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Waves of anxiety/panic

IrelandsMomma May 1st

Does anyone else ever experience anxiety that just seems to come in waves? It usually lasts a few hours with me, leaving me exhausted. And during that time I try all the things, breathing, thinking logically, Journaling, mindfulness. Ugh. It's so hard to explain to people who don't have anxiety.

SummerKay2024 June 10th

I have ptsd/anxiety and I get these waves to the point where when it's bed time I just pass out. But when deregulation happens for me all my emotions and feelings are so intense. And in complete distress I get body shakes. So I get all the waves..

@SummerKay2024 I had body shakes today. It's so unsettling.

SummerKay2024 July 6th

The mindfulness section on here has helped me tremendously pond. Sending you strength and hugs if ok.

MercyTheRose June 13th

@IrelandsMomma sometimes it's just... Like the ocean. Repetitive and unstoppable. 

aCalmOasis June 13th

Yes, I can relate. I had crippling panic attacks on and off for about 7+ years. I didn't want to take meds for it although I was close to doing so at the start. I ended up learning about ways I could improve my daily lifestyle and went the holistic route. I too tried some of the things you had mentioned Meditation, breathing and visualization techniques, walking in nature, qi gong, exercise, supplementation, positive thinking, dietary changes etc. But at the time I was struggling quite hard financially and that was where the source of the stress was coming from. So until that started to ease up and get better I was a bit of a mess.

Over time it got better slowly but surely. They became less and less frequent now I don't have them anymore. I used to get the rarer sort of panic attacks too. The ones that would last for hours at a time. So to say it was frightening and very taxing is an understatement that some of you on here may understand all too well.

Learning about the vagus nerve and vagal toning massage was a total game changer for me though. The exercises can be found on YouTube and are simple fast and really effective in bringing the nervous system back into balance. Out of all the things I tried to do in the beginning none of that ended up being as effective as doing vagal toning exercises. I highly recommend adding that to your anti anxiety tool belt!

greyskies23 June 13th

Yup sometimes it comes in waves and sometimes it’s constant

postan June 13th


I feel the same way a lot 

BlueSongBird June 15th

@IrelandsMomma, I understand it comes to me too. I can get a long time feeling pretty good, and then bam. Sometimes, I try to figure out why, and often, I can't, and it is best to accept and move on. It always passes. Sometimes, I find it is from being tired. I guess my point in sharing is your not alone. 

sereneSunshine00 July 5th

@IrelandsMomma Absolutely. In addition to all the other things, something that sometimes helps is I just ride the wave of anxiety and say “f it. I’m anxious and uncomfortable and this sucks. I am not okay.” I sit with that and just acknowledge how bad I feel lol And then I remind myself “but I have come out of this before and I will again.” I wish we had a magic wand to make these intense attacks less debilitating. You are not alone!

BlossomGirvan July 6th


Hey there, I totally get what you're going through. Anxiety can be incredibly tough, especially when it hits in waves like that. It's great that you're trying different techniques like breathing exercises, journaling, and mindfulness. Sometimes just acknowledging that you're not alone in feeling this way can help a bit

Here are some practical things I use to help manage anxiety during those waves:

  1. Deep Breathing: Practice slow, deep breaths to calm the nervous system. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth.

  2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes up to your head. This can help release physical tension associated with anxiety.

  3. Grounding Techniques: Focus on your senses to bring yourself back to the present moment. For example, describe objects around you in detail or notice the sensation of your feet on the ground.

  4. Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness by paying attention to your thoughts and sensations without judgment. Apps like Headspace or Calm can guide you through meditation exercises.

  5. Physical Activity: Engage in gentle exercise like walking, yoga, or stretching to release endorphins and reduce anxiety.

  6. Reach Out: Connect with supportive friends, family, or communities like 7 Cups for reassurance and understanding.

  7. Limit Stimulants: Reduce caffeine and alcohol intake, as they can exacerbate anxiety symptoms.

  8. Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself during these moments. Understand that anxiety is a normal human response and give yourself permission to feel what you're feeling without judgment.

Baezpat05 July 7th

Yes same here, it’s horrible mine comes with my body twitching uncontrollably on and off and causing the panic to get even worse to the point I have to call paramedics to help me. By the end I am physically, emotionally and mentally drained.

Jen000000 July 8th

@IrelandsMomma totally understand. Really appreciate you as you have tried a lot of means to help yourself. 

Hellotomato12 July 8th

I definitely know how you feel. Honestly for me recently I take a nap. I listen to audiobooks about anxiety. I do my breathing. Medication has helped me tremendously in the past. I always try and remember the anxiety will pass, even when im in it and don’t think it will.

dhabib July 31st

@Hellotomato12 I struggle with anixety it has been going for a lifetime for myself I seperate from my dad when it’s necessary sometimes he doesn’t say I love you to me he goes to sleep that’s hurtful 

he has done things wrong 

I have been abused by him it’s verbally emotionally physical 

I had an awful time growing up 

I had a lot going on for July 2024 good and bad 

Lorelai123 July 9th

Yes this happens to me I think it's normal

Yes.. it hits you out of nowhere.. and nothing helps.. I feel for you.. I just sit with it ð¥ºð¥º

loyy July 10th

Yes I just had panic attack in the train while on the way home. I'm scared I did not had my dinner. No appetite. How do you guys cope. I feel like I'm losing control . Any chat room to introduce so I can be encourage and learn to get better? Thank you.

Reesecups July 11th

I do. It's like there is a consistent knot in your stomach snd tightness in your chest. It like going through a.break up where you can't function and think

dhabib July 31st

@Reesecups I have that problem I had it it hurts chest pain and stomach pain it hurts my neck head affected by anixety it’s annoying 

Leo7877 July 23rd

Yes, I go through the same thing

versat1lecat July 25th


i totally get itt, it’s like you try everything and it just lurks, it sucks having that constant pit be there one day and disappear the next. I hope you’re doing well and know you’re not alone. 

Teri13 July 26th

@IrelandsMomma feeling  that I know so good.  I hope that you are feeling better. 

SteveVsq July 27th

@IrelandsMomma I have the exact same problem, it can really drain you overtime.

competentTruth3079 July 27th

@IrelandsMomma It's awful, as much as we want to surf those waves too, we end up in the swell. How is Ireland and mothering for you? I would say luck of the irish, but with a sarcastic tone especially when we're hurting. Best wishes.

dhabib July 31st

It’s awful have challenges with anixety panic I constantly get it my dad fights with me confronts me it goes on for a lifetime for me I hate it 

Dossema August 1st

Have you tried telling it:

Hello, anxiety! I know you are trying to protect me and I am actually safe! We're friends, I had you so many times and I survived. I can do that again. Come on, give me your full blast!

SkolSuper1976 August 3rd

@IrelandsMomma Yes i do!