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Stanford MedX Award! Help Spread the Awesome News!

Laura October 5th, 2016

In late August, 7 Cups founder @GlenM shared that 7 Cups won the Stanford Medicine X Prize for Health Care Systems Design! Check out his post here. This news has finally made it's way into the media & varying press channels! Woohoo! Now, we'd like to invite you (our awesome community) to share the news on your social media pages.

Here is how you can do it:


Here is a suggested tweet for you to share:

@7Cupsot Wins @StanfordMedX Prize for Health Care Systems Design! #MedX


Connect to the 7 Cups twitter page here & retweet directly from the main 7 Cups twitter account!


Go to the 7 Cups facebook page ! The first post listed is about the MedX Award! Share it to your personal page.

Once you share about this exciting award, please post to this thread to let the community know! Those who share will be awarded the MedX badge!

colourfulUnicorn7 October 18th, 2016

Shared it on Facebook!!

Nethersong October 19th, 2016

Posted on Twitter. This is so exciting!

LoveDonor October 19th, 2016

Wow shared it

Diandra October 19th, 2016

This is awesome! Great way to get the word out! :D

ApplePiney October 19th, 2016

Shared <3

MidniteAngel October 23rd, 2016

Spreading the word

Mila0913 October 24th, 2016

Great work, team!! And I shared on fb and emailed a few colleagues!

Idonotthinkanyonecares November 23rd, 2016


vivelespatates December 1st, 2016


Glitterybaby December 2nd, 2016


TheHuggleMonster December 4th, 2016


cosmicdreamer08 January 2nd, 2017

Shared on Twitter :)

Shelley22 January 9th, 2017

Posted on Facebookheart

DancingAlong January 9th, 2017

I am so late because my last semester was crazy when this info came out! But I retweeted from the 7Cups official twitter.

WalrusWasPaul January 9th, 2017


January 9th, 2017

Shared :)

January 9th, 2017


SpeedyHare January 31st, 2017


glisteningArrow65 January 31st, 2017


Teasley4031 January 31st, 2017


Gabe March 15th, 2017

Shared it on facebook!

Ady23 March 20th, 2017

Just shared :) This is super cool news, even though it may be a few months old. :)

HarryC March 20th, 2017


crimsonMelon8700 March 20th, 2017


LeetheUnicorn April 5th, 2017

Literally late but did it :D

April 28th, 2017

Bit late, but done!

Erato May 1st, 2017

ive done it still

Ren June 9th, 2017

This is amazing.. ^_^

June 13th, 2017


Zeraphim June 19th, 2017

Done. I like to share 7cups with people whenever I can. This is just an extra reason. :P

Amphios July 6th, 2017

Tweeted..!! ^^

SunFern July 7th, 2017

shared it

ambitiousTalker2046 July 10th, 2017


theevankassos July 26th, 2017


ASilentObserver August 14th, 2017

Bit late but finally did it. Awesome news! Congrats to everyone!

Frankie August 15th, 2017

Totally late reply here but I did this :')

bubbleYard5765 August 17th, 2017


TaranWanderer August 21st, 2017

what an amazing accomplishment!

greenThinker6452 August 22nd, 2017

Did it.

astray September 3rd, 2017

Shared it a website as nice as this deserves to be noticed