It is sad that you are always feeling lonely. I'm glad that you decided to post here, as finding ways to interact with people socially may help to reduce your loneliness. So congratulations on taking steps to do something about it.
On the basis that many individuals in a relationship feel lonely, and many people who are single don't feel lonely, I would caution you against the assumption that the cause of your loneliness is because you are single. I once thought the same and I turned out to be wrong. There's lots of other causes of a feeling of loneliness and maybe it will be helpful for you to check those out too?
Likely you feeling that something is missing. Some need you have that isn't being met. Maybe if you can identify exactly what it is, you might be able to find solutions for it?
Are there ever brief moments when you don't feel lonely? Maybe try to notice those, so that you can start to identify what works for you.
I hope your feeling of loneliness improves soon.
@Great4Sam 100% relate
@Great4Sam it sucks to be single tbh…the gym is the only place I get to smile when I come home it’s sadness I hope I find a man that’ll value me someday 🥲
@Ampearl1234 You will you will, keep trusting in yourself and it will happen bringing smiles to you.
@Great4Sam same age, we can be friends, so we call ourselves as "Two less lonely people in the world" by Air supply😂😂 I'm just kidding, making things lighter coz we are on thesame page.
This is exactly where I am. I've only had a couple romantic relationships and feel shame for making it to this age and really not knowing what I'm doing.
You aren't alone, we're in this together!
Thanks for posting
@dirtFarmer oh sorry to hear that too. We are in this together
Head up its going to get better, here if you want to talk🤞
A warm hug from here, I can relate to your pain right now, because I've felt it and in my case it came from fear of not meeting society expectations.
Society has obviously some expectations from us but every path is different and we shouldn't let those expectations discourage us or make us believe we're not in the right place, we are.
Maybe you're single because it's sometimes best to be single than in bad company. I'm also 38 amd haven't met societies expectations yet but I have my goals and my path, which help me calm down when the panic for not being where I am supposed to gets me (particularly at night). It's not fun to be in transition at this age, so I'm working on getting into a more stabe place.
I'm not sure you can relate to my experience, I only know that loneliness can be a trap and it's exacerbated by society telling us we need to have a partner. As @Clio9876 said, it is possible to feel lonely in a relationship (I've been there) and many feel supported and loved outside a relationship (I've been there too). The important thing is to act against loneliness and that may mean a partner but also a friend, community, etc.
I hope this can help, at the very least for you to see that you're not alone in you're loneliness. We're here too.
I agree on that this is good place to start. I mean like talking with others...
Even if it not make loneliness dissapear it may move away this feeling for a time of conversation😅
i’m 23 but i guess i’m on my way to live single for the rest of my life. i’m not bothered by it now, i don’t now if i’ll be later
I'm 38 and few years back being single did'nt bother me much, but now it's diffrent maybe because due to my mental and other health problems etc. It makes me wander why you say that's gonna be like permament for you.
Someone is 23, or 38 or 48 or 88. Nobody can properly understand anybody, Nobody can properly guide anybody. You will have to stand up. Friends, books, money, sleep, mindset, exercise. They can be helpful in becoming you Who you want to be. But. You will have to preserve, take care, understand, love yourself. How? Live truly Alone for a few months, without getting influenced by anything, not even travelling, or any person. Or simply doing the things Which you really want to do. For ex - you don't want to sleep, don't sleep, watch movie, but having a control is necessary, watch movie 1 day, 2 day, 10 day.. don't overdo, like u r doing it 365 days. And always try to compensate any negative habit wirh positive habit. 10 day bad sleeping vs next 11day good sleeping.
I can really relate.Age crisis is pressuring.
because even though i find many ppl that may be interested in me i can’t take any step forward with anyone it’s like i don’t find it worth the effort. relationships require energy, time and effort in order to work and looking at the dating scene and how ppl nowadays became self-entitled, most of them only wants to absorb your energy, and give you nothing in return, that’s why i don’t find it worthy.
You've got strong pointers, gotta admit, still you have plenty of time to bump into someone that's not fitting description above😅
I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. If you don’t mind me asking, have you started to do anything new and different since you became single?