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Stanford MedX Award! Help Spread the Awesome News!

Laura October 5th, 2016

In late August, 7 Cups founder @GlenM shared that 7 Cups won the Stanford Medicine X Prize for Health Care Systems Design! Check out his post here. This news has finally made it's way into the media & varying press channels! Woohoo! Now, we'd like to invite you (our awesome community) to share the news on your social media pages.

Here is how you can do it:


Here is a suggested tweet for you to share:

@7Cupsot Wins @StanfordMedX Prize for Health Care Systems Design! #MedX


Connect to the 7 Cups twitter page here & retweet directly from the main 7 Cups twitter account!


Go to the 7 Cups facebook page ! The first post listed is about the MedX Award! Share it to your personal page.

Once you share about this exciting award, please post to this thread to let the community know! Those who share will be awarded the MedX badge!

uselesscookies October 6th, 2016

Shared on Facebook!

BridgetAileen October 6th, 2016

@Laura, I shared on fb & Twitter. smiley

Chimmysmallz October 6th, 2016

Shared it. 😃 amazing.

October 6th, 2016

Done! Tumblr ftw!

NumberEleven October 6th, 2016

Retweeted :D

intelligentString October 6th, 2016

Just followed 7cups and retweeted!

awesomeVision52 October 6th, 2016


Marouk October 6th, 2016

Awesome job!

BornToHelpYou October 6th, 2016

@Laura, I dont have a Twitter account do have shared it on Facebook :)

SereneMist81 October 6th, 2016


sunnytea October 6th, 2016

Shared! Such great news. Proud of our community.

LadybugandLadyVenus October 6th, 2016

Done to both twitter and Facebook!

DeliberateCreator October 6th, 2016

Shared! Great news!

freshHug78 October 6th, 2016

Shared ! And congrats to 7 Cups !

fearlessLion883 October 6th, 2016

@freshHug78 it's gr8!

freshHug78 October 6th, 2016



YayyySphere October 6th, 2016

Done and shared! :D Awesome work and 7 Cups totally deserve this! ^_^

LonelyAngels October 6th, 2016

@Laura Retweeted and Shared <3 7cups really deserves a lot of recognition like these!!!!! <3 <3 <3 KEEP SPREADING THE LOVE <3

October 6th, 2016

@Laura Thats great news !! I retweeted it :)

ItsJoel October 6th, 2016

Shared, and wow I am just in awe! 7cups deserves this award so much, congrats 💓🎉

SarahLove October 6th, 2016

Facebook. <3

smallgirlonherbike01 October 6th, 2016


holly29 October 6th, 2016

Such an incredible achievement and very well deserved! Retweeted the 7cups post on twitter. smiley

Rain45 October 6th, 2016

@Laura Shared on twitter account. Congrats!

VeeStarr October 6th, 2016

Shared! <3

This is great!!

glassmarble October 6th, 2016

@Laura Reblogged it on Twitter! I'm so proud to be part of this :) And hopefully more people will know about 7 cups in the future!

mikethedj4 October 6th, 2016

That's fantastic! yes I retweeted and posted on Facebook heart

Olivia9249 October 6th, 2016

Well that's a given, this app is brilliant, and its very helpful. The encouragement that a person can get here is the biggest and most important part.

allnaturalHeart64 October 6th, 2016

@Laura I'm so happy and proud to have interned over here!!! Moment of joy!!! Shared on facebook! :)

MakikiSummer October 7th, 2016


ComfortingForest October 7th, 2016

Spreading the news guys! laugh

LapOfNature3 October 7th, 2016

@Laura Tweeted. yayyy!

moonchild29 October 7th, 2016

Retweeted! Congrats, 7cups. :)

blackholeheart October 7th, 2016

retweet - check

congratulations to Laura - check

Excitement - check check


HeartInfectionss October 7th, 2016


Peace October 7th, 2016

@Laura Shared!

Becpositive October 7th, 2016


October 7th, 2016

shared :)

BatmanAtYourService October 7th, 2016

this is amazing! <3 just shared this wonderful news with my friends on twitter and facebook. <3 we rock! :)

SilentSerenityy October 7th, 2016


I've shared the awesome news. :D