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New Quality Ambassadors

EvelyneRose December 15th, 2022

Hello Community, I am here with exciting updates for the Quality domain. We are proud to announce our two newest Quality Ambassadors, @Chevy81 and @Harsvin!

@Chevy81 has worked hard on managing not one but TWO quality teams. She has created a strong leadership team in both teams as she pursues the caring and support of listeners across the community. Care Team and Listener Coaching Team have benefited greatly from her leadership. She is punctual, reliable, and able to quickly problem solve any issues that arise. We look forward to great things in the future!

@Harsvin started as a mentor and climbed the ranks of increasing responsibility in her passion for helping listeners build their skills. She is now the Ambassador of the Active Listening Grading Team, but has been diligently involved even before that in its path to success. She has created guides and a strong team of graders, including recently onboarding three Project Agents to help with furthering the Active Listening cause. Always full of great ideas, we anticipate so many more awesome ones in the future!

Thank you for all their hard work so far! Congratulations is well deserved!

Harsvin December 17th, 2022


Thank you so much, NewYorker11 ❀ best wishes to you as well

Chevy81 December 17th, 2022
Thank you for the acknowledgement, appreciation, and kind wishes, Eve. Also thank you for your continuous support, help, guidance and never get tired answering my seemingly endless questions πŸ˜…

It is the teams' hard works that actually makes great things happen and come true. Both teams and their leaders are doing so resiliently awe-mazing. It's really an honor to serve with all of yous. Dedicating your time and energy to support others is extraordinary πŸ’›

Aw thank you, Harsvin. Congratulations to you, too. The feelings are mutual, I feel so honored to get the opportunity seeing and working together with you. Your diligence, patience, determination, and hard works are so inspiring. Thank you for always staying by my side in the times that I needed most πŸŽ•