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scarletMoon961 December 17th, 2022

Just broke up while I’m preparing for my exams, which is the most important test of my career and now I’m loosing everything

MistyMagic December 17th, 2022

@scarletMoon961 Hi! I am so sad to hear this, and it is such bad timing too isn't it. Is there any way you can prepare for your exams and put any thoughts of your relationship and break up on hold for a while, just while you are preparing and revising and taking the exams? You've said the exams are so important so I really hope you can work on them and concentrate so that you do well. If it helps to chat then please just message me and we can 1-1.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

scarletMoon961 OP December 18th, 2022

Thankyou so much 🥹❤️Really means a lot to me

Mazeylazey December 17th, 2022

I'm really sorry to hear that, i know how hard it is to concentrate in such a condition. Just keep in mind that you are loved and we're here if you ever wanna talk

scarletMoon961 OP December 18th, 2022

Thankyou so much❤️🥹

rose13243546 December 17th, 2022


You got thiiiiiiis . One day you will look back and feel proud of urselffffff

scarletMoon961 OP December 18th, 2022

Hope it does 🥹❤️

spongbobishappy December 17th, 2022


I am inviting you to join me in the Sharing Circle chat room where you can

receive support and you can share with other members of 7Cups !

reliableWest8997 December 17th, 2022

Try not to think about it, remember that most things in life are temporary and/or not really a given, and that you will never see or talk to this person again; I know it's hard but it would be worse if you never saw or talked to them again, maybe you could still talk in the future. Try not to let this affect your studies, just try

scarletMoon961 OP December 18th, 2022

Shall try to 🥹❤️

reliableWest8997 December 17th, 2022

sorry I meant, it does not mean that you will never see or talk to them.

scarletMoon961 OP December 18th, 2022

Thankyou so much 🥹🥹❤️Really means a lot

scarletMoon961 OP December 18th, 2022

Thankyou so much🥹 I’m trying to move on , trying everything possible. I hope I can make it through. Motivating myself everyday.

floatingdandelion December 18th, 2022

You're not losing everything. Just do what you have to do at the time being and see how it goes. Good luck!

scarletMoon961 OP December 18th, 2022

Thankyou so much🥹❤️

MistyMagic December 19th, 2022

@scarletMoon961 Look at the wonderful replies you have got here! You got this! Ace those exams and let us know how you got on! ⭐️

Listening - One Step At A Time!