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Stanford MedX Award! Help Spread the Awesome News!

Laura October 5th, 2016

In late August, 7 Cups founder @GlenM shared that 7 Cups won the Stanford Medicine X Prize for Health Care Systems Design! Check out his post here. This news has finally made it's way into the media & varying press channels! Woohoo! Now, we'd like to invite you (our awesome community) to share the news on your social media pages.

Here is how you can do it:


Here is a suggested tweet for you to share:

@7Cupsot Wins @StanfordMedX Prize for Health Care Systems Design! #MedX


Connect to the 7 Cups twitter page here & retweet directly from the main 7 Cups twitter account!


Go to the 7 Cups facebook page ! The first post listed is about the MedX Award! Share it to your personal page.

Once you share about this exciting award, please post to this thread to let the community know! Those who share will be awarded the MedX badge!

RideaRainbow October 5th, 2016

That was super fast I just got my badge......

Thanks 7 Cups !!!



Armanta October 5th, 2016

Just Retweeted, and once again WELL DONE TO ALL!!!!! :D

RainbowVeronica October 5th, 2016

I've retweeted and shared this! This is amazing!

FrozenCloud October 5th, 2016

Shared it on Facebook!

Rose October 5th, 2016


October 5th, 2016

Done on uk twitter page and my own social soldiers account :-)

Chinmay96 October 5th, 2016

@Laura just shared on Facebook! :)

LaughingOtter October 5th, 2016


Done on spouses Facebook account as well laugh

cristiana33 October 5th, 2016


Shared on my FB page and LinkedIn page.

DawnOfDarkness October 5th, 2016

@laura posted on Facebook.

DawnOfDarkness October 5th, 2016

@DawnOfDarkness @Laura

Missionmagic101 October 5th, 2016

just tweeted the awesome news! :D

EmmaV October 5th, 2016

@Laura tweeted :D


calmSea76 October 5th, 2016

Shared on Facebook. Looks good!

smilinghooman October 5th, 2016

This is amazing news. Just retweeted it. Hope more people come here now gonna be a rush for now on.

TortueDesBois October 5th, 2016

good job

October 5th, 2016

Shared on Facebook. Awesome news.

October 5th, 2016

Well done. Shared on Facebook!

InfiniteCutiePi October 5th, 2016

Shared on my twitter account :)

ChapterNate October 5th, 2016

Shared on Facebook. :3

Unicornriley October 5th, 2016

Share! Awesome!

Melody293 October 5th, 2016

This is super excitingsurprise posted!

musicalMagic October 5th, 2016

@Laura I shared on my FB trying this is so awesome. As soon as I can get back into twitter I will share there too! This is so wonderful!💞⭐️

MaeveTheBrave October 5th, 2016


Anggi October 5th, 2016

I've shared it on my facebook!

grassup October 5th, 2016

Shared it!

Keola October 5th, 2016

Shared it on my fb :D exciting to be a part of this community

chloeross October 5th, 2016

posted about it on instagram!!

Erica October 5th, 2016

shared it! :)

amisfit October 5th, 2016

@Laura I posted it on my Facebook feed :-P

Moon October 5th, 2016

Retweeted and shared !

PurpleMoon05 October 5th, 2016

@Moon encouraged me to share it too!

Zizy October 5th, 2016

Shared <3

amerespeck October 5th, 2016

Retweeted and shared heart

Hellelujahs October 6th, 2016

This is great news! I retweeted it!

AnyaS October 6th, 2016

Wooohooo! This is so exciting!! I definitely will be tweeting this on my 7 Cups account once it's fixed! :p @Sarra *tags self to remember* XD

brightArrow80 October 6th, 2016


Retreated and shared on facebook! This is awesome!

Eunoia October 6th, 2016

Done and Done 🙃🙂

Flaxmoore October 6th, 2016


Emily619 October 6th, 2016

Shared on social soldiers and upvoted!