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Let's Play - Change One Word

CalmWhisper22 August 16th, 2018


Change One Word

Here's how it works:
Example --
Blowing leaves

Turnover leaves
Apple turnover
Apple pie

I'll start:

Ocean waves

Odetta October 22nd, 2022

duvet proof

lazyKatz October 22nd, 2022

Proof reading

limegreenSpruce5425 October 22nd, 2022

Reading Glasses

lazyKatz October 22nd, 2022

Wine Glasses

WharfRat October 23rd, 2022

Wine Bottle

EmbStitcher33 October 23rd, 2022

Baby Bottle

UniversalSmile October 23rd, 2022

New Bottle

limegreenSpruce5425 October 23rd, 2022

New Balance

lazyKatz October 23rd, 2022

Balance Ball

WharfRat October 24th, 2022

Ball Gown

lazyKatz October 24th, 2022

Tennis Ball

lucy2 October 24th, 2022


Tennis racket

lazyKatz October 24th, 2022

Tennis Court

mytwistedsoul October 24th, 2022

Court room

lucy2 October 24th, 2022


Court jury

lazyKatz October 24th, 2022

Jury Verdict

lucy2 October 24th, 2022


Guilty verdict

lazyKatz October 24th, 2022

Guilty Secret

limegreenSpruce5425 October 24th, 2022

Secret Diary

lazyKatz October 24th, 2022

Secret Mission

WharfRat October 25th, 2022

Mission Control

lazyKatz October 25th, 2022

Control Panel

amiablePeace77 October 25th, 2022

Panel painting

lazyKatz October 25th, 2022

Door Panel

October 25th, 2022

Door dash

limegreenSpruce5425 October 26th, 2022

Dash Cam

lucy2 October 26th, 2022


Dash across

WharfRat October 26th, 2022

Camera Lens

("Cam" is short for "Camera", isn't it? I'm not sure.)

limegreenSpruce5425 October 26th, 2022

@WharfRat cam is short for camera

Quellina October 29th, 2022

Camera bag

WharfRat October 29th, 2022

Lunch Bag

juliak1968 October 29th, 2022

Lunch box

purplelady568 October 29th, 2022

Box car

juliak1968 October 29th, 2022

Car Alarm

limegreenSpruce5425 October 29th, 2022

Alarm Sound

October 29th, 2022

Fire alarm

lazyKatz October 29th, 2022

Fore Drill

purplelady568 October 30th, 2022

Drill Sargent

juliak1968 October 30th, 2022

Drill Bit

WharfRat October 30th, 2022

Bit Part