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The value of forum upvotes

Roadie June 11th, 2015

[Note: Originally posted in Listeners Only forums, but moved to general forum because this is relevant for all!]

There is something that I've notice about the forums while just observing and not actively participating.

If you're interested in supporting people, truly interested in supporting people, I ask you to try this one thing after reading this post. Go to one support forum thread and read someone's story. You don't need to reply but just read.

I think we can all recall times in our lives when we have been hurt, have been spurned, or have felt alone. Have been lost in our negative thoughts, seeking affirmation from others whether it be positive or whether it be negative.

Do you remember those times?

When I read the support forums, I see hundreds of posts made every day by members. And I see hundreds of threads created by those same members.

What are they after when they post?

Are they after a panacea, a magic bullet to cure all of their ills?

Can you think of a time when you've been there?

When you feel as though you're alone, hiding in the dark. Terrified from the
lack of light, all you are after is one spark to inspire. One spark to remind you that you are important. One spark to acknowledge that you're still worthy of someone's time and attention.

So when I see post after post after post unacknowledged, it makes me wonder. If I was them and I had shown the courage to spill my soul out onto the page for others and nobody had acknowledged that it had even been seen. How would I feel?

As a listener community, we give appreciation readily and openly to one another. Community shout outs to listeners are posted every day. Anonymous appreciation messages are sent daily, again to fellow listeners. Acknowledgement after acknowledgement of one another which is so kind and open however why can this not be shared with our members?

Let me just say this.

A man beaten down by society sits on the side of the road, soul destroyed. Watching person after person look away quickly to avoid his gaze. It makes you feel like less of a human being. A smile, an acknowledgement is worth more to that man than all of the gold that has been mined from this earth.

In the support forums, that acknowledgement is easy. It's called an upvote. A simple click of an upvote to show that someone has taken the time and care to read what they have posted.

Please, spend 30 seconds and make a difference to a member's life today because a forum upvote can be all that it takes.

Sunshower14 June 8th, 2016

@EyeRain56 Hey, I struggle with this as well lol!

SarahLove September 10th, 2016

@Sunshower14 Yup Yup.

MelodyClementi July 21st, 2016

@EyeRain56 I need help on this too. Need to get up to Trainee Level to get the certificate. Aside from that, Forum upvotes are really important. This helps out people who makes effort on posting making them feel appreciated. Aside from that, those who want to help would be able to give out their helping hands by just tapping the upvote icon.

mnssth June 4th, 2016

Hello! I'm new to this forum, and I'm just starting to get a hang of what upvotes are. Could you all help me out too?

Roadie OP June 15th, 2016

Hi @mnssth (and others)

Upvotes are what you give if you find a post that you feel that you agree with, support, or uplifting. Back when I wrote this, my key intention was to let members know that you've heard their story even if you didn't feel confident enough to respond. Sometimes it just helps to know someone is there.

If you're trying to get upvotes from a certification then you need to concentrate on writing supportive posts. The upvotes come in time and the more supportively you post, the more upvotes you will get. The important thing from my experience - and I'm most of the way to 10,000 upvotes now - is that you post with the right intention.

If you post with the right motivations then you'll do well. If you post purely to get the certification, you're less likely to be successful in receiving upvotes.

OlgaParis June 6th, 2016

@Roadie, thank you for your post. It is very uplifting heart

niceSpace89 June 7th, 2016

I really like the positivity of this post! Keep up the good work everyone!!

Sunshower14 June 8th, 2016

I like the awareness this post is bringing! :)

thisismeSAMIE June 15th, 2016

i learned alt from this post

KyleConnor June 16th, 2016

Ya. You know the upvotes are just a way to tell a person that you found their comments helpful / useful.

It's like a positive response and cheers up to know that you're helping people.

That's the best feeling.

delicateBeach66 June 16th, 2016

Hi everyone,
I am here as an intern. Hope it will work fine. :)

professionalPerspective60 June 23rd, 2016

This is a wonderful thread @Roadie, I wholeheartedly 100% agree, the power of an upvote is priceless, and often carries with it, a smile, recognition and undoubtably, a spurt of confidence. ALL of our members deserve to be heard if they take the time and courage to reveal their life story!

I've also leaned the meaning behind - BUMPING! 😀

Roadie OP June 23rd, 2016


Thanks.. it's been a year since I posted this but the message remains the same

Lilylistens June 23rd, 2016

@professionalPerspective60 ~

I agree with you so much! Which I guess is obvious, as I have bumped this up many times...hoping that this gives it the exposure it deserves, and is read and taken to heart by even more persons here. heart

ps: Thank you for the smile! Your comment, "I've also leaned the meaning behind - BUMPING!" certainly put a big smile on my face. laugh

Lilylistens July 6th, 2016


SerendipitousWillow July 16th, 2016

Bump! Because this is beautiful. But I also have a question: I thought I got a notification saying somebody "hearted" something I posted. The notification disappeared so I can't go back and check, but if I'm remembering correctly, what's the difference between a heart and an upvote? Thanks

Roadie OP July 16th, 2016

Hi @SerendipitousWillow

If someone hearted something that you posted, it would have been something that you posted in the Feed. If someone upvotes one of your posts, it's a post in the forum :)

SerendipitousWillow July 16th, 2016

@Roadie Oh, that makes sense! Thanks so much!

NumberEleven July 17th, 2016


MelodyClementi July 21st, 2016

Need some upvotes. Can you help me out? :/

Roadie OP July 22nd, 2016

Hi @MelodyClementi

Post supportive around the site and you'll find that they come to you in spades :)

MelodyClementi July 22nd, 2016

@Roadie Yes, I will. Thanks so much! :)

Roadie OP August 22nd, 2016

Bumping this up for a new month

professionalPerspective60 August 22nd, 2016


Haha! Great minds think alike! This was on my 'to do' list for today 😀

Occulacemy September 5th, 2016

Couldn't agree more. Had my first upvote today and it really put a smile on my face. The fact that something I wrote connected with someone is a great feeling.

BellaFreedom September 7th, 2016

@Roadie Beautiful thought! Let us say YES to appreciation, motivation, acceptance, respect, love and support... we all deserve that! Let's make this world a better place, there's too much suffering already!!!


warmSoul46 September 20th, 2016

@Roadie Wow this is amazing. You got the idea across through a creative and interesting way. Thank you very much, wohoo.

smilinghooman September 25th, 2016

thank you for this

SmileAtTheWorld October 7th, 2016

Awe, this gave me goosebumps. So sweet and yet, so true ♥ Upvote from me.

DeliberateCreator October 9th, 2016


mgvela November 28th, 2016

You're totally right, some could feel like they are invisible

SpruceRaven February 23rd, 2018

@mgvela that's how i feel in the outer world.

CloudsCanShine December 10th, 2016

might have have my forum? maybe lol:)

CloudsCanShine December 10th, 2016


Anomalia January 14th, 2017

Bump bump bumpity bump!

crimsonMelon8700 February 7th, 2017

Getting forum up votes makes me feel as though I am not alone.

Roadie OP May 6th, 2017


Roadie OP May 23rd, 2017

Bumping up again

themainjane June 12th, 2017

Things that make you go hmmm...

whats this place really about anyway?

very "Us and Them" feel here.

handshakes all around.


All better? Good then.

themainjane June 12th, 2017


That was a twofer - cuts both ways.