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How has your heartbreak 💔 changed your life



Heart breaks can be life altering and impactful in multiple ways. Thank you for opening this space for people to share about their experiences and feelings!

Feel free to use this place to share your thoughts as well.💛

User Profile: Clarity143
Clarity143 Tuesday

Hey forceful don't worry I totally understand what are you going from just beleive on yourself and work hard

@forcefulBirch2526 made me successful in life nd build my wealth nd empire 

User Profile: yankeesfan12
yankeesfan12 Tuesday

@forcefulBirch2526 I have much more time for my friends now and it feels like they appreciate me more than they ever have in my life. I have gained so much life experience as well in terms of discovering new people, making new relationships, and traveling. Although I still miss some things about my ex or our relationship, I realize that I would not have been able to go through all these amazing experiences if we were still together.

User Profile: siam2021
siam2021 Wednesday

@forcefulBirch2526 Never easy moving on from a broken relationship. especially if you have kids...separation can hurt into the 30s, not easy finding someone again, you dont have many friends either(especially if you are introvert). But life is about moving on and we have to find a way out. Motivate yourself and challenge yourself...
We can talk if you wish to. 

User Profile: IsaGuzNa90
IsaGuzNa90 Wednesday


mine broke last year when I lost my father... still is broken and just gathering the pieces to put it back together

User Profile: tinkatuff
tinkatuff 2 days ago

This comes at a perfect time.. my partner of 13yrs broke up with me a few weeks ago. I miss him like I would miss an arm or a leg.. like an integral part of me.

Mostly I'm scared of the future.

He was my protector. I dont want to face these scary times alone..

But this experience forces me to grow in new ways and much faster than before. I'm learning new things about myself.. growing up a bit more each day.. learning how to trust myself and take care of myself. How to regulate my emotions and make good decisions. How to be alone with myself..

Sometimes I can see the value and beauty of that!

Also, this experience helped me grow in a spiritual way.. started bringing me closer to God. That is valuable as well!

User Profile: PugNinja
PugNinja 2 days ago

@forcefulBirch2526 He was something special, a beautiful person that triggered my fears.. I learn't alot about myself through him. x

User Profile: genericbeing
genericbeing 1 day ago

@forcefulBirch2526 One hand it messed it up more than anything else in life, but on the other it fades with time. So idk.