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The value of forum upvotes

Roadie June 11th, 2015

[Note: Originally posted in Listeners Only forums, but moved to general forum because this is relevant for all!]

There is something that I've notice about the forums while just observing and not actively participating.

If you're interested in supporting people, truly interested in supporting people, I ask you to try this one thing after reading this post. Go to one support forum thread and read someone's story. You don't need to reply but just read.

I think we can all recall times in our lives when we have been hurt, have been spurned, or have felt alone. Have been lost in our negative thoughts, seeking affirmation from others whether it be positive or whether it be negative.

Do you remember those times?

When I read the support forums, I see hundreds of posts made every day by members. And I see hundreds of threads created by those same members.

What are they after when they post?

Are they after a panacea, a magic bullet to cure all of their ills?

Can you think of a time when you've been there?

When you feel as though you're alone, hiding in the dark. Terrified from the
lack of light, all you are after is one spark to inspire. One spark to remind you that you are important. One spark to acknowledge that you're still worthy of someone's time and attention.

So when I see post after post after post unacknowledged, it makes me wonder. If I was them and I had shown the courage to spill my soul out onto the page for others and nobody had acknowledged that it had even been seen. How would I feel?

As a listener community, we give appreciation readily and openly to one another. Community shout outs to listeners are posted every day. Anonymous appreciation messages are sent daily, again to fellow listeners. Acknowledgement after acknowledgement of one another which is so kind and open however why can this not be shared with our members?

Let me just say this.

A man beaten down by society sits on the side of the road, soul destroyed. Watching person after person look away quickly to avoid his gaze. It makes you feel like less of a human being. A smile, an acknowledgement is worth more to that man than all of the gold that has been mined from this earth.

In the support forums, that acknowledgement is easy. It's called an upvote. A simple click of an upvote to show that someone has taken the time and care to read what they have posted.

Please, spend 30 seconds and make a difference to a member's life today because a forum upvote can be all that it takes.

themainjane June 14th, 2017


okay. So there was that. I retract my former evaluation and thought process on this one.

I definitely see the value in forum upvoting.

BlueSkye2000 June 15th, 2017

@Roadie I love this!! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to look out for the unnoticed. It doesn't go unnoticed :)

And to everybody else: UPVOTE!

Lorenzo517 June 24th, 2017


you totally nailed it with this post. I will take my time to click that button more often.

cotex July 20th, 2017

@Roadie you are totally right. Good thing you burst out your observation. It is important to know the situation of the member and you can give them a helpful advice or ideas. I am glad to be part of the forum!

CallingDreams August 26th, 2017

Today had been turning out to be a bad day for me. During school when I was feeling pretty sad, I looked at my phone. Lo and behold, I got a notification saying someone had upvoted a post I had made a few months ago. I had completely forgotten about it, but knowing that someone took the time to press that little arrow really helped.

Roadie OP August 27th, 2017

Thanks for sharing that @CallingDreams :)

Roadie OP August 30th, 2017

I never thought it would get to 174 upvotes on that first post.. weird

September 8th, 2017

request 7cups to please! delete my account. 80% of the members who approached me were perverts. some other listeners approached me for a talk and they seemed psychotic...i don't wish to contribute on this site anymore, as it leaves me with negative vibes. please gracefully let me exit from this place, I have even deleted my associated email account, despite that I am able to log in to this account.

there's no delete option and there's also no deactivate option. so please.

Anomalia September 8th, 2017

@seatofwisdom - You can email to request your account be deleted or can change to 'self care break' in your settings which will put your account on pause and make it invisible to everyone. Hope that helps!

peacefulWords45 September 12th, 2017

I was very reluctant with upvoting but because of your post I'm about t change that. It's really such a small thing to do but if it can make someone's day a little better we should all take the time and upvote.

Roadie OP December 23rd, 2017

It still surprises me that people read this thread if I'm honest. That's a good thing I realise but I never expected it to last five minutes let alone over two years!

bernicestockstill January 5th, 2018

@Roadie people can surprise sometimes) Especially if new members are comming every day )

amiableMoon9862 January 21st, 2018

Seems a nice thread to get acquainted with for newbies, long may it continue.

creativeField7705 January 23rd, 2018

hey ppl, just bored. and regret being born lmaoo.

Roadie OP February 7th, 2018


SpruceRaven February 20th, 2018

@Roadie I agree re upvotes and I practice that and more sice I've been here (only a month ☺...though I've been really active). It is really wonderful that you are encouraging way to acknowledge others. For me sice I've been here I feel I am most apt to beignored when i share positive progress; when i share resources that have helped me; when i sh up strong and creative.

royalHeart61 February 22nd, 2018

How to get forum upvote here ?

SpruceRaven February 22nd, 2018

@royalHeart61 Here's one! 👍🌞

royalHeart61 February 26th, 2018

@SpruceRavensmiley got it !

SpruceRaven February 26th, 2018

@royalHeart61 😁🙄👍

Sorry for second redundant post. Might have been a delay there. 🙃☺🤔🤔😃

SpruceRaven February 22nd, 2018

@royalHeart61 (Just click on the soft.grey arrow at the bottom right hand of the box. can't upvote yourself though. Lol)

royalHeart61 February 26th, 2018

@SpruceRaven okay , thanks blush

professionalPerspective60 March 27th, 2018



This tread isn't advertising "how" to get a forum update, it's advertising the importantance and acknowledgement of an upvote to the poster, the relevance that someone has taken the time to read and acknowledge their post, to appreciate the poster for reaching out, trusting us as a community with their thoughts and feelings, for acknowledging their courage and appreciating them.

elissforyou March 7th, 2018

hi everybody

how's your day going?

I hope really good!

SpruceRaven March 8th, 2018

@elissforyou so nice of you!

professionalPerspective60 March 27th, 2018

This is a great thread, and I'm bumping once again!

Loreilee April 10th, 2018

Roadie, this is the best thing I've read on here so far. I just joined last night and am spending most my time so far reading to get a feel for the place. I noticed also what you said and wondered about how the participants may feel when there is no response.

Thank you for posting this.

TheZu April 20th, 2018


thank ye for the great idea, roadie! i concur, let's spread small yet powerful kind gestures, even if it is just via a click, a like, a share, an upvote. kindness is simple, yet it's significant for life betterments =]

Xannn3 April 27th, 2018

Oh wow. In ever realized how something so simple could matter so much. Thank you for this!heart

Roadie OP June 25th, 2018

Bumping this thread

Roadie OP November 29th, 2018


Roadie OP April 22nd, 2019

Bumping up this thread for a new generation of listeners

Anomalia April 30th, 2019

@Roadie - It's still in our forum supporter training, too Slightly smiling

Roadie OP January 16th, 2020


sameer2016 February 23rd, 2020


mysticalSerendipity February 23rd, 2020



Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 10th, 2022


rayone21MM August 6th, 2022

Love this

EmbStitcher33 August 14th, 2022


To be heard, to be acknowledged is very important. An upvote is such an easy thing to do. Your words really resonate with me.

TheConversation22 August 14th, 2022

That's great !