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I struggle so much

BookishWendy May 4th

I struggle with depression and apathy. My husband died Jan 21 and nothing been the same since. I feel like a part of me died that day too. Sometimes I wonder if I will be happy again.

toughTiger6481 May 4th


I am sorry for your loss and in a way a piece of you is gone...

it takes time and in grief... we tend to avoid even trying to be happy because we may feel it is not OK .... It can take time but you will find your way and it requires taking steps in trying to look for things to do / maybe do things you and spouse did not before he passed ...

I know my spouse and I have bucket list of things we have not done yet ...  if he passes before me I would finish the "what if" list and take him with me in my mind and heart. 

slowdecline48 May 4th

One thing to remember: while it is necessary to recover from tragedy, recovery does not have a standard timeline. There is no official schedule by which we can all say on a certain day & time, "Ahh, finally I'm finished. Now I feel great...gonna have that cup of coffee."

Teddynmuffin May 4th

I'm so sorry



Sorry to hear of your husband's passing and wanted to send condolences.  It must be really hard and totally understandable to feel depressed losing someone so close to you.  I hope the memories and good days being you comfort and may God be with you


Soo deeply sorry for the loss of your husband. Grief is a personal journey it takes time and on your own your timeline to get back to a new normal. 

It is indeed tough to imagine how you can cope while depressed. 🤗

One day at a time and find JOY where you can. Grief can be like waves 🌊 some big some small … learning ways to cope daily is key. 

Surfing  those waves and weaving little moments of JOY no matter how small slowly but surely you will find your feet. It takes time. 

I am grateful you are here at 7cups. You can get support here. 

calmMango9611 June 4th

@BookishWendy I am so sorry for your loss. Keeping you in my thoughts, and prayers.

spongbobishappy June 15th


My condolences for the loss of your husband 😔