Thanks for this prompt, appreciate you gentle sun!

March 1st

Inviting some top cookie land citizens from the Gratitude Rain to share with us too:

@MydogLiz8 @gloriousStar32 @YourCaringConfidant @WeEarth @purposefulLove777 @BlahBlah1805 @Starlasky @CatHanderOutNoah @tranquilechoes

Dear all cookie partners, what makes you volunteer on 7 Cups? What over here replenishes your spirit, if anything? Let's hear from you today 😀


tranquilechoes March 1st


I volunteer simply because no matter how beautiful or pretty someone is they always look better with a smile on there face 🤍✨

Countrygirl095 March 1st

I volunteer because I want to give those a comfortable and healthy space to let out their emotions and a non-judgmental environment

March 1st

@Countrygirl095 You are so awesome for doing that, countrygirl (: Lots of good health and love your way!

yourbuddy30 March 1st

@gentleSun78 I think the love and support we get here. Be it to the listeners or members, from the listeners or members, people are all loving and caring. This always draws me back to 7 cups

lovingRainbows2088 March 1st


What motivates you to volunteer on 7cups?

What motivates me to volunteer on 7 cups is knowing that I am helping somebody and that I am there to listen to their problems.  Also I can encourage them that they should never give up and that they make it through the other side. 

What replenishes your passion to volunter on 7cups when you find yourself that you are starting to lose it?

What replenishes my passion to volunteer on 7 cups when I find myself that I am starting to lose it. Is knowing that I am helping people and impacting their lives for the better. By helping other people I am also helping myself.  Also, if I need someone to talk to I can always change my account to a member. For someone to be able to listen to me and my problems in life. 

pamharley003 March 3rd


What motivates me to volunter on 7 cups is helping those who do not get the suport they ned in their daily life. I suport those who want an ear to listen to them and the heart to hold them and make them feel safe. A place where they can go and have someone guide them in troubling times or grief or any feelings their going through