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Learn about Communities and earn a badge!

Hope December 13th, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you are well. As you know lately we have been making efforts to familiarise our users with our sub-communities. We had some success with sub-community workshops but we also want to do the training on a larger scale. It does not take a lot to understand the basics of sub-communities. By the end of doing the activities/steps in this post, you should be ready to explore sub-communities on your own.

Anyone who completes all of the following steps and lets us know in this thread will get the explorer badge.

Step 1: Watch this video

Step 2: Complete this Quiz

Step 3: Post here and let us know that you did step 1 and 2 and what you learned/liked about the video/quiz.

Thank you to @Tazzie for creating the video and the quiz.

mailOnce you have received the explorer badge, you become eligible to take part in the Building Community Program. Find more information here

WarmLightXO January 3rd, 2022


Done! 10/10.

Thanks for making it so easy to navigate!

Aperson314 January 11th, 2022

I 've finish step 1 and 2 and learn about the various subcommunities and how to join them!

colourfulVision12 January 21st, 2022


I have done step 1 and step 2, I got 8/10 on the quiz and watched the video.

f1nd3rzk33p3rz February 1st, 2022

@Hope i did both!

the video was really insightful and explained things i didn't know before, and the quiz was a fun thing to participate in <3

f1nd3rzk33p3rz February 1st, 2022

i got 9/10 on the quiz =p

JojoBoba23 February 1st, 2022


I've done step 1 and step 2. We can join sub-communities for the subjects we would like to learn more about or get support on.

blissfulForest7074 February 3rd, 2022


Completed step 1 and 2 😁

I loved how informative the video was and the quiz tested my understanding of the subcomminities very well

CaringEzra February 8th, 2022

Done steps one and two! Love the video

KyleBorg February 12th, 2022


All complete the video and quiz was great (9/10) it was easy to follow and nicely detailed

Alaya22 February 15th, 2022


I did both the steps and scored 9/10. I learned how to navigate the community side of the 7Cups website a bit better. Thank you for the post!

higherselfhealing999 February 17th, 2022

Hey @Hope

I’ve completed both Steps 1 and 2. I got 10/10.

The two most helpful things I learned from this video were the different short-cuts to the chatroom(s) and what sub-communities essentially are.

What I really appreciated and liked about the video was that it was very well-explained and easy to follow.

I would like to thank everyone involved for their input and efforts in making this activity and opportunity possible for us! 💗

Georginahowe February 17th, 2022

Completed all tasks

Signed howegeorgia10

Date 17/02/2022

diamondintheROUGH2022 February 17th, 2022

I completed step 1 and 2 and I'm very happy I did this. I learnt how to get into different support chat rooms and how to get more content on the things I'm seeking support on i also learnt how to create My own forum never thought I could do that I scored 8/10 one of which I should of had right but my phone would freeze and wouldn't allow be to press the circle I was trying to choose so I clicked a different one and it worked

enigmaticPanda460 March 6th, 2022


I have completed both steps and scored 9/10! Learnt so much more about how to nagivate!!

Raintree77 March 30th, 2022


Completed Steps 1 & 2. Was there an option to see corrected answers for the quiz? It would be nice to see them to make sure I got the answers correct or learn about the correct answers.Thank you.

March 31st, 2022
did step 1 and 2 and learned about sub-forums.
gentleFox20 April 1st, 2022


I've done step 1 & 2 :) I liked learning about what different parts of the forums were called!

SilverSeastar April 4th, 2022


Done! Thank you, Hope and Tazzie. 💙

With the video, I finally figured out a few things I didn't understand about subcommunities. The quiz also helped me assess my grasp on it. I scored 10/10, yay! The icebreaker forum thread linked in the quiz was fun too! 🥰

kindheartedLily April 4th, 2022


I have done steps 1 and 2 and got a 10/10!

CarolineEmily01 April 7th, 2022

@Hope I have completed step one and two and was most impressed to learn about the check in buttons and how that works!

ShrutiScarlet May 9th, 2022


I finished all the steps and it was quite informative. I really liked how simplified and organised it was. It gave a properly ordered platform to interact with need-specific fellow people. My understanding of the site is much better now. Thanks!!

ShrutiScarlet May 9th, 2022


Also i finished step 1 & 2.

Got 10/10

June 10th, 2022

@Hope I completed everything

intellectualmaya8120 June 15th, 2022


Done with video and quiz!!

I learned that you can do check ins on the communities and it's a great way to get additional support.

JJsMama89 June 25th, 2022

@Hope, thank you for all the info! I am very new to 7cups but I am ready and willing to get to know and strive in this community. I did complete all the steps. I'm very happy that there's people like you willing to explain all the different parts to 7Cup's site. It helps more than you know! 💛

June 28th, 2022


1 and 2 Done I loved howw informative everything was

bubblingJoy3958 July 6th, 2022


This is a great way to learn about subcommunities,the video made it easy to know where to go when searching for information regarding communities. And the the many options one has to join or be part of the community

bubblingJoy3958 July 6th, 2022


I forget to mention that i have completed step 1 and 2 thank you for this opportunity

July 14th, 2022


Done :)

magicalOcean594 July 20th, 2022

I learned that you can join by joining the community button, i thought it was subscribe. So that was very informative.

Harsvin August 14th, 2022


I watched video and completed the quiz , scored 10/10 . Its a fuz quiz , helped to refresh my memory on subcommunity

yourbuddy30 September 1st, 2022

@Hope 7/10...did a few silly mistakes

niceSalamander5998 September 8th, 2022

@Hope I completed steps 1 and 2 I received a 9 out of 10. I learned that there were forums I didn't know about.

TheAlchemist1111 September 20th, 2022


Completed both step 1 and 2. Got 10/10 in the quiz.

Thanks for making learning fun and interesting.

DylanxYuzu September 20th, 2022

Done! I liked the quiz was easy and strsight forward.

DylanxYuzu September 20th, 2022

I liked how the quiz was easy to do and straightforward.

WhenTheTimeComes October 2nd, 2022


I watched the video and completed the quiz.

This was an important summary to help with the use of the forum.

I have noticed that in the video, the subcommunities are on the right, but for me, it's at the top, I don't know if it's because I use Firefox as browser or if the interface changed since the video?

MaddieR137 November 7th, 2022


I completed both steps :) I got 9/10 on the quiz, I lost one point on the question "Where is the list of subcommunities located?" because I got my left and right confused 😅

I always enjoy these quizzes and the opportunity to learn more :)

iStarlight December 16th, 2022


I learned from step 1 and 2 about the basic knowledge of sub community, forums, groups. It was easy but I liked it !

resourcefulMirage2502 December 27th, 2022


I did steps 1 and 2. Scored 10 of 10 points. Liked that I got to learn about the second way to access the group support chats.