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Learn about Communities and earn a badge!

Hope December 13th, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you are well. As you know lately we have been making efforts to familiarise our users with our sub-communities. We had some success with sub-community workshops but we also want to do the training on a larger scale. It does not take a lot to understand the basics of sub-communities. By the end of doing the activities/steps in this post, you should be ready to explore sub-communities on your own.

Anyone who completes all of the following steps and lets us know in this thread will get the explorer badge.

Step 1: Watch this video

Step 2: Complete this Quiz

Step 3: Post here and let us know that you did step 1 and 2 and what you learned/liked about the video/quiz.

Thank you to @Tazzie for creating the video and the quiz.

mailOnce you have received the explorer badge, you become eligible to take part in the Building Community Program. Find more information here

QuietLotus February 18th, 2021


Hello. I have completed step 1 and step 2 :)

What I learnt was that the Group Support becomes available for a sub-community only when the room is open. Before I knew this I was wondering at the random nature of the number of Group Chats available at any given time.

Toeknee February 18th, 2021

Completed! Scored 9/10 on step 2 and watched the video!

February 19th, 2021

@Hope Scored 9/10 because I couldn't distinguish left from right XD. Finished both steps. I enjoyed learning more about forums community as it's typically an area I avoid.

Rin333 February 19th, 2021

I've completed both steps and recieved 10/10 on the quiz! Thanks Tazzie for creating the video and quiz!

Starmedia February 19th, 2021


Completed both steps, nice video! Red heart

LiliTwolsky February 19th, 2021


Did it! 9/10, I really liked how the voice video was done very slowly, because I could learn a lot without worrying about replaying it to learn all of the info. I liked how the quiz asked how confident I was of my knowledge, it really made me think.

lovelyWhisper66 February 20th, 2021

@Hope I completed steps 1 and 2! The video is a great intro to subcommunities, and the quiz helped to refresh my knowledge of them lol. Thanks @Tazzie for creating them! :)

Fergie12299 February 21st, 2021

Steps 1 & 2 Done!

9/10 on they quiz yay:)

brightsugar1923 February 21st, 2021

I did step one and two but have to be honest I felt quite confused by what I see on the app and what was taught in the video.

EccentricAnna February 23rd, 2021


I have watched the video and completed the quiz ( i got 10/10).

I learnt about posting if differnt parts of the communities, and starting a new thread.


optimisticDay8079 February 27th, 2021

Done! I got 10/10! I think the video and the quiz will improve the understanding of sub-communities. Thank you!

ALovelyFriend February 27th, 2021

Done! i got 10/10 I learned about subcommunities which is pretty cool i didn't know much about it at first

herealways27 February 27th, 2021

I like that the video is a good guide through subcommunity and I can send them to new listeners so they can see the illustration!

euphoria00 February 28th, 2021

done! i completed both the steps and got 10/10. i like how detailed the video was and that the sub communities are really inclusive.

Royalalien910 February 28th, 2021


I have done steps 1 and 2. What I liked the most about the video was how clearly everything was explained and all the information needed for someone to join or add a thread or provide a reply to a forum in the sub-communities. I also liked how there are sub-communities present for everyone and for everything that a person could or would want to talk about. I liked how the quiz also made sure to explore everything the video had talked about in order to make sure that we have a clear understanding of the sub-communities.

DhruvP February 28th, 2021


Completed both! Was able to get 8/10 and I found the forum part interesting because I feel forums bring this community to what it is today. :)

February 28th, 2021


whenitsdarklookforstars March 1st, 2021


Step 1 and 2 done!

I really liked how the video explained how the sub-communities were linked to the support chats!

Hope everyone is doing fab!

Steph557 March 2nd, 2021

I have completed steps 1 & 2 I made an 80/100 but at least I could go back and check what I didn’t understand!! 😊

Basorexiaaa March 2nd, 2021


i did both the steps and got 9/10!! Yay! I got to know more about the sub-communities and how they work ^-^!

kindSkies9977 March 2nd, 2021

@kindSkies9977 thanks for posting this video . I had scored 8/10 and learned a lot ....

BethLikesPurple March 2nd, 2021

@Hope Hi I have watched the video and completed the quiz :) I had no idea how to use the communities tab before this so this was really helpful :)

RelaxedPanda March 12th, 2021

I just finished the video and the quiz, thank you! It helped me to understand sub-communities better, how to use it and how to enter support chats.

It is very clearly describted and helpful :)

Aayla March 15th, 2021

Completed and got 10/10, I liked how clear and in-depth the video was!

Rhiannon12 March 15th, 2021

Done! Did for both member and listener acct

indigovalley March 16th, 2021

I completed steps 1 and 2, and I learned about forums and how we can contribute.

thestarssystem March 16th, 2021

Completed step 1 & 2! I learned that you can access group chats from forums.

Saishhelps77 March 16th, 2021


I completed both steps, what I learnt from the video is how to start my own new thread, and I liked how clear it was.

Optimisticempath March 16th, 2021

Done !

Was fun to know how about sub communities .

lyricalAngel70 March 16th, 2021



MaeveTheBrave March 17th, 2021

@Hope - I just watched the video (plus subscribed to the 7Cups channel & gave it my like to help support!). Even though I am personally pretty familar with using the 7Cups website, I appreciated how in-depth the video was (as well as the added graphics, like the arrows pointing specifically to what to click on), and I think it's a good place for anyone new here to start learning about the many sub-communities here!

Additionally, I also just appreciate in general how many different and unique sub-communities you can join and be a part of on 7Cups. It's nice to know so many groups of people are supported here! <3

Also completed the quiz :)

Petrichor2000 March 17th, 2021


I've completed the both steps and hey that video was so informative and the voice was really cute.

I really liked it.

tac0belle March 17th, 2021


Completed (: I liked the step by step walkthrough in the video.

Eeyan28 March 22nd, 2021


I like that there are more attempts to bring together the community to offer more support and not just on one-on-one chats.

Eeyan28 March 22nd, 2021


I got 8/10, huhu! I hope I still qualify.

FeatherIce25 March 23rd, 2021

@Hope Done, the video was a good demonstration of how to navigate in sub-communities. The quiz proved to be a good revision to enforce some basic points like multiple access to group support, creating threads. It was really helpful!

LovetoGod March 28th, 2021

I have completed both steps 😊

KatePersephone March 28th, 2021


i did both steps and i liked how educative the video/quiz was ☺️

lemontree68 March 28th, 2021


Thanks a lot!

Got 8/10

lemontree68 March 28th, 2021


ohh and i forgot to mention that i did both the steps, and that the quiz was super informative