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What Happened to the 50+ Chat Room?

Phoenix777 May 28th, 2023

It’s been years since I’ve been on here and I was looking for the 50+ chat room that used to be here, but I can’t find it anywhere. Now it seems it’s just a forum. Anyone know what happened and why they took it away? Younger people are not the only ones who enjoy chat rooms! 😆

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 28th, 2023

Hi @Phoenix777, the room is still there, just only open for sessions/ discussions, I think! ❤

Maybe @soulsings can share the schedule with us!

Phoenix777 OP May 28th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou - thank you! If you (or anyone) wants to chat real time for a bit, I would love to. Please feel free to send me a message.

adventurousBranch3786 May 28th, 2023

@Phoenix777. Here is the schedule for 50plus discussions and mindfulness. You are more than welcome to come!

adventurousBranch3786 May 28th, 2023

@Phoenix777. Sorry I forgot to put the link for the schedule.

Here it is

For the schedule check here:

amiablePeace77 May 29th, 2023


Welcome back Phoenix777! 😃

The 50+ group support room is a pop up room, not a room which is permanently open. The room opens only when a moderator is present, so for scheduled and pop up discussions as well as open chats. It will appear on the group chat list about 5-10 minutes before the event (discussion or open chat) takes place.

OnlyDarkness May 29th, 2023

@Phoenix777 Yeah I came here specifically for the 50+ chat room and I’ve seen it Twice. And why did they allow people who weren’t 50+ yet ? Makes no sense.

soulsings May 29th, 2023

@OnlyDarkness thank you for bringing up the age issue. We thought about that and many people who are not yet 50 years old like to attend the discussions because they have an interest in the issues of self care and mindfulness. We do ask that people who come to the discussion respect the discussion and not just treat it like an open chat.

So the net effect is we have serious support discussions and people feel better. As long as people support the discussions and participate in them then what does the age of a person really matter?

CyclingThroughLife May 29th, 2023

To me, the age does matter. Personally, I find a lot of younger individuals don't understand me or where I am coming from, my own kids included....I was raised when things were different....I feel our generation has had to do a lot of changing and accepting....a lot of "this is how it is now, accept it"....and that is tough for some of us in the over 50 bracket....which is why I think it is important for us to have our own space.....the last thing I want to do in a chat is offended someone unintentionally because they don't understand where I'm coming from... I'm the same with therapy... my last therapist was in his 60s and he understood me....I didn't have to try to explain myself, where I was coming from and why, he understood me...and while younger people may have some awesome ideas and may contribute greatly, but I just don't feel comfortable opening up to the younger crowd....just my thoughts on why age matters....

CyclingThroughLife May 29th, 2023

Is there a way to sign up for notifications or get an alert when the chat is open? I've been on this site for a while, yet rarely visit...I go through periods where I'm active for about a week or two, then realize I'm not getting what I need and leave for months at a time, then decide to give it a try again. One thing I haven't done in my time here is a live chat with those of my age and generation. A live, pop in anytime chat, would be nice.

Carolincares7 May 29th, 2023

Hi @CyclingThroughLife,

you can see the whole schedule for the rest of the year here:

maybe you can save some dates in your calendar with a reminder, just in case you ever want to pop in spontaneously? Just an idea since I don’t know if there’s also the option of receiving email or pop-up notifications from 7cups directly. All the best!